This chick is fine, she's a 10


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
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threads like this make me think twice about taking advice from people who are apparently successful at this stuff lol
Some of the 'hot' girls posted are like my idea of a 4 - Makes me think that the guys getting laid lots and just banging ugly girls who anyone could bang and their 'game' or 'status' or whatever is actually irrelevant lol
Many guys on here are dating Asian and ethnic girls who already view white men as superior. No need for game

It all goes back to the blackpill and your genetic determinism. But many are too afraid to swallow this, the last truth, the final one

I've got nothing to hide. My league pool is solid average and it would be much higher if I was taller

Male behaviour is also amplified. So when you hear about 10 plates or HB8, it's probably best to half that number


Jul 19, 2019
Reaction score
Many guys on here are dating Asian and ethnic girls who already view white men as superior. No need for game

It all goes back to the blackpill and your genetic determinism. But many are too afraid to swallow this, the last truth, the final one

I've got nothing to hide. My league pool is a solid average and it would be much higher if I was taller

Male behaviour is also amplified. So when you hear about 10 plates or HB8, it's probably best to half that number
I was on seddit yesterday and I kept noticing a certain poster was bragging all over the place about how 'game' is working for him and he's banging left and right, and if someone posted that they got rejected by some hot girl he was like 'up your game, bro!!!'

Made me curious. I thought maybe I could learn some tips from him, so I went through his post history and eventually discovered he was a decent looking white American guy who had moved to South East Asia! haha. I mean, there's vids on youtube of legit, self-confessed incels who blog about their sexual adventure in the Philipines or whatever. Hardcore autistic white incel dudes finally getting laid a tonne so I wasn't that impressed by the seddit 'PUA' if the vloggers can do the same!

But yeah, I think sometimes people confuse their 'alpha masculinity and presence' for actually just playing on easy mode in one way or another (standard of girls being one of a few)
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Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
There was a time when I banged 150+ 6's in a row. Don't regret it one bit. I can get 8's and 9's. But I usually always have a bunch of 6's in the backburner that I can sleep with any time. Like a rotation of 10-15 women.

I've always been a binary guy. If my d1ck says yes, then she's good enough to bang. Don't understand why some guys are so hung up on trying to impress other guys with the "hotness" of their women.

Reaks of insecurity to me.
The 1st 2 pictures is not a 6.

Neither is it a 5 or even a 4.

Ain't no way a man that's spoilt with choices be caught dead with those 2 vomit inducing women - especially that one that looks like a poodle from a horror movie.


Jan 14, 2018
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Personally I haven’t thought about chicks since I was 14.

There is no part of me that even wants to defend my ability to get girls, lol.

It’s such a small accomplishment in life. Such a low level thing to even think about.

Like a bunch of 15 year olds on the playground measuring their d1cks.

Nobody who gets laid cares that much about something that insignificant, lol.
On the contrary, every single man that has high value does.

Ain't no one will be caught dead with any vomit inducing female.

Standards - that's the conner stone of a man who knows what he wants in life.

You best raise ur standards.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
Only insecure people care. You’re projecting your own insecurity to me. Which I don’t have.

Every guy with half a brain knows different men have different tastes.

Now you are acting like an insecure little child.
Standards has nothing to do with insecurity.

It's either you're on par, below par or above par.

Right now u r below par.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
According to spaz, who is nobody.
And according to Spaz, a man's personality will be reflected in his performance.

If he is lax, his performance will be slow.

If he is focused, his performance will be precise.

If he is composed, his performance will be steady.

That is why I say u r below par and need to raise ur standards.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
According to stormrider, in order for spaz’s opinion to matter in his reality, first he must respect him.

Then he must think spaz has credibility.

But I don’t respect you nor do I think you have any credibility.

Which is why I said you are nobody and nothing you say matter.

You spend so much time here that you have to turn off your “show people you are online” option so that people don’t think you are a loser without a life.

Why don’t you turn it on and let us all see how much time you spend on here.

I showed Pics of some chicks I banged with no fear. Surely the least you can do is that, lol. Or are you too insecure.
Feel free to scan through pictures I've posted, it's there.

This has nothing to do with fear nor insecurity.

It has to do with standards.

A man must hv standards and it has to be good standards.

Those 2 women are ugly.

You better level up.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
If you want to talk about standards, one of my standards is transparency. I have no need to hide. Yet you do.

You are below par. Level up and show us your online status.

I’m Until then you have no credibility. In fact, you are less than @biggoal.

Because at least he doesn’t fear showing his online status.
Online status determines credibility? Haha.

I wonder who thought you that.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
It’s not online status. It’s the fact that you spend 24/7 on here to the point that you felt the need to turn it off so that nobody knows how much of a loser you are.
Why is it that when you guys hit a stumbling block with me almost always end up talking abt the number of postings or my supposed time spent on here?

Next I bet it's gonna be my profile picture.

Anyhow, just to entertain you, my little tadpole, can a Mod here print out the number of hours I spend in Sosuave per day for the last month?


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
Lol at me hitting a stumbling block? You’re easy money.

You’re the easiest person on sosuave to expose, lmao.

Let’s go down the laundry list.....

1) I haven’t had an argument about “who’s girl is hotter than who” since I was 14 years old in high school. That’s what you look like. An immature little child who feels the need to puff up his chest for people to take him seriously.

Can anyone believe you are actually a 60 year old man who owns businesses? Lmao.

2) I remember one time you literally said to me in pm “I need to put Guru in his’s just forum politics.”

I was like wtf? This is a men’s locker room where people shoot the sh1t. Are you that much of a no life loser that you feel the need to go after someone because of “forum politics?” Lmao. Sounds like revenge of the nerds type sh1t.

3) you begged me to post again. You even showed people my old posts when I was @da dynamically and preached to everyone how they should learn from me. And that leads to me to....

4) The past year you have been my biggest fanboy. Every thread I’ve participated in, you can be seen in the background cheerleading for me. And when someone attacks me, you would attack them as if I was your boyfriend.

5) literally 1/3 of my likes came directly from you, lmao. You were pretty much the president of my fan club.

You can’t erase 12 months of fangirling and getting on your knees and sucking me off after every one of my posts spaz. That’s not how it works, lol.

Forget trying to find pics of chicks you”ve posted. Just look at spazs posting history in 2019 and you would think he had a love affair with me.

Now you guys are probably wondering why is spaz all of a sudden childish and butthurt.

The reason is actually more petty than you think.

Hes butthurt because I compared him to guru at some random thread. LOL. He got so offended just from that.

That’s how petty he is. Like I said spaz, you are easy money. Making fun of you has been the easiest thing I ever did at sosuave. Lmao.
Is this ur attempt to take me on?

Just the 3 of you? Mr. Whiny, Ms. Poodle from some horror flick and Ms. Bulldog from some kid's worst nightmare.

I don't blame you for being so jealous.


Jul 19, 2019
Reaction score
Both these women are not ugly but average at best.
Also that's a professional pic which makes her look better and perfect too. It goes to show why old having a pro photo is key. Adds at least 1 point right there.

Notice these celebs and newscasters for example look much hotter in their airbrushed photos and then when you meet them in person....


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Dude. PM this lady's number. Perfect fit for me. NYC?
These are just examples I pulled from google. I'm in NYC, there's plenty of girls here that look just like these girls.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City