skip781 said:
another extreme tip for those with approach anxiety...........if u got too many options besides approaching, THEN GET RID OF THEM@
Not sure what you mean by "too many options beside approaching", i'm guessing you mean drinking or just talking to your friends instead of actually going up to the girl and going for what you actually this right?
On a seperate note speaking of gunwitch, it made me laugh in toecutters take the piss repsonse to a gunwitch post over on fastseduction
act macho like the Preditor, dont use humour just
look at her with a hard-on in your trousers
Ok back to my thoughts on the original post, I can see where you are coming from skip on the make your life boring, if thats what it takes to get the motivation to go for it, then thats what it takes. I could see that it would motivate you to sort it out. But on the other hand if you make your life boring then you become boring, notice how when people say "they are boring", they are not saying that
what the person is saying is boring, they are implying that the actual
person is boring. You could lie and make up some cool stories that you haven't done, but you could easily see through them.
But it is those times in the past when i have found life boring that actually got me up off my ass and started achieving. But now I look back at those times and think "never again am I going back to that state" and so i keep pushing forward, and i have decided now to always just push forward.
The key is to be happy but never satisfied, keep pushing forward always.