Originally posted by Lifeforce
I think you are an idiot!
1.I'm not yet 21, should I use steroids ?
HELL NO. Plain and simple. Steroids WILL, not may, WILL stunt your growth. They close the epiphysial plates in your bones and stop all possibility of attaining a greater height. Further more using steroids during puberty, when you are dealing with an already very unstable endocrine system can have severe consequences in the long run : Erectile dysfunction (impotence), loss of libido and even infertility ! I assume most men in their late teens and twenties hope to have children some day and lead a long and fulfilling sex life, so steroids before the age of 21 : NO ! Questions about steroids by teens may well be ignored.
If you are a teenager wondering about steroids, heed this advice. Read the boards, absorb the knowledge and learn so you can use them properly when you are old enough. But for your own good steer clear of them now. For once and for all, use your mind, we have nothing to gain or lose by telling you not to use them.
2.Steroids are not magic !
They are merely effective hormonal supplements. They increase the rate of protein synthesis in the body, but to synthsize protein one still needs to take in enough protein and take care of his energy needs with fats and carbs. Those thinking that steroids will get them out of the rut their bad diets have created are sorely mistaken. A steroid user needs a minimum of experience because his diet will take a lot more work than the diet of a natural athlete. We are talking in excess of 25 calories per pound of bodyweight daily, where 18-22 will suffice for a natural. And most can't even make that. Large amount of proteins especially need to be consumed. Upwards of 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight daily. Steroids do not cause growth, they merely speed up the process and stretch it to supra-physiological levels, working with the means they have. And those means are the food you consume.
3.You should not use steroids until you have reached your natural limit.
Well lets say you need to be close to it. This has a lot to do with the previous points and for two reasons. The first being that if you are not near your natural limit, there is no way you tried enough variations in your diet to assume you are ready to use steroids.
The second reason is that if you cannot attain a near natural limit, you simply do not possess the nutritional skills to make steroids work to their maximum. The result being that you will waste a lot of money, get lots of side-effects, but not the gains you were hoping for.