What kind of relationship are we talking here?
Do we mean some dude who's hitting her or just some dude who isn't being her little servant and put her in her place?
If it's the latter (which it usually always is), then no, she doesn't want a loving relationship.
The simple fact of the matter is that she's addicted to being treated badly. Maybe not badly, but she likes being put in her place. Consciously, she denies it. However, why would she stay with someone like this for so long?
Deep down subconsciously she actually thrives off this type of relationship. She is so attracted to the whole being dominated part of the relationship, that she doesn't know how she can trust a man who she can dominate.
I always remember my best friend from back home (the only one of my friends who I can hands down say has out of this world game). He had this girl named Gina.
Gina was beautiful, grew up with wealthy parents, and is now in law school. However, Gina didn't like 'loving' relationships. Sure, my friend would take her out from time to time, however she much better like to have sex and do what he wanted to do all the time.
I'll never forgot what he always use to say to her that blew my mind.
Whenever she would make a smart comment, he'd turn to her and say,
"Listen babe, you know you can't be makin' smart comments like that. You know I'm just going to f*ck that little mouth harder later tonight."
He would say things like this to her in front of her friends.
And that's the softcore version.
She didn't mind it.
And this isn't your town hoe; this is a successful woman who goes to law school @ an ivy league school.
Plenty of women like being treated like this. Once they learn it, it's like a drug. Nice guys drop in to the category of friend ever so easily.