Rollo Tomassi
Master Don Juan
THUGO, you do realize what you're doing right? You do understand the paralysis you're in, yes? ONEitis is paralysis. You have allowed yourself to become retarded. I'm not trying to flame you; I mean that in the literal sense - you have halted and retarded the progress of your maturation by clinging to the fallacy of the ONE with this girl. You're not clinging to a special and unique individual, you are clinging to an idealization. You're obsessed with the idea of what this girl represents.
Ideally we would all love to have a mate that was an HB10, sexually available, unconditionally loving, intelligent, nurturing, fun, well adjusted, socially adept and comes from a wonderful family. This person only exists as an idea. The reality is that for each quality that we idealize another quality becomes lacking. There is no perfect ONE, there is no soulmate. You need to change your mind about this.
The woman you describe isn't the one that exists in reality and you've arrested your own development in pursuing this shadow. The cure to your disease doesn't lie in your ability to reestablish contact with her - you have to cure yourself. You have to disabuse yourself of this idealization. Remember, you will only get what you have gotten if you keep doing what you have done, which, for the last 5 years, has been absolutely nothing.
Play your fantasy out to it's logical conclusion; lets assume for a moment, you did win the lottery and she had a complete change of heart. She leaves her husband and comes back to you. Would you really be happy with this end? Or would the doubt of her sincerity and her genuine desire gnaw away at you for as long as you were together? Would you really want to spend a lifetime with a woman who so readily dismissed you to marry the first guy who matched her conditions for marriage? After experiencing this aspect of her character and being on the receiving end of her behavior, would you ever feel she was being 100% genuine with you? Or would her IL always be suspect? I don't know who I pity more, you or the man that married her. At least you know what she has the capacity for.
We only chase what runs away from us. You've been chasing for far too long now.
Ideally we would all love to have a mate that was an HB10, sexually available, unconditionally loving, intelligent, nurturing, fun, well adjusted, socially adept and comes from a wonderful family. This person only exists as an idea. The reality is that for each quality that we idealize another quality becomes lacking. There is no perfect ONE, there is no soulmate. You need to change your mind about this.
The woman you describe isn't the one that exists in reality and you've arrested your own development in pursuing this shadow. The cure to your disease doesn't lie in your ability to reestablish contact with her - you have to cure yourself. You have to disabuse yourself of this idealization. Remember, you will only get what you have gotten if you keep doing what you have done, which, for the last 5 years, has been absolutely nothing.
Play your fantasy out to it's logical conclusion; lets assume for a moment, you did win the lottery and she had a complete change of heart. She leaves her husband and comes back to you. Would you really be happy with this end? Or would the doubt of her sincerity and her genuine desire gnaw away at you for as long as you were together? Would you really want to spend a lifetime with a woman who so readily dismissed you to marry the first guy who matched her conditions for marriage? After experiencing this aspect of her character and being on the receiving end of her behavior, would you ever feel she was being 100% genuine with you? Or would her IL always be suspect? I don't know who I pity more, you or the man that married her. At least you know what she has the capacity for.
We only chase what runs away from us. You've been chasing for far too long now.