Guru1000, one with an abundance of hot women knocking on his door IS NOT going to reject them..he's going to bang them all. What guy in his right mind is going to turn down 20 hot women who wanna get in his pants? If I were in that situation, I'd make it a point to bang EVERY hot woman who wants to get in my pants.
Try running a FT business and spinning a few plates and then repeat the above statement. Men with Abundance simply do not have the time to bang every hot girl who comes along.
Men with Abundance have lives filled with goals and accomplishments. Sex is simply the by-product not the goal.
I personally do not have time to spin 20 plates, so I would NEXT 17 of them and keep the best three.
When you make it a point to BANG every hot girl, you are operating from a Scarcity Mindset.
When you are in Abundance, you CHOOSE only the very best compatible candidates.
Second, you're wrong that hot women are more insecure with themselves. I've covered this once before. A woman who is being gawked at and drooled over everyday in public, as well as being hit on, is not going to be insecure. How can she be insecure? You perceive it as an insecurity, but you're wrong. They want VALIDATION. They want their ego's fed. Enough ego feeding is never enough for them. They know they're hot, but they still wanna be told so, because their ego's have no limit. That's what it comes down to. Common sense. The more you're drooled over in public, the more you're hit on, the hotter you're gonna think you are, hence you're not going to have insecurity issues.
Absolute hogwash.
Never fool yourself to believe that beautiful women are not insecure. Do not mistake EGO with insecurity.
Many models have eating disorders that stem from their insecurities.
I do not want to put you out there but you certainly have not gone out with your share of Hot Women, to state the above. I have been in two LTR's and many non exclusive relationships with models and they were by far the worst relationships to engage in for reasons of insecurity.