first of all, it's common.. very common knowlege that jesus christ was not born on "christmas day".. according to history books, the time of the year and all the stars and **** like that, it was actually some time in mid/early spring when he was born.
however december 25th has been a Greek(or roman) holiday for years.
Did you also know the only reason we have 12 months in a calender year (or at least the 12 as we know it) is because Augusts had little **** syndrome and Julius had a month named after him (July) and August had a month renamed for him, and had an extra day tacked on for good measure (August)
but what the fvck does that benefit me? I'll sleep at night.. and considering my mom's birthday is on that extra day, i'll remember to tell augusts thanks
The most important person in Christianity is not Jesus, peter or paul... but Constantine.... because if it weren't for him, and his newfound intervention, Christians would still be getting their heads chopped off and Christianity would probably still be considered a pagan religion that is not very popular.
Truth is, if you do your research, Christianity , and not just Christianity, but most religions, have some aspects stolen from other earlier cultures and has been integrated into theirs.
years ago we didn't have science... we did but it sucked. If we didn't understand something, it's ovbiously god.
Even know we do it. People faced with crap they can't understand "leave it in the hands of the lord"
You'd think that a culture, a world that can clone people, take pictures of ploto, dig to damn near the middle of the earth, make the microchip, which might be the most important invention of the last 5 centuries if you ask me... still believe in Santa Claus... but I digress
Keep in mind, i'm an atheist, so this is coming from non Christan point of view
The Noah's Ark is a story that was (i won't use the word stolen because i can't prove it, meaning I don't have the book right here in my hand) also found earlier, about 1500 years earlier in Mesopotamia
The story of jesus has a striking resemblance to a particular Babylonian god like creature, and (I don't remember his name off the top of my head) mythical figure from the ancient Indian/west culture (might be mentioned above)
Jesus, and there is no concrete proof that he even existed though I would bet that he was a living person, if he did live, was not considered a hero.. he was considered insane by most of his own people!
if you went on national TV right now and started telling everyone you are God's Son.... what would happen?
But little "shocking" tidbits don't make the whole... these aren't the reasons I stopped going to church and proclaimed atheism.. that's for another thread.
but it's not fair to people to throw little tidbits of info out there, making you think the entire world is a cover up. truth is, it's out there, for you to see.. most people are just too damn lazy and stupid to try. no one is hiding anything.