THIS is how YOU stay out of the friendzone


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Haha its getting pretty intense, the other day she texted that she wanted me but of course the next day was "confused and drunk and thought I was someone else" :crazy: . Last night she hung up on me when I brought up sex at the first opportunity :D Its really bothering her. I haven't run the game perfectly with this one and I'm really just trying to establish a plate because shes only 20 and not be be trusted for that reason alone but I've done a solid job I think. Maybe been too available.
I don't even see chicks as having to be conquered anymore . I think I have reached a zen like state like that guy who wrote that thread on here called "the truth about women" . I've just learnt to accept their behaviour and don't see it as bratty anymore. I remain unaffected by sh1t tests or whatever they are called and this just baffles chicks. Moral of my rant? ? don't see her as trustworthy or untrustworthy cos of her age. just charge it to wonen being women . it actually becomes fun whhen u see it for what it is and accept that that's how they were made by God. A womeb is easily bendable and can be easily banged by another guy. Your ability to not care determines how faithful she ends up being.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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I hope someone's interactions with females was improved by this thread. I also wanted to say its ok to express your anger . Not being aggressive in your mind when starting out with women is detrimental.

You have to be willing and able to gently but firmly snap at a chick with your word play when she gets arrogant while ur talking to her. In fact you need to realise that you have the power to do this to anyone.

A lot of shy guys are that way because they feel its wrong to express their anger due to traumatic parental bullying. You need to get mad sick and tired of being pushed around and just realise that we live in a world where nobody will give u encouragement if you don't encourage yourself.

In fact some people will actually make you feel less valuable than you are especially females. There are a lot of handsome 6ft plus guys that are unsuccessful with women.

I would know cos I was one before. But all that changed when I decided to quit whining and be assertive sparingly.


Don Juan
May 6, 2013
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lulz... people oversimplify the friend zone.

if you're not "man" enough, fine. but then more often than not, women friendzone because you're not their type, or they think you're not attractive. :up: in that sense, it's difficult to escape the friendzone.

So really, how to get out of it depends on how you get into it.


Don Juan
May 6, 2013
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Exhumed said:
Girls put guys in the friendzone all the time for any number of reasons. She wants to hook up with another guy in the same social circle but doesn't want to hook up with both and be labeled a slut, she sees a guy as low status, she's simply not attracted to can flirt all you want, it's always a good idea, but you might still occasionally be friendzoned.

PUA dopes/sociopaths don't realise this, and reckon it's about "you have to be the DUDE and she'll be begging for you!"

And we guys friendzone too. I've met women recently who I like as people, even think are cute to some extent, but don't have something I value in a partner. Such is life, nobody is owed anything in life. :up:


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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YAboi said:
I always wondered why I never ever have been in the friendzone in my whole life even after finding out about its existence after discovering seduction material which alerted me about it.

The reason is because the friendzone is all in your mind (assuming that you are not a guy that refuses to acknowledge his sexuality when dealing with girls). Girls bully you into their own reality when you are in the friendzone. If you don't care about its existence you will not be in it.

The only people that girls say lets just be friends to are guys who talk to them and totally put sex to the very back/deepest recesses of their mind.

The only other time a girl will say lets just be friends is when you directly ask her about going out and even in this instance she might still see you as sexually compatible but might just think you were too forward or she might have a man and be feeling guilty.

The only guys that girls will say lets just be friends to and truly mean it are guys who they can actively see themselves talking to about what her and her girlfriends did and the latest thing that happened in sex and the city.

If they say lets just be friends to any other guy, they do not mean it but are just letting you down lightly or giving you some resistance/testing you. If you agree to the friendship at this point and actually follow through by being friends with the girl and doing ''friendly'' things like being her emotional tampon, you my friend have become sex unworthy in her eyes.

At this point , when a real man hears those words lets just be friends (of course it happened by mistake in his case cos he was too forward but at least he was not deceitful to himself about his sexuality), he will probably just nod dismissively, make a grunting noise that sounds like agreement, but proceed to continue on with his seduction or take his attention away and find other chicks or he will say the most common line on sosuave ''i already have too many friends, blah,blah,blah......''

A simple way to communicate that you are not a pvssy is to take risks in what you say to a chick when you are having a normal conversation. i.e say something that you are thinking but you know she might not like .

I don't mean you should deliberately do this like a pickup robot if you have no differing views with the chick

What I mean is that if you have an opinion, express it without caring too excessively about her thoughts . E.g yesterday I was talking to a girl at work who has a boyfriend and we were talking about where she stays because it is a town just outside my town but my town is more popular and lively.

Our talk had been going agreeably thus far so she probably didn't know here we stood or where to lump me (friend or potential cheating partner). Anyway I said to her that is her town a ghost town or is it lively, or is it in between.

She said that it was in between and then I said '' oh ok so it verges on the point of driving you insane from boredom but just manages to pass by not being entirely boring'' and she said yes. Although that seems innocent enough, silently , the girl will respect the fact that you are not afraid to speak your mind.

When you are talking to a girl, as long as you acknowledge the fact that you would like to fvck her, she will not think of you as a friend, she will see you as a sexual threat at all times.

If you talk to a girl while lying to yourself internally about your intentions for you and her, she will end up lumping you as a friend.

It all comes down to being sexual....its as easy as this, laugh and joke with her but at the back of your mind, say to yourself, if i get you alone I will bang the crap out of you. Make no mistake the girl will be able to tell even though she is laughing and joking and every thing seems calm and cordial on the outside .

If you are sexual, a girl will prefer to stay away from you than ask you to be friends with her always because she knows she will be vulnerable when you are with her. Its clear cut you either fvck her or she stays away cos she knows she will be tempted , she doesn't keep you in limbo.

Am I just key board jockeying? No, I recently got a drunken booty call from a hb8 ( a different girl from the first one I talked about ) who is naturally sexy without makeup (she wears none) but i declined by ignoring her text because she has issues and we work together.( issues being she has had an abortion b4 and thought she was pregnant again plus she has a boyfriend but flirts non stop with me tells me i am stronger than him , playfully touches me and discusses sex with me all the time e.t.c)

Note me and this girl talk like we are friends at work but there is always that subcommunication that I could fvck her if we were left in a room together and this comes through my body language and my internal beliefs (im kind of turned off by her now though, even though the job is temporary)

lol,just realised I spelt, friend wrongly in the thread title , oh well I'm human..........
Also its very critical to playfully tease and poke fun at a girl when talking to her, it kinda shows dominance and shows you are not afraid to offend her, and they say make some sexual references, jokes, comments, like a question such as "who do you think thinks about sex more guys or girls?", they say women love giving their opinions, the hardest part is not coming across overly sexual because when the girl get the impression that you just want to get in her pants obviously she will reject you


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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I ain't gonna lie....ALOT has changed in my mindset since I created this thread but I gotta tell the noobies if you wanna hookup with girls u gotta realise that you are good enough. You gotta own who you are and rise above being a pua. You a nerd who likes computers?...own that sh*t and wear it like a badge of honour, your passion will shine through.

What women want is for you to be sure of who you are and happy with yourself. You have to calm down enough for the real you to come out. First get comfortable around women chit chatting like its one of your bros I.e. unfiltered friendly conversation and then learn to read vibes and capitalise . Girls are not to be won they are to be treated like humans. The trick is to not build this stuff up in your head as a big deal no matter what you think your skill level is. The difference between losers and winners is that losers think they are losers.

There is no height to attain. You are good enough but may have allowed yourself to be pushed around by people who want you to fit their mold of normal. F them! Be aggressive and actually stand your ground as to who you are. When you are on your death bed no one is gonna give you a medal for playing it safe all your life by conforming to what is seen as the reigning trend. Fortune favours the bold. You get bold by simply refusing to be bullied by anyone elses reality of what they see as normal.

Get the sosuave basics down , take a break from the site and live out in the real world. Literally do not even post ...actively seeking for advice. My point is that once u have got as much pre-advice as you can its best to just lurk on the site from that point on UNTIL you start getting involved in real life relationships.

Sometimes you just need a little push from a friend thats good with women to get the ball rolling or you could apprentice under them but the fact remains its your life and you have to want to do it. Let me tell you my lay routine...I see girl I like , I ask myself what I stand to lose if she goes bat sh*t crazy /clingy , make up my mind if its worth it and then I go to her and just talk like its a guy I find interesting and want to befriend. After this chit chat about random stuff which includes the basic logistical questions I ask for the number or she gives me hers and then I invite her to my house and we talk about boring stuff on my bed during which I rub her thighs and back and go in for the kiss whenever I want(if she agrees to come to your house she wants you bro...she totally knows whats up).

The trick with women is to realise that you are in charge and they will respond to whatever your comfort level is. For instance if you want kissing on the first date to be normal for you then do it unapologetically even when she looks at you funny simply shrug with a calm face like you do it everytime and are bored of her play acting and she will get embarassed and fall in line. It takes no skill to become a guy who does one date lays. Do not think or feel like you have to pay any dues to get there. I know I didn't. Once my mindset changed so did my luck. Note I do not lay chicks anymore though(stopped in October )...its too dangerous ..the casual sex thing. hehe
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Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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Pull the rug from under the woman

On dealing with really attractive women you will find that alot of them like to talk about how much they are worshipped. If you let them do this for too long you lose out because they feel empowered while you might start to believe the illusion and feel heelpless.

When next a girl talks about how guys are always staring at her you can pull the rug from under her feet by mentioning how you can't understand why as she looks normal to you or that women with her looks are a dime a dozen.

This communicates to her that you at least have an abundance mindset.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2014
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I never get friend zoned because I make it clear with my actions not my words.
What I've found helpful is 'rejecting friendship with her' to her face using C&F but still partly serious. I realised that by rejecting her first, she makes more of an effort to prove her worth, thereby inducing her deep emotions.

Playful voice: "We will NEVER be friends."
If she says something you don't like, " I so can't respect you anymore"
She has to work for respect and our approval. This has worked well for me.
Then, if all goes pear-shaped (happened recently to me and this chick), you walk away, you rejected her first and she knows it. Her ego hates this.

Conclusion: sow seeds (see example above) Don't let the friend vibe creep in. Express what you want through flirting not words. Those intentions become clear. Always have the sexual tension.

Sidenote: find out what her friends are like, don't be that guy

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Its funny, there's a girl trying to LJBF me right now and I simply will not allow it, she's getting VERY angry and frustrated lol. I just refuse to stop hitting on her and talking about sex. I think she does like me but there are so many barriers(long distance, social circle) that she'd rather just keep me around for the fan club.
i was at work the other day and bored i decided to go through one of the superviser's notepad. in it was an investigation concerning one of the cleaners.

he was hitting on a nurse and insisting he walk her home. when she declined and made it clear she was not interested in him he persisted. she eventually put in the complaint i found myself reading.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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Just saw the new Xmen movie. There's a part where professor Xavier of the future talks to professor Xavier of the past. He says something like - "Feeling pain is not weakness, you have to embrace the pain because through allowing yourself to experience the pain you will BECOME STRONGER". This applies just as much to women as other parts of life. Don't dwell on your strike outs and close your heart in order to protect yourself. Hurt, LEARN, heal and move on ready to fight again. I thought it great that hollywood has some don juan movie producers in it. Just thought I'd share that.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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I had a girl try to friendzone me just about a month ago.

Didn't work.. lol

I actually started to give her reasons why it was a good idea... lol