This forum=Waste of my time?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Originally, when I came here I thought this would be a great place to grow as a man, become inspired by great posts here and encouraged to improve myself as a human being general and get personal coaching,critiques, advice etc on my situations and questions.

At first I was reading some great inspriational in the DJ bible, tried doing DJbootcamp with limited success. However, when it comes to posting here for advice or suggestions I begin to feel like I'm wasting my time. Now it could be my fault. But, the ironic thing is, I Try to make my posts original, easily legible, Not trollish, respond positively and be open-minded to the advice given. Sometimes I recieve someone's reply who has obviously misunderstood me. I try to reply in a calm and civilized manner, not calling them idiot's that don't understand and insulting people in fits of rage and threatening to leave.

However, most of my posts seem to sink to the 5th page or in a matter of minutes maybe recieving one reply on the way down. However, people who post irrelevant, AFC, trolling, barely legible advice seem to get tons of replies. I can even recall a certain member who had 5 pages worth of reactions (though mostly negative)!! What's the deal with that.. 0_o ?!

Also, people who threaten to leave because the tactics here aren't getting them laid or ones who think their game is forever ruined because Neil Strauss revealed their underground secret "game" seem to get a lot of replies or if they have the magic "look" that makes ladies go crazy.
Basically what it seems to break down to is in order to get replies you have to post something stupid-afcish, Irrelevant, controversial, or just act like some angry, horny bipolar man who takes it out on this forum when he can't laid.

I'm not angry really, but I am getting
frustrated that my posts barely get any replies. I could go back to other forums that give what would probably be considered AFC advice, at least I get some help there but I feel I could progress faster here if people would actually reply. So please, if my posts are not legible, too long, not a situation that anyone can help me with or whatever makes it my fault that people replying..let me know!

P.s. If anyone wants to help me come with ideas on how to use my upcoming birthday to my advantage to meet women, please reply to my latest post.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
personaly,i usually reply to questions to issues i have
already coped with or are going through the process of.

if anything i am here to learn as much as help people,
i am just curious to what your issues would be.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Well, I must admit Shezzler, I LOVE reading your field reports. As a matter of fact, your one of those posters whose posts I almost always look to forward to reading because you usually post good advice or a damn good and inspirational FR! I always get a kick outta reading your FR's and I notice they usually get good replies as well, so I don't always respond to them.
However, I'd be glad to respond to them with my opinion. I don't know if I can give much advice because it seems like your a good bit of ahead of me when it comes to meeting women, but I can always try..and even an opinion is better than nothing.

IF you want to know why people didn't reply to that post..I think it was just too much about the poem of Jabberwocky at first which is rather odd even IMO.

Anyways, what I'm hoping to get right now is some opinions on what to do for my upcoming birthdays as far as throwing a party/meeting women. Just imagine what you would do if it were your birthday or how you could use that as a reason to approach women!

Thank you Organizedconfusion and Shezzler!

P.s. remember how [0_o] used to call you "shelter" Damn, that was one illiterate Mofo!


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
I didn't reply to your post on birthday because I'm not a party person. I'm a one on one guy. I keep birthday parties and all to family and really close people, to have the kind of fun where you don't need women.

How about we start a field report club or something? Each one who "signs" in, must come up with atleast one field report a week, with some.. tip alongside it. People will follow through example and pretty soon we will make it the unspeaken rule to have continuos field reports posted. Something like that.

I don't reply to tons of posts because it gets tired to reply with "read the dj bible", or because I have nothing to say. I'm sure many more have the same reasons.


New Member
Oct 25, 2005
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Raleigh, N.C.
First time posting

Hey bro's, look I feel ya, so far I have sent messages to David D. and gotten no response, (but he's busy and can't possibly answer all of the E/M's he gets, I understand this and I'm cool with it), also I asked ?'s to Jeffy from Fast seduction 101...again no response. So I am pretty used to not getting responses for my questions.
I admit that as of right now, for whatever reason, I am in AFC land, I will say at one time (15 yrs ago, in another life it seems)I was definately not!! This is my frist reply/post or anything b/c I am so AFC, and not wanting to show my ignorance. My point is that I am benefitting from everybodies post! I am seeing what I feel is comfy for me to try first (calling them dorks, dude, and playas, hitting them with an occasional neg) and also learning what I will never do/say to a girl (nice shoes, wanna ****) So, please, DON'T LEAVE, DON'T GO AWAY. If ya do, at least give me the forum name that you go to so I can see what other PUA's and potential PUA's are doing.
Since I have been reading from this forum, David D, and Fast Seduction. I have taken some first, albeit small, but first steps. I am approaching more exotic girls, (+ for me), girls that are more in the 8-9 range, and this past sat. night, opened two sets (Nervously and then claming up, but that will abate, eventually).
So again, I say please dont even consider leaving- to everybody! Things that are good take time to cultivate, things you appreciate you have to work for, things that come to easy you wind up taking for granted and eventually it gets neglected, and then falls apart.
Thanks for everybodies contirbutions, BTW I really enjoy reading posts from the likes of MR. Mystery II, Marlimus, Pook, Sisonpyh <(I like that) and already have the e-book. You guys are inspirational, Thank-you!


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by SamePendo
I didn't reply to your post on birthday because I'm not a party person. I'm a one on one guy. I keep birthday parties and all to family and really close people, to have the kind of fun where you don't need women.
i am the same way actually and i don't even like parties and
get togethers.I'd much rather bar-b q with a few close friends and
get a good buzz.

but if i really just wanted a barrage of girls to show up at a
party, i'd make fliers and personally invite girls from where ever
they horde at -nail shops , salons, and other estrogen infused
places. me and my friend that was leaving state for school
did something similar like this and his house was PACKED full
of girls

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
try using titles that catch people's eyes that pertain to your subject. I clicked on this thread because the title was interesting. Also, I sometimes have the same problem as you. I never really get in arguements on here though


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
And a noob forum. BTW, I totally agree w/the OP.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, I also dislike it when people come into your thread without any useful advice and say "Read the Bible". Often times, the question the person is asking is a specific situation and every little thing is not covered in the bible. And often times it's another AFC that comes in and tries to look smart but in reality, saying "Read the Bible" when you've already read the bible isn't really helpful advice.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
You have an "all about me attitude". You shouldn't expect or care for that matter if people reply to your posts.

I took a look at your thread. The birthday thing has nothing to do with being a DJ. You are basically asking how to have a birthday party - no one cares to post as no one tries to set a birthday party for themselves to pick up women.

And then you take it even further to ask if these groups of people are compatible with each other in a birthday party that you set up for yourself to pick up women.

What do you expect?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jukeboxhero
Originally, when I came here I thought this would be a great place to grow as a man, become inspired by great posts here and encouraged to improve myself as a human being general and get personal coaching,critiques, advice etc on my situations and questions.

At first I was reading some great inspriational in the DJ bible, tried doing DJbootcamp with limited success. However, when it comes to posting here for advice or suggestions I begin to feel like I'm wasting my time. Now it could be my fault. But, the ironic thing is, I Try to make my posts original, easily legible, Not trollish, respond positively and be open-minded to the advice given. Sometimes I recieve someone's reply who has obviously misunderstood me. I try to reply in a calm and civilized manner, not calling them idiot's that don't understand and insulting people in fits of rage and threatening to leave.

However, most of my posts seem to sink to the 5th page or in a matter of minutes maybe recieving one reply on the way down. However, people who post irrelevant, AFC, trolling, barely legible advice seem to get tons of replies. I can even recall a certain member who had 5 pages worth of reactions (though mostly negative)!! What's the deal with that.. 0_o ?!

Also, people who threaten to leave because the tactics here aren't getting them laid or ones who think their game is forever ruined because Neil Strauss revealed their underground secret "game" seem to get a lot of replies or if they have the magic "look" that makes ladies go crazy.
Basically what it seems to break down to is in order to get replies you have to post something stupid-afcish, Irrelevant, controversial, or just act like some angry, horny bipolar man who takes it out on this forum when he can't laid.

I'm not angry really, but I am getting
frustrated that my posts barely get any replies. I could go back to other forums that give what would probably be considered AFC advice, at least I get some help there but I feel I could progress faster here if people would actually reply. So please, if my posts are not legible, too long, not a situation that anyone can help me with or whatever makes it my fault that people replying..let me know!

P.s. If anyone wants to help me come with ideas on how to use my upcoming birthday to my advantage to meet women, please reply to my latest post.
You're an idiot


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DonJuanMonk
Ya wasting air, go suicide please
best advice yet


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Originally posted by flexion_
You have an "all about me attitude". You shouldn't expect or care for that matter if people reply to your posts.

I took a look at your thread. The birthday thing has nothing to do with being a DJ. You are basically asking how to have a birthday party - no one cares to post as no one tries to set a birthday party for themselves to pick up women.

And then you take it even further to ask if these groups of people are compatible with each other in a birthday party that you set up for yourself to pick up women.

What do you expect?
OK, maybe posting here about that was a bad idea. I just wanted ideas on cool things to do for birthday parties. Also, I don't really want to "pickup" women, I just wanted to use it as way to get to know more and widen my social circle, and having a b-day party was IMO a good excuse to get someone's number and maybe meet someone through them later on.
Anyways, I guess I might sound a little selfish but I'm tired of never getting replies when I'm genuinely asking for advice while other "trolls" or controversial posts get loads of replies.

Anyways, I'll try to keep my posts more relevant and DJ-oriented if that is what people will reply to.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Well, maybe 'party' is the wrong word. I don't mean the blasting music, hundreds of people I don't know getting wasted at my house and trashing the place-Frat party.

I'm talking getting together with a few people I know and perhaps some people I know via phone but haven't met OR people I meet going out. So I'm not just going to be handing out invitations to strangers inviting to some HUGE party to get drunk.
I.e. My sister used to invite her family, personal and church friends to eat at a restaurant and eat/chill/throw the bull--followed by a movie or going out to sing karoake with whoever wanted to stay up that late.

I'm thinking of something small like going to one of those game/entertainment places (Gameworks, Dave and Busters in my area, etc). However, the more I think about it the more I realize I should just trust my own judgement and use my imagination or ask my sister.

As for all the other people that agree with me, Thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only person who noticed this contigency.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
go post in mature man

main board is a joke

high school board is a joke

anything else is rapidly approaching that status, but it's fine for now.


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
I felt two things when I read your post. One...
Originally posted by flexion_
You have an "all about me attitude". You shouldn't expect or care for that matter if people reply to your posts.
And second, like you said, a lot of guys here are trolling, and chumps, and keyboard jockeys, so they may be intimidated or not interested in responding to real posts.

A while back I got "frustrated" once or twice when no one replied to one of my clubbing FR threads and I bumped it a few times. but then again, you remember that "frustratation" is associated with the other side...that's the afc side man, you gotta leave the dark side and join the force. just leave chumpdom and frustration to the chumps. It's the same sort of "frustration" that reeks from the threads of guys who bash this site b/c it never worked for them, etc etc.

What I'm saying is who cares if no one reads your threads/posts, I've made bunches of threads that got no or few replies, but I'd rather get people who actually care to reply than trolls or keyboard gurus replying for the sake of posting and increasing their "don juan level."

you know what I'm saying? like, we don't need 40 replies to a guy who has a simple question, and lead the thread into a flame war about some unrelevant crap. threads should be carried on only as long as there is still useful knowledge/info being shared. eh, but what do i know, i'm still a bit buzzed, and i'm not a mod anyway.

later :woo: