This Is How Its Done!!!!!!!!!1


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
Check it out.. Met this chick in a night club on Saturday..She was there with about five friend, all hb 8S. So i walk into the club like I own the place( I was alone) staight to the bar, I know all of the employees well, got me a double tequila and redbull, and socialsed with the bartenders.

So im looking around the room, i notice this table of 5 girls, ake I contact with one of them, Ill call her melissa for privacy, anyway I smile and so does she. I then proceed to ignore her and go outside for a cigarette. She follows shortly afterwards:

Melissa: Walks outside and smiles at me.
Dalton: Dont you know its rude to smile and not introduce yourself.
Melissa: Hi im melissa, whats your name.
Dalton: Dalton
Melissa:So my friend inside really likes you.
Dalton: Uhuh.
Melissa: No she thinks your hot.
Dalton: She doesnt even know me.
Melissa: Will you dance with her when we go back inside.
Dalton: Whats in in for she going to keep me entertained.
Melissa. **** yeah, shes a great dancer.
Dalton: Meaning what, she can do the robot..(lol)
Melissa: (lol)Come and see for yoursef.
Dalton: Im going inside Ill catch you later.

So i leave her outside, go back to the bar anfd get another rink, I start to flirt with the sexy brazillian bartender. So now on my way back to the dance floor.

I grabbed by mellissa.

Melissa: this is my friend.
Dalton: Thats great, aren't you lucky.
HB: Hi
Dalton: Hey whats up. your friend said you dance really well, and that I wouldnt be embarresed if I LET YOU DANCE WITH ME. ( Notice how i am the prize in this whole interaction.)
HB+( TURNS AROUND AND Starts to grind with me, then turns arond puts her hand on my *** and we make out.

Through out this whole interaction I keep pushing her away.

I now meet all of the other girls. and start to dance in a circle with all of them, me in the middle and all of them grinding on me on the outside.

Fast forward. I tell them Im leaving, its past my bed time, and time for cocopops.

This is when melissa comes up to me and says take my number.
Dalton: your a bad friend(lol) i think your friend (HB) will be jealous
melissa( BLUSHES)
DALTON: Well i suppose your not that bad, ..i mean is she a really good friend)
Melissa: Yeah my best.
Dalton: cool, then shell understand)
Melissa: lol.

So i get the number and leave.

fast forward.

I called her on Tuesday, and told her to meet me on wednesday. She agreed and actually got tere 1o mins early.

Went to a couple of bars, and got her to qualify herself to me all night.

Dalton: I need a woman who can cook. If you cant cook, i think we should just be friends.
Melissa: I can cook, what do you want anything.
Dalton. By cook I mean properly, not just boil rice..
Melissa: i prove it to you. Ill cook you dinner
Dalton: if your lucky.
Melissa What do you mean.
Dalton: if you get the chance to actually come to my place at night.

She basically qualified her self all night.

I then told her that we were leaving the bar, and that I was going to get some wine and head home.

Melissa: what about me.
Dalton. Well if your good you can come.
Melissa: ill be an angel.

So we get home. I put on some music, have a smoke.

We start to kiss, the music, wine and cigarettes kick in, and the panties drop.

Nowthis is the ****ed up part. Whilst were **** she gets this look on her face, like im macdonalds or something and shes starving. So i say to her.

Dalton: whats the look for.?
Melissa: what look:
Dalton: your looking at me like im a steak
Melisaa: I lOVE YOU.
Dalton: Uhhuh

I thought this was hilarious. Anyway I wook up in the morning and the living room was clean with a cup of coffee on the table.


I would like to thank a few of men on this site. Namely Bible-belt ,Vlad the impaler, Maverick, and a few others. You know who you are.

To all the guys who are familiar with my situation and have provided advice. its good to be back.

I will never ever allow a woman emotional control over me again.




Mar 8, 2008
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Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
Good job. Now when that muslim girl you have oneitis for sees you with the new girl it will drive her batsh!t crazy.

Make sure you take her out where your ex frequents. I wish I knew where my ex hanged out I'd take my new girl there. If that doesn't work call homeland security on her a$$. I think she's plotting to blow something up.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
F*cking amazing man, great job. I really don't think you did anything wrong lol


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah guys as I said it feels good to be back, and not being a whinny little *****.
I love you, ha ha ha, I dunno that was a bit heavy for me, but whatevers clever.
Vlad your a legend mate, the problem is homeland security is probably in on it.

Is it normal for a woman to say I love you like that??

Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
dalton said:
Yeah guys as I said it feels good to be back, and not being a whinny little *****.
I love you, ha ha ha, I dunno that was a bit heavy for me, but whatevers clever.
Vlad your a legend mate, the problem is homeland security is probably in on it.

Is it normal for a woman to say I love you like that??


yeah, it happens to me all the time. Just go with the flow and when she says I love you laugh it off. Are you seeing new girl again this weekend or what?


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
good for you. No test on your side. This chick liked you from the start. Anyone could have done this easily if the chick was really into him whether it was looks or self esteem issue

I have tried the qualifier on some chick who said "i was cute" years ago. I do get a vibe from that day on that these qualifiers such as "can you cook? i need some who can cook etc etc" are kinda beta ish.

convo from years ago and still remember it to this day (i was really new at this game)
me: can you cook? I need someone who can cook
hb: I never said I was looking for you!!!

Watch out for these qualifiers, there are women out there who know how to handle those.

Anyway, mad propz to u it worked on her

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Great fvcking job! Excellent sh1t you played your game really good.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
I think the thing about qualifying is how its done. If it comes across as your purposly doing it, it loses effect. However I'm coming from the point of view that I'm just telling her what I want. If she can deliver then ages in, if not she knows where the door is.

Yeah vlad mate I'm seeing her tomorrow I'm going a a party in central London and told her to tag along. So after that shell stay at mine **** me stupid, cook me breakfast , then ill cut her off for awhile, and work a couple of other irons that I have in the fire.

Now a quick question of eticate, do you guys think its polite, or shall I say necessary to call a girl you've just ****ed the next day, just to say what's up and so that she doesn't think she's a booty call?

Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
dalton said:
I think the thing about qualifying is how its done. If it comes across as your purposly doing it, it loses effect. However I'm coming from the point of view that I'm just telling her what I want. If she can deliver then ages in, if not she knows where the door is.

Yeah vlad mate I'm seeing her tomorrow I'm going a a party in central London and told her to tag along. So after that shell stay at mine **** me stupid, cook me breakfast , then ill cut her off for awhile, and work a couple of other irons that I have in the fire.

Now a quick question of eticate, do you guys think its polite, or shall I say necessary to call a girl you've just ****ed the next day, just to say what's up and so that she doesn't think she's a booty call?


Damn I wish I was in London.. so many hot women. I would make a killing. Don't worry about that other b!tch. As a matter of fact, you need to never contact her again.

And yeah, I always call the next day, but sometimes I wish I never did because it can backfire.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
How do you mean backfire mate. In my head her last act of submission was when she opened her legs! Anyway wat exaxtly do you mean.yeah and London is cool there's Ass everywhere.
You shoul cross the pond and come this side sometime bro.

Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
dalton said:
How do you mean backfire mate. In my head her last act of submission was when she opened her legs! Anyway wat exaxtly do you mean.yeah and London is cool there's Ass everywhere.
You shoul cross the pond and come this side sometime bro.

I've been to London, I have family there. I know what it's like.

I mean I have always called her the day after. Some people told me not to do it. But it felt like the right thing to do.

In the long run, the relationship with the girl didn't work out. Even though I called her the "day after". It probably didn't matter either way. But I'd like to try NOT calling the day after and see what happens.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
To call the next day or not is up to you - I would guess you'd be fine either way; your overall mindset is where you want to be, and that is what matters most. I myself would call, but every guy has their own style. The AFC way would be to call and text her constantly all day. A lot of guys do that - become a "clinger." One call is no big deal; just don't act any different than before she had sex with you; act like sex is no big deal and this happens to you all the time. As long as you don't act like you are suddenly in love, you'll be fine.

And congratulations on your success. Your current mindset is a much bigger accomplishment than any one girl; it will bring you non-stop girls as long as you maintain it.