Thoughts on proceeding from natural game to no game at all


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
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An attractive woman need not game men; they are attracted to her automatically.

There must be an equivalent state for men. I think I am nearing it. It has little or nothing to do with appearance, at least in the sense of muscles.

Tactics and techniques may or may not be necessary training wheels in order to attain this state. They do encourage men to get out and talk to women by giving them verbal ammunition of sorts. Whether or not the tactics and techniques themselves become internalized or fade is unclear.

"The more you play the game, the less you know."

My game is currently as follows: I do nothing. I am completely and utterly passive from the perspective of pursuing women. I take initiative only to escalate our physical relationship.

I have women emailing me, calling me, messaging me, leaning into me, punching me, making eye contact with me, following me, being weird around me. I do absolutely nothing to earn this--nothing, at least, that I claim to fully understand.

A long time ago, I would use tactics and techniques and I would be able to draw direct correlations between actions and results.

"I told her C&F line#24 and she punched me, therefore I increased her attraction."

Now things have become so internalized, I could not actually describe to you what it is that I do. Is it my body language? Maybe my voice? My social status? My style? My availability? A combination?

In one sense, it scares me. Before I didn't have as much success, but I also knew exactly what techniques I was using. Now I have more success than I have ever had in my entire life, but I'm unsure exactly why. I'm not particularly 'trying.'

I have difficulty believing this many women are attracted to me. It still doesn't compute. I spent most of my childhood and teenage years either in front of a computer or being beat up or laughed at. I don't remember much of that because I have blocked out most of the specific details.

I feel a bit astray. I have this new life now and it's very good, and all of these women are attracted to me, but I can't seem to look back past the barriers I crossed.

I pick up on extremely, extremely subtle body language and voice tone. I can tell which women are attracted to which men.

Today, for example, a beautiful HB8ish entered one of my social groups. After no particular effort on my part, she tried to introduce herself to me, then tried to work with me on something.

She was wearing what I would describe as a bra that happens to cover part of your stomach as well with a hoodie over it, and while she was talking to me, she would open her jacked to expose more of her breasts to me. It was so obvious I wanted to laugh. Then she touched me all night, complimented me, and actually forced me to qualify myself. Yes, I'm 22, and I'm an engineer. It was like a job interview. I think I could be having sex with her right now. I'm not sure.

Sometimes I get all of this attraction and I just fumble it. This happens all the time. It's just like BAM, there's all of this attraction, and I don't know what to do to diffuse it. Ideally I would just sleep with them right then and there. I don't actually have time to do the crazy-ass several hour rapport phase with these women.

I know this is a confused rant. The game is a confusing thing. I have no game now.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
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3rd rock from the sun
...or as Bruce Lee says it... "using no way as way, having no limitation as limitation"...


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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I have a similar theory, and its based on a lot of the similar points you've made... basically, a persons sexual attraction gets heightened the more sex they have... and the more people that know about it... case study. Jenna Jameson. shes hot, but not the hottest woman around. men desire her, b/c they know she's a sex star, not b/c shes hot. another case study. we could even say, from what you've said... YOU. women see the other women drawn to you, and the subtle thought processes begin, that make them curious. that alone is enough to elicit their attention.

The more you are, the less you have to be, basically.

I feel ya, I know where you're coming from... it's like being in the eye of the storm... the hard part is not loosing it and getting sucked back into the mix....


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
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Originally posted by DjDreamer
...or as Bruce Lee says it... "using no way as way, having no limitation as limitation"...
An interesting quote.

I hope that one day I sort all of this out. You know, a different girl called me today, one that's very obviously attracted to me as well. And I've been being artificial with her--counting the days between calls, being artificially challenging.

I like her. She likes me. Why can't we just sleep together? (I know the answers. This is rhetorical.)

Just like the verbal techniques have long since gone, I think it is now time for me to also eliminate what I call the practical techniques- when to call, how to date, how to close.

I know what I want. Why do I need techniques to get it? My behaviour on the phone with this girl was stilted because I still have residual practical techniques floating in my head even though all of the verbal techniques are gone. I think maybe these are what is interfering with my diffusing of this attraction. I somehow think it has to be complicated.

Nothing that is internalized is actually complicated.

Stephane of IdeaGasms says that true love is when you think of a woman and feel at peace. (Whereas "AFC" ness is when you get excited and anxious.)

I keep thinking of the women in my life right now, all of them, and I just feel so very much at peace. Some of them I know are attracted to me but I haven't eve kissed or slept with them. But just thinking about them somehow puts me at ease.

It's like my role is to just let them know that it's going to be just put my hand on their back and communicate that message.

I wish I could communicate all of this love I have in person. Some of it must surely come through. But I was taught to be aloof by the seduction community. Aloofness is a technique. It's not serving me now. I want to get rid of it. All inner game is just genuine love for other people and for oneself.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
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Originally posted by mattathensga
I have a similar theory, and its based on a lot of the similar points you've made... basically, a persons sexual attraction gets heightened the more sex they have... and the more people that know about it... case study. Jenna Jameson. shes hot, but not the hottest woman around. men desire her, b/c they know she's a sex star, not b/c shes hot. another case study. we could even say, from what you've said... YOU. women see the other women drawn to you, and the subtle thought processes begin, that make them curious. that alone is enough to elicit their attention.

The more you are, the less you have to be, basically.

I feel ya, I know where you're coming from... it's like being in the eye of the storm... the hard part is not loosing it and getting sucked back into the mix....
I don't really concern myself about "losing" it... it seems to only amplify itself. If only due to statistical regression, I sometimes have down periods lasting half days to a day, but those are often accompanied by unprecedented growth.

I know a lot of guys who get laid a lot more than I do, but I don't think they generate as much attraction as I do. They look at women as targets. I can see it when they interact. It's from the frame of "I have experience with women and I know how to get you to sleep with me."

It really IS very manipulative in a sense.

In one sense I have to give them credit for closing the deal so much more often than I do. But in another sense, I despise their motives.

Jack McCrack

Senior Don Juan
Dec 24, 2004
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I think I know exactly what you mean and I have experienced this personally.

My take on it is that it is a natural cycle in a way.