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this month in mensa..


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
so this month in gio's mensa magazine, a lady writes an article about her teaching career.
she goes into detail to say that in the ten years she has been teaching, she has been taught or told to make sure the girl students are not ridiculed by the boys about being dumb or that they can't be something when they grow up. they are to make sure the boys do not interrupt them while they are answering questions and to make sure there are positive female role models to be introduced. the girl students are outspoken and confident.
the problem she is seeing is that there is no one sticking up for the same rights for the boys that women fought so hard to get themselves. the girls ridicule the boys , t shirts that say "boys drool, girls rule" being worn etc...
the article was 2 pages long, and in the end concluded that she thinks that the boys generation is or will be suffering due to this sort of stuff.

we keep bringing the subject up about this new generation not being taught correctly, and the boys (the majority) lacking in male role models.

what are some things that we can do to help?

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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Teach them how to be men.

Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
The Bat said:
Teach them how to be men.
the schools aren't promoting the learning of the boys as they are the girls anymore. maybe they don't have fathers at home?
who is to teach them?
how can we make something change?

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Slowly the pendulum starts its swing back!

Very phallic imagery, come to think of it. How appropriate.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
We have to change the hiring policies.

I do believe that the fundamental structure of our education system will have to change in the near future.

You see, school systems generally hire snappish, overwhelmed, extremely short-tempered, menopausal women with degrees in teaching - and nothing else.

Instead, people who get a bachelor's degree in math or history should be able to go into teaching after a semester-long seminar. We have to make the teaching certification a minor hurdle. The whole "Master's degree in teaching" should be a non-issue or non-existent. Having an advanced degree is fine for someone who is researching the psychology of learning, but teaching jobs should be opened up to people outside of the insular career teaching field; even people who have held real-world jobs. That alone will make for a better gender balance among teachers, which will solve a big portion of the problem.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
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the great beyond
Damm!t I took the mensa home test and only scored in the 96th percentile!

2 more points! Just two more friggin' points!!



Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
phyzzle, could it be that not as many men go into teaching as women?

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
the great beyond
penkitten said:
the schools aren't promoting the learning of the boys as they are the girls anymore. maybe they don't have fathers at home?
who is to teach them?
how can we make something change?
OK to answer your question:

Home Schooling. Those kids constantly outperform the kids in public schools and are generally more emotionally and socially healthy.

Basically things are screwed up because our schools are run like our prisons (I sh!t you not, my lady). That being said, kids and kidaults act the way they do due to social conditioning:

I'm suspicious of this theory that thirteen-year-old kids are intrinsically messed up. If it's physiological, it should be universal. Are Mongol nomads all nihilists at thirteen? I've read a lot of history, and I have not seen a single reference to this supposedly universal fact before the twentieth century. Teenage apprentices in the Renaissance seem to have been cheerful and eager. They got in fights and played tricks on one another of course (Michelangelo had his nose broken by a bully), but they weren't crazy.

The above essay is a good starting point for why our schools don't work and how high-school is (sort of) the origin of the matrix. It's the origin of the matrix because it's a place where an artificial social environment is created: you are sheltered from reality and thus come out wanting to continue that shelter and end up a neurotic mess in full career girl style.

Home schooling isn't the long term answer, but for right now it's the best we have (I imagine there are some very good private schools out there, but how many people can afford that?)



Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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we are still in the 'men must pay' cycle of our societal evolution.

whether women want to admit it or not, most of them have a lot of underlying anger towards men. because they grew up listening to older women go on and on about how chauvanist men are and how men have held women back etc.

so these girls grew up thinking 'booooo men. they try to hold you back. those chauvanist bastards.'

when in reality, most modern men are anything but chauvanist. most modern men, whether they know it or not, are FEMINIST!

see, just like guys look at the super hot chics and go 'women have everything without lifting a finger', so women look at the millionaire playboys and think 'men have everything.' - and so the men and women start hating based on examples that do not exemplify the gender as a whole by any means.

anyway, one last point. look at what is happening to spitzer. i mean, they are ripping this guy apart. now, i can understand trashing him because he's a hypocrite (prosecuting johns while being one himself), but thats not what they are trashing him for. they are ripping into him becuase he paid for sex.

i mean. WTF? of all the crimes you can commit in life, giving some chic 4k for an hour of her time is probably lower on the list than spitting on the sidewalk if you ask me.

and it sure isn't other men revelling in spitzer's misfortune. most men i know look at him and think 'man, sucks that you got caught. too bad dude.'

its WOMEN who are so interested to see a man get torn apart. especially a powerful man who uses his money to get the p*ssy when HE wants it and how he wants it .

anyway, make no mistake about it, there is definitely an underlying current of anger towards men by women. and ironically none of it has to do with anything men have done. women have simply been raise to believe that men are an excusable outlet to vent your anger at and that if you aren't happy with your life, somehow, someway, it's all because of men.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
There is a mentality that: "boys will be boys" and they should be left to thier own devices to figure things out.

This is a HUGE problem. It segregates the relationship between how young men interact with young women and forever stains thier paradigm. I know this happens though. Li'l K has her teachers circling her like wagons protecting her and the other young ladies from ridicule and embarrassment. The biggest problem with this is that it creates an air of hostility and mild favoritism.

What kind of message are we sending to young women on becoming independant, free thinking and mentally charitable when you show them that they must be guarded against young men?

It also teaches them that their actions are subservient and ultimately forgivable.

I'm of the thought that segregating the sexes is a worthy option. Strong minded, healthy, respectful female teachers would be an integral part of a young woman's maturation process. Just as it does young men with MENtors.

I am the only male in my household. Mrs K, Li'l K and we have 5 female dogs. As the head of my home I make it a directive to keep my presence within ear shot at all times. This helps to balance the excessive estrogen flowing through the Krib.

We must make it a goal in our lives to go out of our way to help a wayword young man out. If his Father is a fvckup should the child suffer or should we carry the cross for him and give him some life lessons of which he can build a foundation for permanent growth and stability?

I don't think we have any other choice.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
penkitten said:
phyzzle, could it be that not as many men go into teaching as women?
Yes, which is why the hiring standards should be changed to de-emphasize CAREER teachers, whose resumes consist of teaching degrees. That alone will allow more men into the profession.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
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The idea that it's assumed that boys get more advantages in schools and require to be held back a bit to allow girls a little more chance, doesn't fly with me.

Evolution in play, all i can say is "lets see if it makes a difference".

But something in the back of mind doesn't like it at all. I believe its somehow sexiest or just passes off as sexist.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Phyzzle said:
You see, school systems generally hire snappish, overwhelmed, extremely short-tempered, menopausal women with degrees in teaching - and nothing else.
You really do know my ex from 2006 don't you ?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
Luthor Rex said:
Basically things are screwed up because our schools are run like our prisons (I sh!t you not, my lady).
I once worked for a company whose only purpose was to manage prisons and schools. There was very little difference between the two operations. I think that they did a poor job at both. After all, their contracts were got by political connections, and most likely corrupt ones at that.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
People want to blame schools but I feel that's just a cop-out.

This is what happens when parents get LAZY.

More and more they are letting school, television and video games kill any real interaction with their kids. I've seen this more in American homes than anywhere else... there is practically no communication at home beyond small talk. The whole family is in a constant state of trance and this makes it easier for them to be fed erroneous information and propaganda.

If parents held a more active role in their children's development, if they were more INVOLVED, then they would not put up with half the garbage that is being fed to our youth.

Mark my words - the next big revolution won't begin on the streets.. it will start at home when more people turn off the TV and spend quality time - telling stories, sharing their experiences and generally connecting with each other.

The first step to solving a problem is knowing that it exists to begin with.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
This is a great thread. Even women are getting that generations of males are being handicapped.

Please don't take this the wrong way, penkitten, because I really like your posts. You seem to really get it. I do think that it is sad though, that it has gotten so bad that WOMEN are now taking up the cause for young males get the mentoring they need to be men.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
##17 said:
This is a great thread. Even women are getting that generations of males are being handicapped.

Please don't take this the wrong way, penkitten, because I really like your posts. You seem to really get it. I do think that it is sad though, that it has gotten so bad that WOMEN are now taking up the cause for young males get the mentoring they need to be men.
you are right because it is sad!
100 years ago, young girls needed more positive role models to show them that they could accomplish anything that they wanted and that they were just as smart as the boys. that is the truth.
even 50 years ago, young ladies still needed it.
however, in today's age, boys and girls need to be treated the same in school.
there should be equal amounts of men and women in the teaching career to offer both positive role models.
when the boys get caught punching each other out on the playground , it should not be considered any worse than the girls shunning a fellow girl on the playground.
the parents are too lazy and so are the teachers at school.
who the heck is buying shirts that say "boys drool"?
even the lady teacher in the article stated that the boys were not the ones coming to school in "girls suck " shirts.
all individuals are different, but all children should be taught in the same manner.
it should not be ok to tell the boys not to interrupt the girls in class, but not to tell the girls the same.
i have both sons and daughters and to be quite honest, my girls have always been way more outspoken than my boys. they need no further encouragement to be any more outspoken, instead i constantly have to discipline them for being constant tattle tales and control freaks that want the last word. it is my boys that need encouragement to speak their minds.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Being PC in America today often means emasculating males and making masculinity a bad word.
The assumption is that masculinity is evil and bad, and it needs to be 'controleed' because masculinity "oppresses' Women.

Males grow up ASHAMED of being Men.
So what do they do?
They look for approval from women.
And women want to know "WTF is wrong with this guy?"

This is part of being raised in the American School system and then reinforced in the workplace.

I remember being called into the Manager's office once because I touched a girl's elbow.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
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Real Boys by William Pollack is one of the best books I've read to date that deals with this topic. I highly recommend it.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
How did I miss this thread for so long. How we're "socialized" is the heart of the whole matter. Not as extreme but it's kind analogous how in the middle-east school often teach children to hate Isreal and the West.

joekerr31 said:
anyway, make no mistake about it, there is definitely an underlying current of anger towards men by women. and ironically none of it has to do with anything men have done. women have simply been raise to believe that men are an excusable outlet to vent your anger at and that if you aren't happy with your life, somehow, someway, it's all because of men.

This so spot on. Females are taught to hate men and taught to feel entitled. I can remember back in early elementary school way back in the early 80's all the things mentioned in this thread going on. Like in 3rd grade the late-30's feminist female teacher punishing the boys and rewarding the girls. The model the teacher was setting that boys are bad and victimizers and girls were model students and should favored was very palpable for the male and female students both. So they (teachers) brainwash and indoctrinate children at a young age. Now you got to figure most of those people are parents now rearing their children with this brainwashing in place and then sending their kids to the public schools to be indoctrinated further in the manner this article pointed out.

Then a guy goes on to college and it's more female-centric crap. Then when he graduates and looks for and finds a job. He sees the same mentality at the workplace. Maybe the HR manager is a woman with a chip on her shoulder. If a guy some how manages to not let all this seep into his consciousness, the government is going to force him to acept it through affirmative action. WTH?And let's not forget the media too.

Like some other posters said we need more male teachers in schools, and who aren't feminist collaborators. But the problem is so entrenched in public education, that it would probably take more drastic steps like vouchers so parents can send their kids to private schools of their choice. Because parenting nowithstanding, it's at the Elementary school level where this stuff is first and most effectively is indoctrinated in to minds. This where the chain and the cycle has to be broken.