Thoughts about seeing an ex last night ...


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2013
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So last night I was on a date with a girl Ive been seeing for about a month. While at the show we ran into another girl I had been dating for a few months before that.

We had stopped seeing each other for about a month or so prior to last night. We had great sex, the feeling was mutual. I screwed up by eventually her losing interest to some beta traits I had been displaying. It ended when she texted me one night saying that she was having emotional issues and anything more than hanging out with friends was too overwhelming for her. Long story short she lost her 4yo daughter recently and has been dealing with that.

She proceeded to say she didn't see the relationship between us working out right now, and best of luck. I went no contact after that and last night was the first time I spoke to her since.

It was a bit awkward and she seemed a bit unsettled that I was there with another girl. One of her friends kind of glared at me like how could I do that. I knew she might be there, but that was not the reason for me bringing another girl.

She sort of sort of stormed away while sarcastically asking if I was a fan of the band we were listening to.

My question is was did I do something wrong here or is she overreacting? She was the one that called off the relationship. I will admit I have a little bit of feelings for her. Should I have not brought this other girl? I dont want to come of as being tacky, but as far as I'm concerned she has no reason to be upset with me right?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2012
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No, you didn't do anything wrong by bringing another girl with you. She ended things with you so you are free to move on with your life.


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2013
Reaction score
That's how I feel, but her reaction seemed a bit immature. Who knows what she told her friends about how it ended. I have no hard feelings but if anyone should I think it would be me. That's why I was thrown off a little bit.