I for one must say there is no such thing as 'security'. Everything in life is a gamble. In my opinion, if a woman wants 'security', she wants a free ride off your a$$. My first date is coffee or meeting at a public place. If we agree on going to a restaurant later on - conversation going great, good rapport - I make it a point we go dutch. If she asked me out to dinner, it is customary that she pay. If I ask, I pay.
I try to get in the first three dates going to venues without having to pay for anything so as to get a feel for her. Is she psyco, selfish, emotionally unstable, has a chip on her shoulder, etc., etc? The last thing you want is to sit at a restaurant knowing within the first 15 minutes that there is no way this person is going to have another date with you and suffer having to talk to this person for a few hours. Not to mention the awkward moment when the bill arrives and she suddenly excuses herself to go to the bathroom. If we both know that there is not going to be a second date, I have stopped a women on their expeditious path to the ladies room and told her in a nice way "by the way, do you want to charge your half of the bill or will you be using cash?" They get the idea.
By the way, this is a pet peeve of mine, if I ever get so much as a whiff that she is
texting her friend or fields a call during my time over dinner with her, unless it is an absolute emergency call, and I do mean absolute emergency, I always make it a point to lose her number. Sometimes depending on my mood I may even end the date right then and there.