This Site is for Fake Dons

Nooby Doo

Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
New Joisey
You are all keyboard jockeys. It is sad to see so many of you analyze situations like "theres this ONE girl"

ONE girl?

out of millions you are fixated on just one?

or "what do you think of this?"

Hah! Too weak-minded to form your own opinions? Pvssy.

or "Does she like me?"

Grab her ass and find out you loser.

Here is my question for you Master Dons:

Where are the field reports? Where is the progress? You have these guys with 2,000 posts complaining how they are stuck in a rut.

Well DUH! If you are posting here so damn much, then there is your friggin problem. You have no life or friends worth mentioning if you use this place to do your socializing.

You will all be fake-ass wannabes until you get some experience in the REAL WORLD.

Stop being a bunch of whining effeminate chumps and get some booty already. It isnt that hard. All it takes is persistence and balls.

Of course if you are happy to keep reading post after post of retarded flames while you masturbate to Player Supremes picture, then be my guest

I would join ya, but would much rather go out and meet some hotties.

You all suck. I am leaving now.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Hey Scooby Doo go chase your bytches (female dogs) on the street where you belong - this site is for fellas who are about self-improvement and development to become a better man. Some people don't have the big balls you have and are humble enough to ask for assistance! Do you have a problem with that?


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Funny ****, I agree with everything he said...He jsut doesn't realize that 99% of the threads are from noobs who don't get it...The veterans who are trying to give back to the community give advice only...

Jersey trash generally don't understand tact, but they understand aggressiveness, you can learn a lesson from his rant...

In some respects, the fact we talk about the 'bible' and overanalyze all these minor situations gives people the idea that this place is the center of it all....Well it isn't, the should only be a supplement to your every growing social/love life...Your reliance on sosuave should ween off as you understand your incorrect mindset and fix it...

These threads pop up every couple of weeks, and its a good reminder that the action you get in bed is a direct result of your action in everyday life, and not tips from this site....
Jan 6, 2004
Reaction score
el estado de la sol
Makes sense...

You're right! I'm posting advice on what I should do every few days- why should I care? I need to just do it and find out on my own.

Thanks for the advice, though men don't act like jackasses, which is frankly what you are.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
You know, you are a blind moron. Sure, some of what you say applies to people here. But you seem to forget that there are DIFFERENT people with DIFFERENT skills. You just categorize everyone into one type because you see some AFCs here.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
It's nice to know that ND cares so much for the welfare for the guys on the board. Makes me wonder if he has first hand knowledge on what he expounds, too bad he's gone... :rolleyes:

cest la vie


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Thats very true...

I've been on this site, for about, more than a year...

Guys don't even dream, about, how they delude themselves with all those "tactics". They think, that "tacticks" or some stupid tricks will get them girls. Ok. so they find some "trick", they GO OUT, try that, and... SCORE!!! IT WORKED! That's just amazing, IT really works, I can't believe! (yes, I had similar reactions eralier)
Just they don't realize, that ONLY thing, that worked, is them GOING OUT, and doing SOMETHING. Yes, I guess, thats the only good thing, this site teaches.

GIRL DETERMINES, WHENEVER SHE LIKES YOU OR NOT, IN FIRST FEW SECONDS. Thats all, basta, kaput, fin. It doesn't matter, what you'll do, if she doesnt like you from the start. ANY phucking "trick" will not "reverse" her mind... :-/

All that "Be a man", "Be the prize." .... are just for securing your EGO, from the truth. But earlier or later, that turns back to you.

ONLY one good/real site about womens seducing is SW101... Just a lot of people have a short attention span to undersand info there. But I think, owner of that site, created very good mechanism, to throw out, those, who'll never get "it" (or who aren't ready) by writing looongass txts, in a difficult style... ;)



Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score

.... so all in all, the ethos on this site is going thru a transition:

We're going from a place where egos and hopes are consoled (bascially an ego-re-hab place for wounded souls and hopeless dorks), to a place which in it's most basic and purest sense, is about self-improvement (as it should have been from the beginning, without all this "pimping" nonsense).

Improving our worth as people (by getting a better education, being better read, by practicing being more outgoing, assertive in approaches, etc.) is the only way to raise our value in the eyes of women (of course we also do it for our own pleasure too...). Handsome men are the only ones that can get away with headgames and "tactics", as they have their looks to fall back. For average or ugly guys, this is the only way. Be more interesting. Get fit. Read books. Travel. Don't even dream about "pimping". Get a REAL LIFE. That is your life path.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
For once I agree with jake.

He said

We're going from a place where egos and hopes are consoled (bascially an ego-re-hab place for wounded souls and hopeless dorks), to a place which in it's most basic and purest sense, is about self-improvement (as it should have been from the beginning, without all this "pimping" nonsense).

My answer

I agree 100 percent with jakey. Misery loves company. I've been complaining about this aspect of this site for quite some time. That is why I flame anyone who tries that at Players U.

Also since I've been on this site I've seen only one person who was ready for the level of pimping game and I sent him on his way to the proper place.

This site is the bottom of the rung but it doesn't have to act like it with all the whinning and complaining. We are men not women and we need to stop acting like them.

Jakey said

Improving our worth as people (by getting a better education, being better read, by practicing being more outgoing, assertive in approaches, etc.) is the only way to raise our value in the eyes of women (of course we also do it for our own pleasure too...). Handsome men are the only ones that can get away with headgames and "tactics", as they have their looks to fall back. For average or ugly guys, this is the only way. Be more interesting. Get fit. Read books. Travel. Don't even dream about "pimping". Get a REAL LIFE. That is your life path.

My answer

I agree in part with jake on this point also. Don't even think about going into a life of pimping...but I don't think anybody on this site really is. NathanNice was the only one I've seen with that level as I've stated above.

This is a site for learning to be Don Juans (Gentleman Players)..I do not agree with the "I'm here to better myself cop out". The folks that say this I've noticed are here late on a friday nite still bettering themselves and it never ends.

Why wait to better yourself and just start today.

This site is about getting pvssy...nothing more and nothing less.

It's not about getting a higher education...that's what college is for. People who preach this are going down the wrong path. It's not your education that will pull women it's how strong your game is.

I've been posting in the Anything Else section the words of a very highly educated man...who is a chess team coach and has written a book on getting women.

If your looking for the words of someone who has a higher degree and is actually doing the things you only dream about then read "his" words. Especially since he has his black belt in girl-foo!

Jakey is right in saying get a life. This site should be closed down on the weekends. Just pop in late on a weekend night and you will see who is still here trying to better themselves and who is out there actually doing it.

Opinions on this site are like ass*hole's, everybodies got one.

You just need to listen to the right one fart at ya.

Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Nooby Doo

Stop being a bunch of whining effeminate chumps and get some booty already. It isnt that hard. All it takes is persistence and balls.

Of course if you are happy to keep reading post after post of retarded flames while you masturbate to Player Supremes picture, then be my guest

I would join ya, but would much rather go out and meet some hotties.

You all suck. I am leaving now.

I can't help that I look good to faggots mayne. I try not to hate on em... Like I posted on my alpha male thread. Grainers hate alpha''s their world now though...until those bombs land and then it goes back to us.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2003
Reaction score
My guess is he took someones advice here on a girl, the girl slapped him across the face and now he's bitter towards everyone on this website. If you dont like the site, dont come here, simle as that. But the mere fact you took the time to post all that makes it evident that theres some underlying issues you have which could posibly be worked out in therapy... ?

Nooby Doo

Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
New Joisey
Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm
You are very off-beat.
Yeah I used to beat off a lot. Now I get hot bytches to do it for me. :cool:

Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Hey Scooby Doo go chase your bytches (female dogs) on the street where you belong - this site is for fellas who are about self-improvement and development to become a better man. Some people don't have the big balls you have and are humble enough to ask for assistance! Do you have a problem with that?
Self improvement? I could have sworn that this site was about getting some booty (the art of attracting, dating and sexing women) You Pook worshippers crack me up! 99% of the content here is mental masturbation. You fools need to wake up and hit the streets already. You dont want me hogging all of the bytches do you, Shaggy?

Originally posted by DankNuggs
Jersey trash generally don't understand tact,
This is so true. You are pretty smart for a stoner.

Originally posted by pulchritudinous chum
men don't act like jackasses, which is frankly what you are.
THis is one of the major misconceptions on this site. The whole NiceGuy vs Jerk myth. Here is a newsflash for you.

A real man does whatever he damn well pleases and is not concerned whther he is peceived as nice or mean. He simply IS.

Originally posted by MVPlaya
You know, you are a blind moron. Sure, some of what you say applies to people here. But you seem to forget that there are DIFFERENT people with DIFFERENT skills. You just categorize everyone into one type because you see some AFCs here.
Well, DUH! Of course my blanket statements dont apply to literally everyone. Although I would definitely include you on my list of pathetic AFCs. How many posts do you have here already? Also, you seem to know alot about the history of this site, which leads me to believe that you are using a new handle after reaching 1,000 posts with another user name. I do like your new name though. It really suits you, Most Virginal Player.

Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
It's nice to know that ND cares so much for the welfare for the guys on the board. Makes me wonder if he has first hand knowledge on what he expounds, too bad he's gone...
Oh dont worry, I will return from time to time to give you pvssies a well deserved kick in the ass.

Originally posted by DDV
GIRL DETERMINES, WHENEVER SHE LIKES YOU OR NOT, IN FIRST FEW SECONDS. Thats all, basta, kaput, fin. It doesn't matter, what you'll do, if she doesnt like you from the start. ANY phucking "trick" will not "reverse" her mind... :-/

ONLY one good/real site about womens seducing is SW101...
Oh great. Another Destini 9 freak. First of all, let me say that there are some decent ideas on that site, but you have pointed out the major flaw in her theory right here. While it is true that women will make up their minds pretty quick about your fukkability, it is utter BULLSHYT to believe that you cant change a womans perception of you at all. Very self-limiting belief right there.

Also may I add that no website has all the answers. Only YOU can determine what works and what doesnt. Anyone who tells you differently is a fukking liar in my opinion.

Originally posted by jakethesnake
Improving our worth as people (by getting a better education, being better read, by practicing being more outgoing, assertive in approaches, etc.) is the only way to raise our value in the eyes of women (of course we also do it for our own pleasure too...). Handsome men are the only ones that can get away with headgames and "tactics", as they have their looks to fall back. For average or ugly guys, this is the only way. Be more interesting. Get fit. Read books. Travel. Don't even dream about "pimping". Get a REAL LIFE. That is your life path.
Very noble words from someone with a less than noble username. However I have to agree with Player Supreme here. YOu wanna improve yourself? Thats awesome. But this site is all about the punani. Let stop playing these silly delusional headgames and call a spade a spade, cuz my man, we all came here to get laid!

To Player Supreme:

I may not wack off to your picture but you spit some good knowledge and have earned my utmost respect. If I am ever in the Sacramento area I would like to meet you in person, shake your hand and challenge you to a Mack-a-thon. I got plans to head to Cali next winter so you better stay sharp grandpa!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Nooby Doo

To Player Supreme:

I may not wack off to your picture but you spit some good knowledge and have earned my utmost respect. If I am ever in the Sacramento area I would like to meet you in person, shake your hand and challenge you to a Mack-a-thon. I got plans to head to Cali next winter so you better stay sharp grandpa!
I'm laughing about your Player Supreme fixation. You bust on people for worshipping Pook, then you finish your post by giving Player Supreme's sack a good tongue-down. Kinda blows your credibility.

That being said, you DO make some good points. But this site is about ATTRACTING women more than it is about PURSUING them. And the only way to ATTRACT women is to make yourself more ATTRACTIVE to them. Thus, the self-improvement angle.

Even your beloved pimps follow the self-improvement angle...only their idea of improvement is...well...unique.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
You have to realize the SITE is not for fakes, but most of the posts are FROM fakes.

It takes brains to type it out, but it takes balls to do it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Is it just me or does everybody on here (including nooby doo) seem to make women their first priority in life? Theres other stuff in life too u know..not just women. I think most of yall shouldnt take this **** too damn seriously.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Nooby said
My answer

You said
My answer
Self improvement? I could have sworn that this site was about getting some booty (the art of attracting, dating and sexing women) You Pook worshippers crack me up! 99% of the content here is mental masturbation. You fools need to wake up and hit the streets already. You dont want me hogging all of the bytches do you, Shaggy?

My answer

Some idiots stupidly think it’s about going to school and reaching some mythical high ideals of manhood. This has been my complaint about calling yourself a Don Juan when the original Don Juan wasn’t about “I’m here to better myself”. He was about getting pvssy. Not debating and politicking about it…nevermind my made up word.

The problem here is one man set a direction and like sheep everybody follows. I think Pook said be yourself and follow your own path. If bettering himself works for him then so be it. You don’t see him posting on here Friday nights late. He is out there doing what he said.

Nooby said

THis is one of the major misconceptions on this site. The whole NiceGuy vs Jerk myth. Here is a newsflash for you.

A real man does whatever he damn well pleases and is not concerned whther he is peceived as nice or mean. He simply IS.

My answer

Yes! Somebody actually get’s it now. The state of beingness. You just are!

Nooby said

Very noble words from someone with a less than noble username. However I have to agree with Player Supreme here. YOu wanna improve yourself? Thats awesome. But this site is all about the punani. Let stop playing these silly delusional headgames and call a spade a spade, cuz my man, we all came here to get laid!

My answer

I guess I’m not the only person who can see truth on this site! I will not take a cheap opportunity to flame right here. I’m man enough to keep my opinion to myself. Let’s see if others are.
Nooby said

To Player Supreme:

I may not wack off to your picture but you spit some good knowledge and have earned my utmost respect. If I am ever in the Sacramento area I would like to meet you in person, shake your hand and challenge you to a Mack-a-thon. I got plans to head to Cali next winter so you better stay sharp grandpa!

Anytime bruh. I recently put the people whom I considered not worth reading on Ignore. You should do the same. I call it roach controll.


You have to realize the SITE is not for fakes, but most of the posts are FROM fakes.

It takes brains to type it out, but it takes balls to do it.

:D Yeah look who is on here late on a friday night or saturday names mentioned **cough cough***the j names*cough cough

:cool: I think we all know who the fakes are! And they know who they are. Watch how they will attack posts like this...or folks who have real game.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Great, your point was made Nooby, it takes a real big man to come in here a declare everyone a loser, and at the same time you and only you have it all figured out. You can spout all you want that your a man, you don't give a ****, in reality, your just another guy like everyone else.

I don't care how cool you think you are, you contour your image to what you think people want, weather thats your "New Joisey" tough guy image, or whatever you think you are. Your lying to yourself if you don't think its true. And if you think that a tight black T-Shirt and a cheesey metal chain is what all the girls want, you may need to wander beyond the limits of you pollution and trash filled state.

So you don't want to help out these wandering souls that post ridiculous threads on the nuances of their crushes and attempts at relationships, so leave, or lurk around and read. But add something to the mix if you're going to stay...

That is all....

Those who think they know the most generally know the least....