Onegoal said:
So I'm talking a summer class at college and there is this really cute girl in my class. I never really have talked to her before though. The teacher put us in small groups for one of our projects and she happens to be in my group. Anyways because of that I was able to get her cell number. We have texted back and forth about class stuff, but that is it.
How do I get to know her better so I can ask her out? Hopefully the teacher has us start working on our project in class so I can have more interaction with her.
Okay not sure how to advise on getting to know her it seems with women there's always an initial attraction of some sort. But anyway I'll have a think on what to advise you for that part.
But as for asking her out I've never had problems with it, just steer the conversation to the right topic. So you want to take her out to see a movie? Speak about movies. Simple, then when you're on the topic you can mention one you've been wanting to see. Uhm as for asking her, something like "you could come with me but I think it's a bit too scary for you
" (if it's a horror, for example). She'll usually be like "no it's not!" unless she actually is too frightened of those sorts of films
but yeah you get the idea....
Hmmm now for getting to know each other... Can't really think to be honest, you're in the same class etc but if I was you I wouldn't focus on school AT ALL. I wouldn't mention it, except maybe to make fun of the teacher or whatever, but apart from that no. Try to speak about other things, and be playful with her. The ultimate "point-scorer" is when you tease her in a playful way, the kind where she laughs and hits you. For some reason that seems to be an "insta-on" for women.
Actually I just thought of something for you. Invite her over to work on the project. Get bored of doing it after like, 10 minutes and put on a movie. Done deal. :yes:
Just realized you've "text back and forth about class", gah. Move away from that topic immediately, it's boring as hell. Connect with her on a different level. Go with the classic "wubu2?" and when she returns the question (assuming she says "nothing" or whatever) you can fire off into something interesting.