This is, my friends, how it goes


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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Life is a crazy thing.
I don't know if I will stay with this but nevertheless I will maybe right here ideas and things I faced and maybe you will too or already did.
Every different thing will represent a different reply to this post.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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This is all random.

The posts I'll make to this thread are random.. form the poit of the ideas presented in them. I do this because in life there is no formula. There is no one thing or one plan. You can't retrace your stept perfectly to discover what you did to get where you are.. and even if you did.. it's what got YOU there not HIM- reading- or anyone else for that matter.

I think it's important to take care of yourself.
It's in your best interest to do so.

Search for a program. Then stick to it. Find something that suits you. Follow it and respect it. You will see it will help.
It's a part of your life. Eat healthy.. avoid processed foods, and all the things you know you should avoid like sodas, fast food..etc. Eat more .. this will naturally happen if you are working out. Drink more water.
This is forgeting about porn or masturbation. It will help. Believe me now I'm in this thing for idk.. a couple of weeks. You know how I managed to do this? It wasn't a concern. I didn't try to do this. I was making things happen and trying with girls and I just forgot about it. I no longer do it...just like that.
Sleep well
For me rest is important. If I sleep say to little I will feel tired and won't be in a good mood. Also, I won't have energy and won't be able to concentrate. Needless to say, this helps with your workouts. Your muscles need rest. You will feel better about life if you get your sleep. FInd the amount you need and get it.
Look your best
I don't care what you say.. look at the guys who have girls. They look good. I don't do this for that but you need to understant you need to take care of yourself. Treat your face if you need to. Take care of your hair/ nails. Be clean and have a good hygiene. Wear clother that make you look good. You'll feel better. Stand up straight just take care of your image.
Have fun
Learn to laugh at situations and enjoy your own company. Amuse yourself and have a good time. DOn't be o serious all the time. Feel good.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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Life is one moment you have it, one moment you don't.

This helped me pass through some rough moments.
It will help you go to sleep in piece.

Life is one minute you have it, one minute you don't.

You won't ever be able to say in this life that I have it. Life is a mystery. It will through at you new challenges and you will go through ups and downs.. high and lows. Accept this and know that it will pass ( the bad moment).

Know you'll never be complete and you don't want that. Know you just have to live and try and you won't find a perfect formula or answer that will give you the exact steps to take to get what you want. There is no such thing as THE way... there are ways.
Everyone learns what they need to learn and eventually get what they want.
The thing is that even when you get EXACTLY what you want, you won't be that happy.. cause you now face new challenges and start from zero.
Anyway... know this: life is one moment you have it, one moment you don't.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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You can regret inaction but you will never regret action.

I heard this somewhere but is one of the most truthfully statements I have ever experienced.

You can regret inaction but you will never regret action.

It's about trying.. Try to approach.. try to get her number.. try to go out with her.. try to tell her how you feel.. try.
If you don't try you will never know and you will regret it, trust me.
It's better to know.

You have to pursue what you want and try and you will see, ironically, that once you did take action you won't even care about the result and you will feel happy... just because you put yourself out there.
Try and see for yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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Emotional stress can ruin you

Take care of yourself.. be balanced.
If you stress a lot about this it will show. You may start to loose I did..
It will show...

When you find that you suffer too much then you may be taking things too seriously.

It's damn hard but try to take things light. Yes .. it's THE girl.. but if it doesn't work out.. it's ok.
Don't stress so much.
You stress when you wait to do something for exemple.
You want tomorrow to talk to her and tell her how you feel. Today.. you will feel like omg. Realize you are taking things too seriously and try to think to say something from a different perspective.. one of you being light and having fun. The drop this and wait for tomorrow.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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Detailed plans rarely work

You need a frekin plan cause if you don't have one you're kind of aimless.
You will think about making a move and how to make it .. but don't start to imagine how everyhting will go. Let it be... let go. Things will happen as they will.

Have a tomorrow I will talk to her. But don't start to make in your head scenarious of how every reaction of her will be.

Life is kind of unexpected and if you have pinpointed specific expectations you will probably be let down caus they won't prove true.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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Oh.. but I don't get it!!!

I got that a a lot and for a long time.

I had all the answers.. everything and I went like.. ok. .. there is this and then it's that and step 3 and 4 and then.. oh, look.. there is also this. How do I do this? How did they do this? Why does this have to be so complucaed?

Just frekin do something.
I'll tell you something that has helped me: You don't have to be all perfect ans suave and all that.. you just have to try for her. Get rid of all yout stupid analyzation. This is life. Start taking action and trying. Just make things happen. Don't think ( this is hard) about what you are doing, just do it.
I threw away all my notes and things I kept regarding this at one point.
My mind was begging to think back and it was trying to make a pattern of.. how I got here.. how did I get what I want? What's THE thing?

Believe me now that I still don't know how? It was a journey and one thing led to another and now I was like.. trying and having to deal with multiple girls natural and then it happened.

Even now.. idk why.. maybe because I'm afraid not to loose myself again in all these analyzation and theory.. even now I don't know and don't WANNA know how I got here. I don't wanna retrace each step.
It's like I went about it the natural way. I thought I have it in me and that I know all the answers and then I just tried and pursued what I wanted, not being perfect or something and.. it was worth it.
I did things but I didn't have a pattern, a philosophy.. just did them.

Maybe this is like.. total vague stuff to you but it really is what it is. Now I am facing the stuff that I'm living now.. and I'll see about later.

Get out there. Take care of yourself. Go your own way. It isn't that complicated.. kmon.
You are not the only one facing these problems.. think about it.
Just try and go after what you want. Have fun and just keep it going. Once you start.. go about it.. don't try to explain and think about what exactly tyou are doing it and how you are doing it.. just do it... Know you have it in you and you already know this and do it.

Hope you get that you don't have to get it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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There is always a rish.. but it's worth it.

You don't dare, you don't win. That simple.
In everything there is a risk. And guess what.. it's not only a rish for you but also a risk for her. Things may not work out and she will be stuck with a bad reputation or something..

You need to risk and try.. go after what you want. Be light and fun and show that you care and step up to the plate.

Even if I knew all the emotional stress and pain I would have had to suffer from what I did.. I will still fo it exactly the same. It's worth it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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It's one thing to know how to do it and another to actually do it.

This is something from matrix if I remember right but it's true.

You may think you have it all so figured out cause you've read and watched all these things about this.. you don't know ****.

All you know are theories.

When you will start to try and take action out there all these theory will change. You won't be dependant on it anymore. This is how I was able to throuw it away and succeed. I tried.

You know.. I was addicted to theory. I was taking notes and synthesizing it but I never found that one thing. **** that. Go out there and experince the real thing. You will learn soooooo much about everything and that will stay with you.
You will know what you are talking about.

A person who has his head full of theory but lacks experience can be identified quite easily. He does all the right things even if he gives these tips and knows so much about this or that.

You will learn that some of your beliefs are wrong and you will see how things really are in life.

Do it. It's all that matters. Theory and phylosophy won't do you ****.
Get experience... it will give you everything and you will find your answers.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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Be happy with what you have and appreciate it

You want this thing...
And one day you get it but then you have some expectations about how this thing ( a relationship..say) must go. And you see that it doesn't go as you want. And you cry and scream:" why? Do I expect too much? "
I don't know.. maybe.. it depends on the situation but know that have this what you wanted for like forever and thought that once you will have it... you willl be king.

Appreciate what you have... and be positive about this all or else you won't be happy.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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This is why

OH.. you poor fellow. You are home and she is home ( probably :)) ) . You've sent a couple of messages but she didn't respond to any of them yet.
All the questions apear: does she still like me? Does she want to actually move things forward? I want... and all this seems like a one way street! Shouldn't it be like.. she has to show some interest as well? Why only I? Is it worth it?
Or you fret and feel masive emotional pain because you expected something to happen ..and it didn' you suffer and say: Don't I deserve this? It's unfair! Why should I care? find yourself in a low spot. You don't understand this or that. You start thinking of all the bad things.. what if... maybe she.... I dont know... is it WORTH IT?

All these have been going on in your head for a while and you are almost on the point of sending a message to your girl asking very boldly to choose and tell you how does she see this..

But what?!! a sound.. You look at the phone and she sends you a message or she calls you. She responds and sais something.. anything.
If in that moment... you have forgotten everything of the above.. all your toxic analyzation that created big monsters that don't exist, all you bad ipothesis and questions.. and you realize you care about her.. cause she just lights you up like that.. making you happy.. then it's WORTH going on.
It's worth continuing with this girl.

And before long you wi;; understand better her perspective of your relationship and you will see that her expectations are not faulty at all.. as you thought just some days ago.
Then.. have fun.. feel good and laugh. Go out there tomorrow with a great attitude. Appreciate what you have. Act natural with her and be you. Do your own thing. You have it in you, believe me. Do you.. and create moments.
Make this beautiful for both of you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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Be patient

You think only about yourself when you get in a relationship.
She said yes, right?
Now why doesn't she want to go out every day and kiss and hold hands and us to be kist like them or them or them.

Whow whow.. tiger.. contain yourself.

Try to see this thing from her perspective.
You are not the ony one thinking about this thing. SHe has feeling too and she sees things you don't see.
HAve you thought that doing all these things is just TOO SOON.
All the things you see at others.. well let's just say you haven't seen the other part.
It's not like a lightswitch.
This girl you are with.. have you ever thought that her being with you and all the other people knowing about it would influence her like forever in terms of status? What if it doesn't work out and she makes it public now. It may not work out. Then she will be forever remembered as.. oh.. yeah.. those two were together. For her this si not a preety image for her future.. especially if she wants to get after together with some other guy she likes.
For you.. is it ok? Damn yeah.. it's like value.. for her not really.

Think about the fact that her parents problably don't know about it and she has to let them know. They may be overprotective.. of course.. they may say.. no.. sorry, you have to study.. after you get into college we will talk about the prospect of seeing somebody but now.. I'm sorry.. you don't have time.

And there are countless. of other things.
There is emotional risk involved. You knoe it's really bad to suffer from love.
As I said before.. emotional stress or pain can ruin you.. for real.

So think about this.
Take it slow.
Try to get to know her instead.. know everything about her.
Take it slow.. let her get used to the idea.
Don't pressure her from the begining. You don't own her!
Try to get to know her and get close to her.
You care, right? Show her that! Ahow her your feelings through small things. This will be so more meaningfull if you know things about her.
Tell her what you like about her.

Lastly.. don't take this things too seriously. Look at people who have a good relationship. They look happy and in a kind of light and fun- teasing mood.

Have fun.. enjoy things and make great memories.
Take care of yourself! and of her, of course...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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Be patient

Multiple posting


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2011
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Pozitron said:
you are almost on the point of sending a message to your girl asking very boldly to choose and tell you how does she see this..
Nice thread, but word to the wise: Never, EVER, do this. Shooting yourself in the foot is also bold.


New Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Pozitron said:
If in that moment... you have forgotten everything of the above.. all your toxic analyzation that created big monsters that don't exist, all you bad ipothesis and questions.. and you realize you care about her.. cause she just lights you up like that.. making you happy.. then it's WORTH going on.
It's worth continuing with this girl.
this just about perfect sums up me at the moment ._.
amazing thread, keep it up :D


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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How you feel plays a huge part

If you are in your head, obsessing over a stupid thing like the fact hat she came with one of your friends that waited for her or sth like that you sc*** yourself... and then you do like I did.. nothing during a movie..even though she is your frekin' gf.

Try this.. compare how you interact with her when you are concerned or questioning yorself, or in your head.. whatever to how you interact when you feel great, after you've just had fun or laughed.
Believe me it's a huge difference.

We need to keep ourselves happy.
It is often said that a girl won't make you happy. Well, she can actually, but you.. the core you won't change. You will still be you and your life will still be kind of the same. If you often got bored before you most probably will do the same afterwards.

We need to take care of ourselves and make our lives interesting.
Talk to everyone.. genuinely care and be interested in things.
Amuse yourself.. don't be afraid to just laugh atm something.
Music kind of gets me going sometimes..
Work-out.. look at how everybody else looks.. damn.. you're awesome if you workout.
Have fun.. why are you so serious?
If you always take things too seriously.. you will fail often.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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I just can't stop

I can't stop, man. In a relationship.. I don't think you can ever stop.
First you think.. damn if I would only have a gf I would be super happy and it will all be ok.
And like is like "No s***? :)) Ok, tiger. Let's see you now."
And you get one day EVERYTHING you always wanted. DAMN!
And then you face problems and stuff.. if you're lucky you make it through through the first rough patch.
Then.. after you 2 are public you think that's it.. NOW you have what you always wanted.
Let me tell you something.. if all this gets boring you're done.. so fast.
It's not a light switch. Nope.
You need to keep going. You need to move things forward.. make moves.

I made a lot of mistakes.. like a lot. Fortunately for me, I managed to manage this and she was intelligent with this.. but anyway.. I didn't do moves when I felt I should.

This is where I am now.. I know that I have to keep going.
I care. I need to show it. I need to do what I feel like..
It's better to repair something than to do nothing..

Some of you know exactly what I'm talkin' about. Good luck!