
Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2002
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This is from a book that I am reading by WIlliam Atkinson.

Apparently you can control WHAT OTHERS THINK ABOUT YOU AND MAKE THEM LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if this works but it is really strange so here goes:



In this and the next chapter we shall present to you information regarding the effect of Mental Influence manifested when there is personal contact between the persons using the power and the person affected. Then we shall pass on to a consideration of the effect produced when the persons are not in direct contact with each other.

There are two general forms of the direct use of Mental Influence, which, although somewhat resembling each other, may still be separated into two classes. The first we shall call "Fascination" and the second "Hypnotism."

By Fascination we mean the manifestation of Mental Influence when the two persons are together, without passes or the usual hypnotic methods. By Hypnotism we mean the use of the power, also, when the two parties are together, but accompanied by passes or hypnotic methods.

Under the head of Fascination are to be found the manifestations generally known as "Personal Magnetism," "Charming," etc., is quite commonly employed, in varying degrees by many persons, often without their conscious knowledge of the principles employed. Many persons are possessed of the power of Fascination "naturally" and without having studied or practiced the principles. Many others, not originally possessing the power, have acquired by study and practice the power to influence people in this way. For, it must be known, the power may be acquired by study and practice just as may any other power of mind and body. To some it is easy, to others difficult - but all may acquire a very great degree of the power by intelligent study and practice of the underlying principles.

Fascination is one of the oldest forms of the manifestations of Mental Influence. It was known to, and employed by, the earliest races of men. It is even found among the lower animals that pursue their prey or capture their mates by its use. A recent writer on the subject has defined the word, used in this connection, as: "Acting upon by some powerful or irresistible influence; influencing by an irresistible charm; alluring, exciting, irresistibly or powerfully, charming, captivating or attracting powerfully, influencing the imagination, reason or will of another in an uncontrollable manner; enchanting, captivating or alluring, powerfully or irresistibly."

As we have just said, this power is observable even among the lower animals in some cases. Instances are related by naturalists, which scorpions have fascinated other insects, causing them to circle around and around until finally the insect would plunge down right within striking distance of the scorpion, which would then devour its prey. Birds of prey unquestionably fascinate their game, and men who have been brought in contact with wild tigers, lions, etc., have testified that they felt paralyzed in some manner, their legs refusing to obey their will, and their minds seeming to become numbed and stunned. Those who have seen a mouse in the presence of a cat will testify to the effect of some power exerted by the latter. Birds in the presence of a cat and serpents also manifest symptoms of a conquered will. And naturalists cite many instances of the employment of this force by birds seeking to captivate and charm their mates at the beginning of the season.

Among men it has been noticed that certain individuals possess this power to a great degree. Some of the "great men" of ancient and modem times having been so filled with the power that they could manage their followers almost as one would move automatons. Julius Caesar had this power developed to a great degree, and used it from youth to his last days. He was worshipped - almost as a god by his soldiers - who would undertake almost any task at his bidding. Napoleon also possessed this charm to a wonderful degree. It enabled him to control men with whom he came in contact, and to bend them to his will. He rose from a poor student to the dignity and power of the Emperor of France. When banished to Elba he escaped, and landing in France, alone and unarmed, confronted the ranks of the French army drawn up to capture him, and walking towards the soldiers compelled the latter to throw down their guns and flock to his support. He entered Paris at the head of the great army, which had been sent forth to capture him. This is no wild legend, but a sober fact of history. And in our own times we see how certain leaders of men sweep people before them and move them around like pawns on the chessboard of life.

All of the above mentioned phenomena comes under the head of Fascination, and is the result of the emanation of streams of active Thought-Waves from the mind of a person, the same being strongly concentrated and directed toward those whom the person wishes to affect. The person forms a strong thought in his mind and sends it out to the others charged with the force of concentrated will, so that the other person feels it most strongly and forcibly. The fundamental idea is the forming of the thought, and then sending it out to the other person.

If you wish to produce an effect or impress Strength upon another person, the same process may be used, changing the Thought and vibrations to the idea that you have a stronger Will than the other person, and are able to overcome his Will - using the silent message of "I am Stronger than you - my Will overcomes yours,"

Some successful agents and salesmen use the following method in reaching their customers. They form a thought that the other person desires their goods very much, and then they send out the Thought-Waves that "You desire my goods - you want them very much - you have an irresistible longing for them," etc.

Others use the following when they wish another to comply with their wishes: "You will do as I say - will do as I say - you will yield to me fully and completely," etc.

You will readily see from the above examples that the whole principle employed in any and all of these cases consists of:

(1) The Thought of what the person wishes the other to do held firmly in the mind; and

(2) The projection of that Thought to the other, silently, in the shape of unspoken words.

In the above you have the whole secret of Fascination condensed to a small space. You will understand of course, that the words are only a means of concentrating and vitalizing the thought. Animals merely feel Desires, but are able to fascinate by the strength of them, although they cannot use words. And one person may fascinate another without understanding a word of his language, the real strength coming from the strength of the desire behind the words. The formation of the desire-thought into words, is merely for the purpose of concentrating and focusing the thought, for words are concentrated symbols of ideas, thoughts or feelings.

.For instance, if you wish a person to like you, you should form in your mind this thought: "That person likes me," fixing it in your own mind as a fact. Then project to him the concentrated thought, "You like me - you like me very much," with an air of assurance and confidence, and the other person is bound to feel the effect unless he or she has acquired a knowledge of the subject and is using self-protection. The thought should be sent forth with the strength that usually accompanies a strong spoken statement, but you must not actually "speak" the words aloud - you should merely say them strongly "in your mind."

The exact process of "sending forth" the Thought-Wave to the other is difficult to describe. You know how you feel when you say something very forcible and emphatic to another person. You can fairly "feel" the force of the words being hurled at the other person. Well, cultivate that same power in sending forth the "unspoken word" in the above manner, and you will soon be able to notice the effect of the thought on the other. It may help you to imagine that you can see the force flying from you to the other. The imagination properly used helps very much in these matters, for it creates a mental path over which the force may travel.

You must not act awkwardly when sending out the Thought-Waves, but converse in an ordinary manner, sending your Thought-Waves between your speeches, when the other person is talking to you, or at any pause in the conversation. It is always well to send first a powerful Thought-Wave before the conversation is opened, preferably while you are approaching the person. And it is likewise well to terminate the interview with a "parting shot" of considerable strength. You will find that these Thought-Waves are of far greater power than spoken words, and then again, you can in this way send out impressions that you could not utter in spoken words for obvious reasons.

And now do you see how you have been affected by persons who have influenced you at times in your past life? Now that you know the secret you will be in a measure immune from further impressions from others. And when you read our concluding chapter, entitled "Self-Protection," you will be able to surround yourself with a protective armor through which the Thought-Waves cannot penetrate, but which will turn aside the shafts directed toward you
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Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score

Dude that is a long F****** Post! What's up with that.

I must confess that I did read it and it IS bizarre but not that unbelievable because we awaken in others the same thoughts we hold in our mind of them.

SO if you walk into a room and assume that everyone likes you, you will give off that vibe.

When you stare at someone intently and say to yourself that "this person really likes me" your eyes give off a sort of sparkle and intrigue.

Thanks for the insight. I hope the younger DJ's are brave enough to read it.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Napoleon Hill talked about this phenomenon in his later books. He taught salesman to condition the minds of their prospects before ever meeting them by sending out their thought waves ahead of them.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score

Feel free to list the TITLE of the book in case some of us are interested in checking it out.

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
Maybe Im too young for this, but I think I understand. Its basically what a famous philosopher, Descartes, said. "As you think, you shall become". If you think like a king, and act like a king, everyone will treat you like a king.

Am I right?


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2001
Reaction score
Davenport, IA
Basically what it comes down to is; your thoughts have the
ability to influence reality. 2 recommendations I can give
on this subject are:

Mind power into the 21st century- John Kehoe

Power of the Subconcious Mind-Joseph Murphy


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2002
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Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2002
Reaction score
I've read that book by Murphy, and I tried to live by it... I must say it works like magic. But! you need to have the right mindset, to completely apply the laws in the book. I recommend it 100%... So go get it!


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2002
Reaction score
Vienna, Austria, Europe
Originally posted by Ragnar For instance, if you wish a person to like you, you should form in your mind this thought: "That person likes me," fixing it in your own mind as a fact. Then project to him the concentrated thought, "You like me - you like me very much," with an air of assurance and confidence, and the other person is bound to feel the effect unless he or she has acquired a knowledge of the subject and is using self-protection. The thought should be sent forth with the strength that usually accompanies a strong spoken statement, but you must not actually "speak" the words aloud - you should merely say them strongly "in your mind."
When you concentrate on the thought "That person likes me", you envision it, you make it reality in your mind. You behave IF THAT PERSON LIKES YOU. What happens if you BEHAVE and feel absolutely sure and thus SHOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that person likes you? (Notice you are sure, it is not artifical) -> That person begins to like you! Wow magic! You opened your heart to another being, you accepted another person like she is. Why shouldn't she like you? Think about it the other way round. If she shows you that she feels that you like her, she shows that she likes you! It is the same behaviour, the same signs. So why shouldn't you like her, when she accepts you so open hearted?
It has nothing to do with "thought-waves" :)
It is simple body language, NLP, self suggestion, human behaviour, you name it.
It will not work with everyone, but with most people, since humans (and animals to a certain degree) reflect on that what you think ABOUT THEM.
Keep it real, man.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Re: THIS IS SO BIZARRE Read at own RISK>

Originally posted by Marquez
When you concentrate on the thought "That person likes me", you envision it, you make it reality in your mind. You behave IF THAT PERSON LIKES YOU. What happens if you BEHAVE and feel absolutely sure and thus SHOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that person likes you? (Notice you are sure, it is not artifical) -> That person begins to like you! Wow magic! You opened your heart to another being, you accepted another person like she is. Why shouldn't she like you? Think about it the other way round. If she shows you that she feels that you like her, she shows that she likes you! It is the same behaviour, the same signs. So why shouldn't you like her, when she accepts you so open hearted?
It has nothing to do with "thought-waves" :)
It is simple body language, NLP, self suggestion, human behaviour, you name it.
It will not work with everyone, but with most people, since humans (and animals to a certain degree) reflect on that what you think ABOUT THEM.
Keep it real, man.
exactly what i was thinking. :)

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Re: THIS IS SO BIZARRE Read at own RISK>

Originally posted by Marquez
It has nothing to do with "thought-waves" :)
It is simple body language, NLP, self suggestion, human behaviour, you name it.
It will not work with everyone, but with most people, since humans (and animals to a certain degree) reflect on that what you think ABOUT THEM.
Keep it real, man.
Agreed. It is good that people are posting new concepts and ideas, but this one is just rubbish. It is a mystic's version of the theory of positive thinking, nothing more. Your body reflects your thoughts and feelings: feel happy and you appear happy; feel sad and you appear sad. And since body language makes up 80% of our communications, it is not surprising people can 'sense' what is going on in your head - especially WOMEN, who are naturally better at interpreting body language (commonly known as 'woman's intuition').


New Member
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
i love this post. i loaded the book onto my palm so I can finish reading it... really interesting to me.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Westchester Cty, NY
Somehing akin to this happened to me at work many years ago.
I had gotten friendly with one of the department managers during inventory night.
A few days later, I thought I saw her, and I approached her to say hello as if I already knew her. It turned out to be a similar looking person, and she responded very positively to me, *as if she already knew me, too*.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2001
Reaction score
Davenport, IA
I highly disagree with the people calling this B.S., though I
can understand skepticism and would have felt the same way
not long ago.

Now how many of you are familiar with quantum and modern
physics? We are not seperate from the universe, but part of a whole. Particles are now seen as units of energy. The universe
is a giant field of energy and our thoughts can influence these.
Our conciousness is a powerful source of enery.

What some noted scientists and physicists say:

Dr. David Peat, physicist at Queen's University-"Our thoughts
are much more ultimately connected to the physical world than any of us would suspect."

Robert G. Jahn, former dean of the school of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton- conducted thousands of
controlled experiments. After publishing his findings stated
that there is enough evidence to indicate the mind has a
direct affect upon reality.

Even Niehls Bohr talked about a link between thought and
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2002
Reaction score
I have read that thoughts are real things and that they actually possess some form of energy and that when you think a certain thought over and over it actually changes the chemistry of your brain.

Even if it is BS it is still better than some of the mindless dribble that is on this site from time to time.


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Now I have to worry about people using telepathy to control me :rolleyes:

Definitely BS.

There are no such things as "Thought-Waves".
Thoughts manifest themselves in two ways; first as neurotransmitters, chemicals produced and released by neurons, which are contained within the brain and nervous system; and second, as electrical impulses which travel along the neurons as electricity through a copper wire, also never leaving the brain.

As for the quantum mechanical theory; well, it's just wrong. Quanta exist and act on scales far too small to be biologically or psychologically significant.

Commercially-motivated pseudo-science and mysticism, nothing more.
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Don Juan
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
I really don't know wether "Thought-Waves" exist or not. But I think this method could really help to improve your bodylanguage.
If you for example think strongly "She really likes me!" or something like that in a convo, your non-verbal communication will display a confidence that will fascinate her.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
This is pure bull****, some people stand paralyzed when having bits of concrete fall at them, maybe they are influenced by this. We are paralyzed when we do not have any options, if we have a tiger stand in front off us we might find no where to run, if we have a house fall down at us we might not have any way to run either.

Do not look for shortcuts in mental influence and all that bull**** promising you gold. Get real confidence instead and you'll realize you do not have to think "She likes me, she likes me, she likes me" because she already will. What kind of sick perverted person have the will to dupe someone into liking you like this by brainwashing people even if it was possible? Would you really enjoy it when you discover the person likes you for mumbling words in your mind instead off who you really are.

Toss out your seduction books and go to the gym.