The thing is...all of our problems are mental, amongst ourselves. Sure in the physical sense we may be broke, have parents we don't get along with, may be even physically handicapped, but it isn't like we can't do...anything. Otherwise you wouldn't be here. So that's the good thing. The fact you're here means you can and have to be willing to improve, change, grow, become more aware, open your mind up, etc.
Having the ability and knowledge that you can choose and change is so HUGE, that should be uplifting already!
Where I see guys get frustrated is can only be upset if you've resolved yourself to NOT finishing what you start. Eventually, what you want, what you're working on, has to materialize. And it will, but people give up. Moreover, things come to different people at different points in time. We're all on a separate journey, starting at different points in time, so we mustn't compare our progress with another person's progress.
But the strain for perfection in a negative way suggests "incompleteness." As if you are flawed. I think alot of guys come from that angle. I know I did years ago. I saw "improvement", not as a way to test myself, not as a way to live, but as a goal that when I got "to that point," I'd be happy. Not true. "Getting something" won't make anyone happy. I believe it's the realization that you have the "power to get what you want" and be effective in life that makes people happy. Alot of people want the money, not to buy things, just to prove they can do it and have it, IF they need it. In the Millionaire Next Door, its not glaringly obvious who's rich and who isn't. They didn't do it for the money. The money is a buy product of sound savings and investment strategies, and something they enjoy doing, be it self employment or a big corporate job.
The first step, in my opinion, is for guys to "forgive and forget" their past. Give up the anger, and embark on a new journey. Don't blame your parents. Don't blame anyone. This is just, your destiny. It begins NOW. Sure, some guys got chicks sooner than you. Ok, so what? Doesn't mean you can't begin now, right, at say 20, 21, 22? And in a year, or 2, or 5, people will only know you as a ladies man. But so long as you think "well I was never BORN THAT WAY, so I can never be that way," you affirm what everyone what thinks and maintain the CURRENT reality as such, and never change life as you know it. Yeah, nothing is immediate. A thought might take hold now, a positive one, and its replaced with a negative one tomorrow. Press on. Push it out of your mind. Resolve to the current path.
Wyldfire WAS/IS on the right path when you try to ask and formulate CONSTRUCTIVE conversation, debate and advice for the benefit of all. This is a military bootcamp. We don't want obedient sycophants. We want free thinkers. You want to RELEASE the mind from the holding prison it has been placed in, one which gives credence to ALL forms of life around him, and none to himself. Cease the connection between authority figures, expectations, conventions, society, parents, friends, xgfs, bosses, co-workers, and break all assumptions.
So with 24,000 members we can't work together? If the majority has a common, positive goal, then they will keep whatever ruffians crop up and create dissent. It's ok to have divergant opinions, but to down, name-call, diss, humiliate, or insult other members...well, you might as well cancel your membership. Not because I don't believe in free speech, but because this site isn't, and shouldn't be, about that. The world does enough of that to you, people come here to get away from that. From time to time we have realign things and say..."yes the world isn't fair, it shouldn't be, it's "just", and it's done this way because IT makes all people equal, and to work for what they want." Who knows what the world would be like if it was fair? What sort of rules would it install? Rules similar to our perceptions of morality? Or, some other set of rules? What if the rules inforce worked counter, or worse, than the ones we have? What then?