This is fvcked up on so many levels.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2012
Reaction score
I need some insight on this fvcked up situation, actually 2 ... i cant seem to wrap my head around them ... it probably cus i think like a grown ass person and cant seem to see the logic in it .....

1. Friend of mine(25y old) just met a girl(17y old, Dianne). 3 hours he didnt speak with her, after he find out that she is actracted he told her that he want something serious and someone who can trust and be in a veeeeery long relationship....
They kissed after that "wtflol" talk and went straight to "relationship" .... he told her i love u the next day.... she replied. The guy is a total AFC, cleans after her, get her stuff, stopped smoking, stopped partying, stop seeing us so often...
The girl is pretty much "in love" with him ... thats what she says...
Ok wtf is this? how can a girl can be in a relationship with this total AFC? ... is the bible wrong or wtf?

2. I am 21, i met a girl(18y old, friend of dianne)... how i met her? i was at a party with my friends, she was there, at a table, surroned by her friends ... i went in, made space between her friends and sh#t and got her number.
After 3 days i messeged her if she wants to meet ...
she reply: "cant now, but ask dianne when we can all meet" ...
me: i dont want to meet dianne, i want to meet you ...
her: i have a boyfriend, i dunno what dianne told u but i got no problem in meeting u:)
I was like ............ what the **** is wrong with girls these day, as far as i was told i am the only guy who ever got the number from her ... ok ..... she want to meet me but still has a boyfriend ... isint the "boyfriend" status like "no more dates" kind of thing?
What the hell this girls think ..... she look gorgeous ... rich as hell ... i am pretty positive i can make her go nuts over me (i already did with dianne) ...

Need some insight on 1 and 2... so i can decide if i go for it or no.


New Member
Oct 9, 2012
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Girls love drama. They love attention. You're obviously good at giving it to them. She's gonna go bat **** crazy for you.

Take advantage of that. This is awesome.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2012
Reaction score
I dont give them attention, not one bit! ... i`m just acting my own way... and i get the same quote from every girl: "you are very strange, different" ....

textanova you are telling me to fvck the "bro code" and steal that mofo`s gf?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
1) Getting fast into a relationship = relationship that burns out fast. she's young, she'll get bored and move on.

2)Possible branch swinger. Also could just be looking for a 'friend' (orbiter).

I'd go with branch swing though. dpends how good you are;)


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2012
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I dunno ... i guess i`ll go for it. Any tips? i think she is intimidated by me, and kinda wants to meet me when there are more people around.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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bradd80 said:
This is probably going to be one of my more controversial lessons, and one you wont see on So Suave very much, and for good reason. But I’m hoping educating you guys on how to do it will be enough for you. Like being good at self defense, sometimes just knowing you can do something will be enough and you’ll have the confidence to know you don’t need to actually do it.

I’m against stealing attached women on moral grounds. I feel that there’s so many women out there you shouldn’t waste your time going after someone else’s girl. I think generally it’s beneath most dons to pursue this kind of woman because why waste your time with a girl who’s willing to cheat on her boyfriend. We’re supposed to better ourselves and become better men, and stealing girls from other guys is not the way to become a better man. Plus, the problems and drama associated with this kind of triangle usually outweigh any benefits. But I’ve done it myself several times, and despite all the potential drama I understand you guys are only human and sometimes you just want to bang a hot chick.

If these steps don’t help you don’t worry it might not be because you did it wrong, more probably it’s because the girl is in the honeymoon phase of her relationship and chances are she wouldn’t notice any guy so don’t take it personally.

But if the girl has been seeing the guy for over a year, the relationship will have probably fallen into a rut and she will be bored and looking for something new. This is the perfect situation for you to invest a little time and effort.

So this is what you need to do:

1. Play It Cool.

This rule applies for picking up any girl, but you have to be especially careful if you’re trying to steal a girl from her man. You have to avoid any subject that might activate her anti-slvt defence. These topics include her boyfriend, your girlfriend, and banging her (even if she brings it up a lot, try not to focus on it too much unless it really seems to be turning her on). This leads to Rule 2, which is

2. Never Talk About Her Boyfriend.

If the girl you want starts talking about her boyfriend, then do what you normally do when she brings up most topics just ignore her and try to steer the conversation elsewhere. If the girl is persistent and continues to talk about her boyfriend, then do not be complimentary. This means that if she is bragging about him, then you do not want to agree with her. Instead, say that you could and would do the same things as her boyfriend does.

You do not want to make her feel lucky to have her boyfriend but at the same time you do not want to bad mouth him because this can damper your chances with her. You need to play it cool when you are trying to steal a girl away from her boyfriend, and bad mouthing her guy isn't playing it cool at all. But if she bad mouths him, agree with her and say things like “what a jerk” and “I would never do that to a girl.”

3. Get Her to Open Up to You.

You need to get her to have some sort of emotional attachment to you. How do you do this? Be there for her when her boyfriend won't or cannot be. If she has problems and is hinting around talking to you about them, then pretend to hear her out. Just tell her you are there for her to talk to when she needs it. Don't ever ask her what's wrong because when you are trying to steal a girl from her boyfriend, you want her to come to you.

If she needs to talk to you about how badly she is being treated by her boyfriend, then do not badmouth the guy and do not make him look good either. When you are trying to steal a girl away from her man, you do not want to ever make her boyfriend look good. Instead, hear what she is saying and then after she vents, offer to take her out to take her mind off of things. Whatever was on her mind earlier should not be brought up while you two are out, especially if she was venting about her boyfriend. If she tries to bring up what was bothering her earlier, steer the conversation to something else, preferably something positive.

The more she opens up to you, the more your chances of stealing her away from her boyfriend go up.

4. Don’t be the Backup Guy.

When you are trying to steal a girl away from her boyfriend, then you do not want to be the backup guy. You know; the guy she turns to only when she feels like she needs a friend to talk to when her and her boyfriend are not getting along. Instead, you want to be the guy she calls because she thinks you're cool and funny. You want to be the guy she wants to hang out with because she enjoys your company. So how do you get to that point, especially when she has a boyfriend and you are trying to steal her away from him?

Start asking to hangout with her on the weekends or Friday nights. These nights are nights couples love to hangout together on, so if you can pull her away from her boyfriend on these nights, then your chances of stealing her away from her boyfriend go way up. Try to take her out every Friday or Saturday night, or at least once a week during the week.

If she is more than willing to hang with you then you are on the right track. You should not flirt with her at all but compliment her and wait to see if she flirts with you first. If she flirts with you, then flirt back and keep it going. This means she is into you and you have a great shot at stealing her away from her boyfriend. Or if you’re like me and like to be really bold, go ahead and flirt with her first. Who knows what might happen..

5. Make it Clear Through Your Actions and Words That You Will Not Be Clingy.

Make it clear through your actions and words that you will not be clingy and needy so as not to make the girl think you are endangering her current relationship. You don’t want her to think you’re going to be one of those guys who calls her boyfriend complaining after things have gone sour. Don't call or text her too much (just like any other girl), and say things like "sometimes i need my own space" or "clingy women drive me nuts" etc.

6. When she finally gives you the signs, make out with her like a champ.

This is key to getting her panties to fly off. Know how to kiss a girl really well. Nice soft and gentle at first, then really hard and passionate. Start touching her softly and seductively and don’t be grabby girls hate that sh*t unless you’re really fvcking her hard.

7. Get Her Tipsy.

Getting a girl who has a boyfriend, in my experience, is much easier when she’s a little tipsy. Then she usually uses this as an excuse as to why she put out. The best drinks for this, which I call panty removers, include 1. tequila, 2. gin, and 3. vodka, in that order. But everyone’s experience out there may differ just experiment and use whatever works for you.
this is bradds way to steal a girl from her lad.

A better idea may be to work on other gals.... Probably.

Have fun :D


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, just read that a moment ago. Interesting, only one problem ... she is with that guy for 10days MAX now. And if she wants to get to know me i guess the guy isnt doing a pretty good job.

This will be fun, i guess this will be my first FR :)
I`ll keep u posted.

Crown Champion

Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
One thing about Bradd's advice: He says Don Juan's are above this, and don't do it. Then, he tells you exactly how to do it. I'm confused. Should he? Shouldn't he? Of course if I found out somebody was trying to steal my girlfriend, I would probably ass-fvck them with a stiletto knife. Just sayin. Maybe he should add:

8) How to avoid her actual boyfriend who is going to skin you alive


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2012
Reaction score
Mauser96 said:
No thoughts on Number 1. On number 2? How long until she cheats on you? Surely to God you can find someone with a little more integrity.
Wow dude, I just want to fvck her and have some fun, probably make her my plate. My dating life is to good right now to get in a relationship.

If i think better, every girl has someone at any given time.. Some girls are serial monogamist, some are polyamorist, but the bottom line is that every single one of them has some dude who makes them happy.

After my ex left me, i went from crybaby to emotion-free badass who dosnt give a fvck about girls opinions. I rather feel bad for the poor dude i`m gonna steal her from ... but meh.. i`ve been there also, so whytf not.

I just have to figure out a way to get her alone with me for like 10minutes... she`s 18, some suave talk, some kino(know some pretty nice tricks) and from there is a one-way trip to fvck land... i did this to the previous two ... and it worked like magic.

Crown Champion

Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
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ricodragos said:
After my ex left me, i went from crybaby to emotion-free badass who dosnt give a fvck about girls opinions. I rather feel bad for the poor dude i`m gonna steal her from ... but meh.. i`ve been there also, so whytf not.

I just have to figure out a way to get her alone with me for like 10minutes... she`s 18, some suave talk, some kino(know some pretty nice tricks) and from there is a one-way trip to fvck land... i did this to the previous two ... and it worked like magic.
So, is this guy a friend of yours that you're stealing her from?

And if not, I wouldn't feel sorry for him. I would feel worried. If he's your friend, then you're a fvcking chump and should be ground up into shark chum. If he isn't, I really couldn't blame him for breaking your fingers-- one by one-- with a hammer.

You talk about how you're so suave, yet you have to go after jail bait that's already private parking. Maybe you should try NOT pissing in somebody else's pool and see how much easier it is for ALL parties involved.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
ricodragos said:
I am 21, i met a girl(18y old, friend of dianne)... how i met her? i was at a party with my friends, she was there, at a table, surroned by her friends ... i went in, made space between her friends and sh#t and got her number.
After 3 days i messeged her if she wants to meet ...
3 days? Whatever high she was feeling when she gave you her numbers she lost it after such a long period of time, not to mention met another guy.

she reply: "cant now, but ask dianne when we can all meet" ...
me: i dont want to meet dianne, i want to meet you ...
You reacted to her, you can't react.
I would have said "Is that a no to meeting?"

her: i have a boyfriend, i dunno what dianne told u but i got no problem in meeting u:)
"How about Wed at 6 pm?"

I was like ............ what the **** is wrong with girls these day, as far as i was told i am the only guy who ever got the number from her ... ok ..... she want to meet me but still has a boyfriend ... isint the "boyfriend" status like "no more dates" kind of thing?
She has no problem meeting you so set it up.

Don't worry what she says, look at her actions. She could say "I hate you I hate you I hate you" and still meet you. Or would you rather say "I love you and want to be with you" but not meet you?

Too many guys want their ego stroked as well as the meeting. Ignore the bs, focus on the goal.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2012
Reaction score
I feel u CrownChampion, listen:

- shes 18, its not jb (3y difference between us anyway)
- i dont know the guy,
- she WANTS to get to know me
- im the only guy he ever gave her phone number

And if not, I wouldn't feel sorry for him. I would feel worried. If he's your friend, then you're a fvcking chump and should be ground up into shark chum. If he isn't, I really couldn't blame him for breaking your fingers-- one by one-- with a hammer.
From what i can see here, u are the chump, no offense, just giving my 2cents.

If some guy steals YOUR GF would you go fvcking kill that guy just becouse YOU COULDN`T KEPT YOUR GF?

I mean ... come on, if a girls is in love with you she wouldnt go date other guys, right? And even if the best DJ on this forum made a move on her she wouldnt cave if u know how to keep her interested.

And btw, where is all this hate coming from? Girls cheat on u on a daily basis?


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2012
Reaction score
Trump said:
3 days? Whatever high she was feeling when she gave you her numbers she lost it after such a long period of time, not to mention met another guy.

You reacted to her, you can't react.
I would have said "Is that a no to meeting?"

"How about Wed at 6 pm?"

She has no problem meeting you so set it up.

Don't worry what she says, look at her actions. She could say "I hate you I hate you I hate you" and still meet you. Or would you rather say "I love you and want to be with you" but not meet you?

Too many guys want their ego stroked as well as the meeting. Ignore the bs, focus on the goal
I couldnt agree more. I seriously have to start judge based on actions and not bs words.

She was very interested when i got her number, all smiling, laughing and so on .... maybe i waited to long or maybe she is just shy.

Bottom line, you are right, she wants to meet me, thats it, done analyzing, going mobile!

Crown Champion

Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
ricodragos said:
I feel u CrownChampion, listen:

- shes 18, its not jb (3y difference between us anyway)
- i dont know the guy,
- she WANTS to get to know me
- im the only guy he ever gave her phone number

From what i can see here, u are the chump, no offense, just giving my 2cents.

If some guy steals YOUR GF would you go fvcking kill that guy just becouse YOU COULDN`T KEPT YOUR GF?

I mean ... come on, if a girls is in love with you she wouldnt go date other guys, right? And even if the best DJ on this forum made a move on her she wouldnt cave if u know how to keep her interested.

And btw, where is all this hate coming from? Girls cheat on u on a daily basis?
Is the title of this thread not "This is so fvcked up on so many levels"?

It's not about not being able to keep your girlfriend, it's about charlatan sh1theels like yourself knowing she's taken, and not picking from the MILLIONS of women out there who aren't.

Do you know what "crime of passion" means? Guys go ape**** in ways you cannot imagine. What I'm trying to tell you is, there are THREE PEOPLE INVOLVED HERE. Your attitude seems to imply "Whatvs, I feel sorry for him, he'll move on."

People cheating is not about losing their love for somebody. It is about "old" and "new". Hugh Grant got to plow Elizabeth Hurley whenever he wanted, and while dating her he PAID to bone Lawrence Taylor in drag with crotch crabs. People get bored and try other flavours. Women do it from boredom, guys do it for statistics. It's the circle of life.

My hate isn't coming from "girls cheat on me". My hat ehas nothing to do with girls and EVERYTHING to do with you, friend. This conversation is over. You clowns fvcking sicken me.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
1. Friend of mine(25y old) just met a girl(17y old, Dianne). 3 hours he didnt speak with her, after he find out that she is actracted he told her that he want something serious and someone who can trust and be in a veeeeery long relationship....
They kissed after that "wtflol" talk and went straight to "relationship" .... he told her i love u the next day.... she replied. The guy is a total AFC, cleans after her, get her stuff, stopped smoking, stopped partying, stop seeing us so often...
The girl is pretty much "in love" with him ... thats what she says...
Ok wtf is this? how can a girl can be in a relationship with this total AFC? ... is the bible wrong or wtf?
All replies thus far have focused on your other question. The answer to this question depends on the market value of the girl, which presumably is equal or lower, but not higher. The lower end of hypergamy. There are a small handful of girls who are similar to AFC behavior.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2012
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
females will love an AFC if they think he is attractive enough...but she will always cheat with more alpha dudes
It kinda makes sense.

And you are not looking for attention?

I dont know whats the problem with u. If i go by ur mindset(HIGH-QUALITY, SINGLE LADIES) i will be alone till im 30.

You are 45, i am 21y, dating, relationships are not the same anymore...
At my age, SEX and FUN are more important then emotional atachement. Of course i will not think like this forever, when im 30 and i want to settle i will look for that high-quality, single women, but for now i want to fvck and have fun with as many "sluts" i can.

I dont know whats the problem here. So what if i want to pursue a hot babe, who os interested in me and has a lol bf? Clearly she dosnt like him that much of she wants to date me....

And yes... It takes me 10minutes to fvck a girl that is INTERESTED in me, and 3months to figure out if she is worth keeping. Whats the problem here?

Stop judging me for not listening to some of you. I just dont want to get advice from becouse it dosnt help me as much as a drummer wont take advice from a guitarist. Makes sense?! Ofc it does.

Thanks for ur 2cents anyway.