This is a new one...
I just got a text message from this girl I know is interested in me who I've barely spent any real time with. She goes to a university right next door to where I live.
One day after she was done with class and walking to the bus station, I bump into her randomly as I'm leaving my home and end up walking her there, which is about a 10 minute walk.
She's all over me, lots of kino and IOI's. I tried to leave at one point and she physically pulled me to keep me with her. In total I spent maybe 30 minutes with her that day, because I was on my way to the bar to chill with some friends.
The next day, she sends me a text message that says the following:
"Sorry Yeah OK, I can't see you today, we can next week hopefully."
I'm confused by this message seeing as how I never made any arrangements to see her again after I dropped her off at the bus station.
Have any of you ever had someone "cancel" on you when you never made any plans to see each other again in the first place? I know that both this girl and her sister are interested in me, and I'm personally not interested in either so I have no plans to pursue anything.
I'm naturally very curious about all things social (thus why I came to this site in the first place), so despite my disinterest in her I'm wondering if anyone knows what might be the mentality behind this message assuming it wasn't just an honest mistake.
I just got a text message from this girl I know is interested in me who I've barely spent any real time with. She goes to a university right next door to where I live.
One day after she was done with class and walking to the bus station, I bump into her randomly as I'm leaving my home and end up walking her there, which is about a 10 minute walk.
She's all over me, lots of kino and IOI's. I tried to leave at one point and she physically pulled me to keep me with her. In total I spent maybe 30 minutes with her that day, because I was on my way to the bar to chill with some friends.
The next day, she sends me a text message that says the following:
"Sorry Yeah OK, I can't see you today, we can next week hopefully."
I'm confused by this message seeing as how I never made any arrangements to see her again after I dropped her off at the bus station.
Have any of you ever had someone "cancel" on you when you never made any plans to see each other again in the first place? I know that both this girl and her sister are interested in me, and I'm personally not interested in either so I have no plans to pursue anything.
I'm naturally very curious about all things social (thus why I came to this site in the first place), so despite my disinterest in her I'm wondering if anyone knows what might be the mentality behind this message assuming it wasn't just an honest mistake.