penkitten said:
when you read what i post on this forum, do you believe that i am sexist or hostile towards the males here?
i was raised in a home with 3 brothers, and my mother had a softer heart for them than she did for me. it wasn't anything to be mean, she just always felt she needed to be harder on me to teach me the lessons that she needed to.
now i have a home with two sons and two daughters. they are not hateful towards each other.
pen, you aren't sexist at all. in fact, the fact that you hang out here and engage in conversations suggests that you are one of those females who doesn't take a side, but rather is more interested in discussion that leads to the truth - whatever that truth may be.
now, having said that, it is natural for women to want to discreminate against men, and men against women. the reason is that most people in life need someone to blame. 'my life isn't the way i want it because of x, y or z.'
for people in the kkk, its all because of the blacks. for people in the black panthers, its all because of the whites. for women its because of men. and for men its because of women.
short people have a bias against tall people, fat peopel against skinny people, poor people against rich people, blondes versus brunettes, etc.
this is human nature. and its ignorant, stupid and generally maladaptive to the evolution of our species and society.
which is why the best route for all of us to take is to abandon all of these prejudices that exist in our society and try to live OUR lives by our own rules. to approach everyone with an open mind, not assuming we know anything about them just because they are tall or short, drive a nice car or a clunker, etc.
unfortunately, 95% of society doesn't do this. women teachers are highly biased against male students, because there are a lot of 'man haters' out there - and while they may not look like man haters, deep down they have a lot of resentment towards males.
i mean, men are no better. im sure there are lots of male teachers who stare at their female students breasts instead of focusing on helping them develop academically. and while this may seem non-damaging, to the female student whose teacher seems more interested in her boobs than her brain, it sends a
message to her (whats most important about you is the two bags of fat on your chest). its just as damaging to her psyche as the female teacher who judges the boys more harshly simply because they are male (teaching these kids that women will treat you unfairly in life, so you better see them as your advesary).
prejudice is a chicken and egg phenomena. we say 'be afraid of black people, they are aggressive.'. then people stay away from the black man. which then p*sses the black man off. and voila... self fulfilling prophecy "see, look how aggressive he is.' ummm no sh*t hes aggressive because people treat him like he has the plague.
in truth there is WAY more in common among any 2 human beings - white, black, male, female, etc. - than there are differences. but we exaggerate these differences and create self fulfilling prophecies that reinforce our prejudices. when if we never had the prejudice in the first place, the things we are prejudice against would never have materialized. if we hadn't laid the egg the chicken would never have appeared.