This stuff works well, I think....


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Hey guys, I am new to the board, and I have to say, that I wish I had this stuff handy several years ago, before making an idiot of myself.

It would've saved me much time and heartache. :D

I can tell you firsthand that I've done much of the AFC stuff and sat there wondering, WTF?!? What did I do wrong? Is she going to call? Why don't women like me? Blah blah blah....

I went through a bad relationship, in which I gave my all and everything to my ex, only to be dumped for some other dude. After playing her, she'd return, and I'd let her back in, thinking things would be fine and "love" would overcome our problems.


I got over it and did much soul searching. Read philosophy, hung out with my friends, and I started working out. I saw a complete change in not only my appearance, but also in the attention I received from women. It was like night and day. I not only felt bigger, stronger, and more confident, I was able to get valuable advice from my firends, whom I tuned out earlier, not wanting to believe them when they said I was making mistakes, giving too much, and being weak.

All that they said rang true, and I realized that I was much too soft. Women hate that. I saw the error of my ways and it changed my life. I got rid of all the sterotypical notions I had earlier about women, love and relationships.

I never thought that she would play me, that she was much too "nice and sweet", but boy was I wrong. Only after I found my seeds and decided not to be played with did I get her to come towards me. That is the only way you can win a woman back. Trouble is, I didn't want her anymore. I was done. The more I ignored her, the more she'd call. She even show up to my workplace and apartment, but I ignored her. I held firm.

Sure, I could have had some great sex, but I was still too wounded. It was much too soon, but I learned alot about myself.

Don't let it happen to you. Becareful with what you give and how much. Be a mystery. Do NOT talk about your emotions and be decisive in your actions. Do not waffle and ALWAYS show confidence. Women can smell fear like dogs.

I can also tell you first hand, that chicks love kino. It completely screws with their head. There are few things more powerful than the human tocuh. Use it and use it well.

Again, I have used much of this stuff and didn't even realized that there were theories and such on how to deal with women. Now that I look back, I remember that you can be successful using one or several combinations of these theories. Try them all, but continue to use what works best for you, what makes you feel more comfortable, what brings you more success.

Good luck and happy hunting. Great site!!!!


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
I went out with this chick the other night and things started off well.

Ended up having drinks and we were sitting pretty close. I started kino by doing some indirect brushing of her arm, etc. I then started placing my hand on her back and she didn't seem to mind at all.

She would lean in and I made sure we had close eye conact.

She then took notcie of my watch, and remarked how nice it was, especially the band. This was great, because earlier, she talked about how much she loved the water(jetskiing, sailing, whitewater rafting, etc).

I told her it was stingray, and she freaked out!!! She leaned forward in her chair and acted the way chick normally do when the see a snake or rat or something. She had the image of a snake, even though she knew exactly what it was.

I took full advantage and kinoed like a muther :D

I took the watch and would "threaten"her, forcing her into my arms, and I would take her hand and try to get her to feel the band. I took the strap and tried to brush it along her back, but she would just sit foward and beg me not to do it. I then alternated by taking it and brushing her pretty feet or her arms, and had fun eciting her. I had the power, and at the same time, I was able to let her feel that I was not some wuss, that I was sexual and loved to feel her, tocuh her.

It was on now. Major eye contact, and her twisting in my arms. She didn't mind, though. She got closer and I was then able to kiss her shoulders and hold her pretty close.

I used ****y but funny and joked about me protecting her. Everything juust seemed perfect. It just rolled naturally. I told her that maybe she should get a pair of sandals in stingray and she laughed, turned close to me and let me grab her pretty sandaled feet, which I started caressing.

I had ordered some dessert, and fed her some, then told her that she had some on her lips, which I wiped off slowly. I then gave her more and purposefully "slipped" and put more on her face, which I wiped off slowly again.

After we left, she said that she hated cigarettes and could smell it on her clothes. I grabbed her hair and then the back of her neck, pulled her close, and sniffed, so the I could "see for myself". I did it again and told her "I don't smell anything".

At the end of the night, I reached over and kissed her straight on the lips. She was going to give me the kiss on the cheek thing, but I cut her off and went straight for her lips again, and she had no problem with it. I was almost out the car door, when I went back and made out with her again. No way. None of that friends ****. I was serious.

She told me she really enjoyed the night. I haven't set anything down yet, but I'll go balls out the next time we go out. Maybe this weekend.

Guys, the old me, say 8 years ago, would never have taken these chances. In fact, I probably would have passed up on them had I not found this board a few weeks ago.

Don't let fear rule you. I used to. I let it run me straight out of relationships and opportunities. When you have a chance, run with it. Use your natural sexuality to YOUR advantage. YOU are a man, and for a reason. Show that you are in charge, but always remain calm.


Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
yes its true but the thing is. when u are in ltr you got to say you love her sometimes and ****. then the stuff gets complicated. i sometimes say i love her more than i do really, just to make her calm.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
I don't doubt that, in fact, I think you should say so. All I am saying is that you should limit how OFTEN you say it.

There's a glass ceiling effect on those that we have relationships with. It is psychological. The praise you heap on your spouse or partner is probably well received, but think about how often she's heard how nice her hair looks, or how sexy an ass she has.

Let a stranger say it, though, and you'll see a total change in her response.

You only have so much to gain. Say it every once in awhile, and it will really have some meaning. I am in no way saying that you should be a complete rock and show NO emotion at all, just limit them, especially early on if dating.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
From your posts, I can tell you truly understand the concepts. Good Job! And good that you didn't take your ex back. She didn't deserve you.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Thanks, Swoop.

I am still learning, as all of us.

I learned the hard way, trust me. I pissed away plenty of good advice, simply because I was in "love". What it was really, was a fear of being alone.

People will put up with the nonsense that they do know, rather than walk away and face the unknown by themself. That is not life. You should never let fear control you, rule you. I let many an opportunity slip by, simply because I was afraid.

Besides having great friends, who are wise as hell, I worked out, which made me bigger and stronger. That worked for me. My confidence grew. Do what works for you, just keep in mind many of the lessons here.

Had I not visited this site the other day, I probably would have played things a bit too conservative, and strayed too far. It is good to have this stuff as a reminder, to keep you in check.

I will tell you, as many others here have, that it does work. Just tinker with these combos and use it so that it comes naturally.

I am still a newbie to this site and I find the direct/indirect, mystery, cold approach stuff very interesting.