do yourself a favor bro.
read this book
man's search for meaning
by victor Frankiln
promisse you will learn something
there is always people that have it worse....think germany, WWII. concentration camps. that book will open your eyes... there is more to life than meets the eye. You just need to realize that you are alive
how many people would be joyful of the thought of being alive, many people have terminal diseases, people are getting killed in earthquakes every year.... think last month's chile's earthquake.
how many people are would do anything to go back to school have a degree. or live with their parents for support, because they can't support themselves.... you are only 28, I'm 25.... if i was single again, I'd just pick myself up and walk out the door to meet some women
dude, it doesn't matter if you are 90 years old, you get to decide how you wanna live your life, and how attractive you are, and how women see you... its UP TO YOU.
i think you need some work to do,, I would suggest you seek a psychologist, and do some CBT cognitive behavior therapy to get you started in changing the way you see yourself, your life, and the future.... you need to learn to change your beliefs, your emotions, and your behaviors. If you take care of this now, you will live your 30s with great success..
if you didn't know 30s are the years of ultimate maturity for males, it represents manhood, and women look for guys in their 30s, hell i look forward to being 30 in the future as a better man than I am today
take care bro and seek help.
it's worth it