This is how it’s done fellas!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
i have had this smart thermostat for a month sitting here needing to be installed. i called around and finally found an electrician that works on Saturdays but he said he’s moving today so Monday would work. I said not for me as i work 8-5 and he said he will keep my number and call if he can get out here.

He called 10 minutes later and was at my place a few hours later. He was a decent looking guy, maybe a. HB6 (i can’t really judge looks lol). As soon as he came in with his tools i could see he was a bit nervous and a bit awkward but looked me up and down. not in an obvious creepy way, but when men just do it because of biology.

as i was getting him a pen, he asked what i did for a living. seemed personal but not too much and i appreciated the interest and happy to talk about my work as i love it. he started to install my thermostat as i sat with my iPad on the couch i could see him stealing glances at me in between reading the install guide. again, not in a creepy way. i love how men think we don’t see this stuff. so i looked up to meet his eyes once and smile. he got really embarrassed then or at least acted more nervous and said, “so... are single in punta gorda? there’s slim pickings here.” That made me laugh and i said “well here’s my story...” and we continued from there. told him i was married for 20 years and he said “no way, how old are you, you look really young.” hint, i look my age i think so i appreciate the comment.

We went on to discuss how he was married and the dating scene at our age (he’s my age) and laughed about dating app stories. this all was in about 30 minutes as he was finishing up. he said at one point, “i have a girlfriend and two kids..” and started to qualify himself for me. “i have this business and make good money, am stable unlike alot our age.” on and on. was a but much but i appreciate the info and the effort. i said “oh i am seeing a few guys myself but not much as it’s alot of time and effort.”

so he installed, set the settings (more than he had to) and tested the AC. he packed up and walked over to me as i was thanking him and he said, “going to hug you” and he did. not creepy long, just “friendly” but established touch right away. well played.

As he was walking out he said well let me know if you ever need anything else i would love to help. i returned with “thank you! i know you have the girlfriend and like i said i see a few but if you want to go out sometime let me know.”

Now i don’t know that i would because i don’t want to be an accessory to anyone cheating. i TRY not to anyway... But the option is there and i don’t know his situation anyway.

to me he “played” it all pretty perfectly. i am not one to give my # out or ask for dates. i have 3 guys and am busy. but he was a cutie and it’s good to have options. i admired his bravery for the cold approach and making the first moves. so he has a possibility of a date.

side note: See, it’s not that hard. i am not a “hot babe” by any means. i am a solid 5 in the face, body raises it to 6 and personality and status to a 6.5, maybe 7 until you’re dating me then my occasional craziness knocks me to a 6.5 again. haha. He was probably on my level.
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Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
Sounds like a beta where he was sniffing around to see if there was any interest in your part. Also, dudes don't give points for personality, career, etc. Body and face are what matters. :)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
They don’t? Crap. I thought they did because i have my life together, no kids and am stable emotionally and financially and have hobbies . Damn it! Well my body is ok. Anyway I disagree. He came on aggressive or confidently even though I could tell he was nervous around me. I am always friendly and smiling to people I don’t know and they take that as interest and I can allow or end any of their flirting or sniffing when I want. I give him credit for being so direct actually. With the personal questions and the hug and the I will keep your number.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Men give lots of points for personality, but absolutely ZERO for career. We couldn't care less what you do for a living. Men who are looking for fun care only about your looks and a personality that he can consider not too crazy. Men who are looking for a relationship care about looks and your perceived ability to be an adjunct to his life. For all men, your career means nothing whatsoever.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Sounds like a beta where he was sniffing around to see if there was any interest in your part. Also, dudes don't give points for personality, career, etc. Body and face are what matters. :)
Maybe you're just teasing a prick in her balloon, but taking what you say more literally I can speak for myself saying I do consider a woman's personality. Yes she needs to be my type physically to a lesser or greater degree depending on whether she's casual or a potential girlfriend, but dealbreakers/red flags remain dealbreakers regardless of her looks. And once a woman reaches a certain level of appeal to me I am satisfied with her looks, at which point personality gets more of a chance to be a tiebreaker.

This saying that men don't care about anything except looks, and will stick their d!ck in anything, I find is not true - or at least not true for me, having a modicum of experience dealing with different women. Dealing with some kind of an unattractive personality is much worse than jacking off or not even doing that. But IIRC you once said something to the likes o you putting up with a bad personality because she was "hot" or some number on that stupid HB scale or whatever it was, so I guess that's your feelings on the matter, but don't speak for all men.
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Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
My personality is top notch. I am fun and smart etc. I don’t care about that. Seriously NO points for job?! I mean I won’t need to mooch, I have money for fun trips, weekends off and 25 paid days off. Doesn’t that count for anything?! I always thought it showed that I am dependable and motivated. Maybe I am projecting though because a mans career is important to me. Not that he makes a lot (that’s just a turn on) but that he has steady employment and has enough money so we can do fun things. I pay half but I will not pay for him. I am devastated with this news! Plus, I like my job and I need it to boost my HB status. :oops:


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
to me he “played” it all pretty perfectly. i am not one to give my # out or ask for dates. i have 3 guys and am busy. but he was a cutie and it’s good to have options. i admired his bravery for the cold approach and making the first moves. so he has a possibility of a date.

side note: See, it’s not that hard. i am not a “hot babe” by any means. i am a solid 5 in the face, body raises it to 6 and personality and status to a 6.5, maybe 7 until you’re dating me then my occasional craziness knocks me to a 6.5 again. haha. He was probably on my level.
Dear that’s not cold approach. That’s dessert on silver platter.

You called him to come to your home, he’s alone 1 on 1 with you, you can’t escape, and there is no boyfriend around. If a guy cannot chat a single girl up in her own home when she invites him, he’s big big problems

It’s not about you being a “hot babe”, it’s about the situation. . You tell the same guy to approach a young single girl sitting by herself with headphones at the airport waiting for a plane, and her get personal info and number, he’s got something.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
Dear that’s not cold approach. That’s dessert on silver platter.

You called him to come to your home, he’s alone 1 on 1 with you, you can’t escape, and there is no boyfriend around. If a guy cannot chat a single girl up in her own home when she invites him, he’s big big problems

It’s not about you being a “hot babe”, it’s about the situation. . You tell the same guy to approach a young single girl sitting by herself with headphones at the airport waiting for a plane, and her get personal info and number, I’ll give him props.
LMAO forgive me. I don’t think I know the men’s terms and what you all go through yet. I’ll keep reading. Haha.


Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
Maybe you're just teasing a prick in her balloon, but taking what you say more literally I can speak for myself saying I do consider a woman's personality. Yes she needs to be my type physically to a lesser or greater degree depending on whether she's casual or a potential girlfriend, but dealbreakers/red flags remain dealbreakers regardless of her looks. And once a woman reaches a certain level of sexual appeal to me I am satisfied with her looks, at which point personality gets more of a chance to be a tiebreaker.

This saying that men don't care about anything except looks, and will stick their d!ck in anything, I find is not true - or at least not true for me, having a modicum of experience dealing with different women. Dealing with some kind of an unattractive personality is much worse than jacking off or not even doing that. But IIRC you once said something to the likes o you putting up with a bad personality because she was "hot" or some number on that stupid HB scale or whatever it was, so I guess that's your feelings on the matter, but don't speak for all men.
To each their own, but any dude I talked to never really cared about a lady's career or personality. Is she fvckable? Yes or no? Now, if a dude is looking for a relationship, perhaps, but @SeekerOfTheWay doesn't do relationships so it's a mute point. Nothing wrong with that. However, FWB's are usually just based off of physical looks and common interests. Neither have to do with a lady's career or personality. This has been my experience.


Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
They don’t? Crap. I thought they did because i have my life together, no kids and am stable emotionally and financially and have hobbies . Damn it! Well my body is ok. Anyway I disagree. He came on aggressive or confidently even though I could tell he was nervous around me. I am always friendly and smiling to people I don’t know and they take that as interest and I can allow or end any of their flirting or sniffing when I want. I give him credit for being so direct actually. With the personal questions and the hug and the I will keep your number.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, I stand by the claim with FWBs it's based on commonality and attractiveness for the dude. For the lady, I cannot say. Ladies and dudes are attracted to different things.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
You could be a waitress for all I care. No disrespect to that profession. It's definitely projection. I bet if most men on SS had their druthers, they'd have a housewife, or if not married, would prefer the ability to take care of a girl rather than splitting everything. The modern world isn't like that and most men here aren't that wealthy. Of course she would have to reciprocate by being supportive, feminine, etc. I don't know if this is true to a man but that's the impression I get, kind of a male breadwinner setup that used to be a lot more common.
I HAD that relationship the first 2 years of my marriage. It wasn’t good. And there are quite a few well off men...but not surprisingly they tend to be cheap. They flash it and then pull it back. I value generosity though. It’s an attractive quality to me that I lack in myself. It’s not so black and white as you describe here. I am on my own, financially ok (just live within my means) and am independent. Doesn’t mean I am not feminine or that I don’t enjoy what men have to offer. I also love being female and know what I offer. It’s not about money though.


Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
I HAD that relationship the first 2 years of my marriage. It wasn’t good. And there are quite a few well off men...but not surprisingly they tend to be cheap. They flash it and then pull it back. I value generosity though. It’s an attractive quality to me that I lack in myself. It’s not so black and white as you describe here. I am on my own, financially ok (just live within my means) and am independent. Doesn’t mean I am not feminine or that I don’t enjoy what men have to offer. I also love being female and know what I offer. It’s not about money though.
Cheap or frugal? Nothing wrong with the later.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
To each their own, but any dude I talked to never really cared about a lady's career or personality. Is she fvckable? Yes or no? Now, if a dude is looking for a relationship, perhaps, but @SeekerOfTheWay doesn't do relationships so it's a mute point. Nothing wrong with that. However, FWB's are usually just based off of physical looks and common interests. Neither have to do with a lady's career or personality. This has been my experience.
I do LTR plating. Not one night stands. But I don’t want a full time BF that’s right. I am still reeling from this news that my career doesn’t factor in. Why did he ask then?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
To each their own, but any dude I talked to never really cared about a lady's career or personality. Is she fvckable? Yes or no? Now, if a dude is looking for a relationship, perhaps, but @SeekerOfTheWay doesn't do relationships so it's a mute point. Nothing wrong with that. However, FWB's are usually just based off of physical looks and common interests. Neither have to do with a lady's career or personality.
Like I said, if a woman's personality makes no difference to how much you or your buddies enjoy your time with her whether she's an fwb or girlfriend - that's fine. Just don't speak for all of us, is the point ;)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
Cheap or frugal? Nothing wrong with the later.
Frugal and cheap are both fine, it’s theirs money. But if you’re going to attract me with your BMW and “hinting” how much you make, you bette take me to an expensive vegan restaurant once in a while! Don’t bait and switch. Honestly power and money are a fetish of mine. Maybe not for a real LTR but for a less serious relationship. I just am attracted to strong men with tough, dominate ( not overtly) personalities and they also tend to have money and garner respect and power.

But okay, my job isn’t helping me attract better men than. Booo.


Jul 19, 2019
Reaction score
i have had this smart thermostat for a month sitting here needing to be installed. i called around and finally found an electrician that works on Saturdays but he said he’s moving today so Monday would work. I said not for me as i work 8-5 and he said he will keep my number and call if he can get out here.

He called 10 minutes later and was at my place a few hours later. He was a decent looking guy, maybe a. HB6 (i can’t really judge looks lol). As soon as he came in with his tools i could see he was a bit nervous and a bit awkward but looked me up and down. not in an obvious creepy way, but when men just do it because of biology.

as i was getting him a pen, he asked what i did for a living. seemed personal but not too much and i appreciated the interest and happy to talk about my work as i love it. he started to install my thermostat as i sat with my iPad on the couch i could see him stealing glances at me in between reading the install guide. again, not in a creepy way. i love how men think we don’t see this stuff. so i looked up to meet his eyes once and smile. he got really embarrassed then or at least acted more nervous and said, “so... are single in punta gorda? there’s slim pickings here.” That made me laugh and i said “well here’s my story...” and we continued from there. told him i was married for 20 years and he said “no way, how old are you, you look really young.” hint, i look my age i think so i appreciate the comment.

We went on to discuss how he was married and the dating scene at our age (he’s my age) and laughed about dating app stories. this all was in about 30 minutes as he was finishing up. he said at one point, “i have a girlfriend and two kids..” and started to qualify himself for me. “i have this business and make good money, am stable unlike alot our age.” on and on. was a but much but i appreciate the info and the effort. i said “oh i am seeing a few guys myself but not much as it’s alot of time and effort.”

so he installed, set the settings (more than he had to) and tested the AC. he packed up and walked over to me as i was thanking him and he said, “going to hug you” and he did. not creepy long, just “friendly” but established touch right away. well played.

As he was walking out he said well let me know if you ever need anything else i would love to help. i returned with “thank you! i know you have the girlfriend and like i said i see a few but if you want to go out sometime let me know.”

Now i don’t know that i would because i don’t want to be an accessory to anyone cheating. i TRY not to anyway... But the option is there and i don’t know his situation anyway.

to me he “played” it all pretty perfectly. i am not one to give my # out or ask for dates. i have 3 guys and am busy. but he was a cutie and it’s good to have options. i admired his bravery for the cold approach and making the first moves. so he has a possibility of a date.

side note: See, it’s not that hard. i am not a “hot babe” by any means. i am a solid 5 in the face, body raises it to 6 and personality and status to a 6.5, maybe 7 until you’re dating me then my occasional craziness knocks me to a 6.5 again. haha. He was probably on my level.

See, he said slim pickings around here. I was trying to tell you that as well.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
See, he said slim pickings around here. I was trying to tell you that as well.
Ah no. He was asking ME why I was single. Was it because of slim pickings. I got that he just wanted to know my relationship status and why. It’s not hard around here at all. You are off base. Just get off OLD and you’ll see. But you ignore that advice. Our town is fine for dating our age. Same with FM and up north a little. I get asked why I am single a lot. It’s because of my long marriage. And I date multiple but consider myself single.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
You are just happy because he flattered your ego. And you are just posting this to flatter your ego even more. In reality, he is no more closer to sleeping with you than any guy on this forum.

Now, if you were in the presence of a CEO of a company or a guy with two hot ladies draping on his arms, it would have been different. You would have given him ioi’s instead of him checking you out and figuring out how to seduce you.

Instead of teaching guys about the guys you actually go for, you are teaching guys how to flatter your ego and “maybe” get a date., You probably assume this forum is full of supplicating incels (and you are probably right).

But I guess that’s sosuave game in 2019. How to flatter a woman’s ego. Instead of being great and having women pursue you instead.

This is not “how it’s done” in real life. In real life, the 20% or so winners get all the pvssy and the rest get to flatter women’s egos.
No I was impressed with his game. It wasn’t hard to do but like trump said maybe it was easy since he was called there’s. I just thought he did well. He wasn’t a model or anything or even super socially cool. But he handled himself well and was confident enough to make me consider him. That’s all. You’re reading too much into my post. I don’t need to impress you guys! I get numbers and hit on all the time. He did make me smile but it wasn’t a boost to me. Just a cute story for him I thought. I’ll go out with him if he calls if the GF is ok with it. I think men things too complicated sometimes. That was my point. I consider kissing him but I have my period and some guys get weird with that. But he did the right things to get me to feel comfortable and no ice him in a sexual way.

What is IOI?
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Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
My personality is top notch. I am fun and smart etc. I don’t care about that. Seriously NO points for job?! I mean I won’t need to mooch, I have money for fun trips, weekends off and 25 paid days off. Doesn’t that count for anything?! I always thought it showed that I am dependable and motivated. Maybe I am projecting though because a mans career is important to me. Not that he makes a lot (that’s just a turn on) but that he has steady employment and has enough money so we can do fun things. I pay half but I will not pay for him. I am devastated with this news! Plus, I like my job and I need it to boost my HB status. :oops:
Your career is a sigh of relief in the sense it might lower the odds we think you want us as a provider rather than a lover, but in of itself, your career is the size of a small meteorite compared to the personality that is the Earth and the physical appeal that is either Jupiter for guys like me or the Sun for guys like Toad.

You could be a waitress for all I care. No disrespect to that profession. It's definitely projection. I bet if most men on SS had their druthers, they'd have a housewife, or if not married, would prefer the ability to take care of a girl rather than splitting everything. The modern world isn't like that and most men here aren't that wealthy. Of course she would have to reciprocate by being supportive, feminine, etc. I don't know if this is true to a man but that's the impression I get, kind of a male breadwinner setup that used to be a lot more common.
Probably varies by region, my impression of America from this forum is that there are far more tradcon and macho guys there than say where I am, Sweden. America has a bigger and more conservative strand of conservatism than Sweden does. I really don't understand how you could prefer to pay for a woman rather than splitting everything, guys who insist on paying just make me go WTF. It just seems senseless and even pathetic to me. Nor do I desire to be the provider of a housewife, although if she was genuinely appreciative of our life and she really wanted to be a mother, homemaker and perhaps active in the community or whatever, I might - but lean toward not - be OK with it as long as I don't feel like a provider drone and I make enough to facilitate a stressfree life. But certainly not something I'd "desire".

And that kind of provider lifestyle is not at all necessary in Sweden because of our social policies, whereas in America, especially in the more conservative regions, I can see the sheer practical rationale for one parent becoming a full time homemaker once the kids are born since you have zero or very little support for families (and in the self-proclaimed "land of family values" at that, I am trying to hold myself back from openly sneering at). That's something to weigh in as well.

It's just different cultures and different strokes for different folks.
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Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Seriously NO points for job?! I mean I won’t need to mooch, I have money for fun trips, weekends off and 25 paid days off. Doesn’t that count for anything?! I always thought it showed that I am dependable and motivated. Maybe I am projecting though because a mans career is important to me.
Absolutely zero. It amazes me that most women seem to think that men are impressed with what they do for a living. We could go our whole lives without even asking or caring. We pretty much ask out of politeness. It counts for nothing in our assessment of your value.

Women project so much on us men that they have an entirely distorted view of us. We are so vastly different that it's a wonder that we can even communicate at all. Your career is the last thing we would look at to determine your dependability and motivation. Our question is, "Are you going to be dependable for me within the context of our relationship? Are you motivated to be submissive to my leadership and to do whatever is necessary (and reasonable of course) to make things work?"