Thinking about retiring the game


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
For a few years now I have been all about developing my game. Along the way I have had lots of great experiences and lots of experiences that make me feel like maybe I am not on the right path.

At the end of the day I basically feel like even if I were to find a girl that I want to bring into my life longterm and make her my girlfriend that she will not be happy. This constantly runs through my head. It's why I focus so much on my game because without my game I feel I have nothing more right now. I am not in the best shape, I am 30 and I live in a small apartment, which I can't even afford to get really cool furniture into -- and since I am looking to move I don't really want to yet. I am not driving right now so I am on foot. I don't have anything that really stands out lookswise, just an average guy that some find over-average and some find under-average. I don't know what I want to do with my life. My major claims to fame are simply that I have done a little traveling (nothing that great), and have a degree. For the last decade my life and it's stories mainly consist of partying and some trips I have taken. Even despite those things my social circle is pretty lame at this point as most my friends are married and jayded -- they think that 30 is knocking on deaths door I guess.

So anyways I have been thinking of all this and i can take 2 attitudes.

1) None of that matters if I have good game.

2) This matters because it KEEPS me from having good game and it means that most girls I bring into my life will exit stage right pretty quick.

I have been assuming 1 this whole time and because of that I have had some short term successes. I am starting to think 2 though. I don't think I can ever have good inner game in this situation. I spend so much of my free time going out, meeting people, studying pickup, posting about pickup. It's been my hobby.

I feel like it's time to step away and get my life together. Doesn't mean I cant socialize but I feel the need to drop "game" and just be true to my situation. Doesn't mean I have to tell people of how bad my life sucks but acting like I am this magical guy who will whisk them off their feet and is the answer to their entire existance and acting all ****y and gamey just doesnt feel congruent.

Im seriously thinking of just dropping the whole act and just being down to earth and friendly to people, making some friends, and spending most of my free time enhancing my personal life, improving my life situation. Girls as a sidenote -- no real focus on them.



Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
a house
Sounds like a plan stan. But I must say,sounds like your going the whole"be yourself" route,which is debated on here. I agree though,It's good to be a down earth,freindly,easy going dude,which Is what I basically am.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
ItsOnNow said:
Sounds like a plan stan. But I must say,sounds like your going the whole"be yourself" route,which is debated on here. I agree though,It's good to be a down earth,freindly,easy going dude,which Is what I basically am.
Well Im not going to sit there and be like "yeah I dont know what I want to do with my life, yeah my apartment sucks" but I just think that if I am a friendly nice guy and stop the whole faking it til I make it over-arrogant angle, and form some kind of real bond with them that they may be more willing to overlook these things, and I will at least make some friends while I get my life together.

I mean when I am coming at this building myself up in their mind as the coolest guy ever with the coolest life it is kind of false advertisement. I would rather just be a humble down to earth dude who is cool to them then to get into this big power struggle **** test thing where they are constantly looking to test me as being this awesome guy when really Im not. When you act like your **** dont stink they constantly test you for it and I just cant back it up in the end right now.....


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
a house
Everybodie's **** stinks lol. I am sort of going through a sitting there not knowing what to do with my life thing myself.

A real bond,that's all I want. I don't want to have to go through x-amount of chicks and stuff,and whathaveyou,I just want to find a nice,normal girl,and have a family. Or is my thinking way off? Or,do I have to act like I am the ****,and you all gotta be kissin my ass?


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Hey this thread is about ME -- not YOU. :D

No but I don't even really care about the whole pickett fence thing right now, I am just tired of feeling the pressure to have to live up to some sort of persona that is not congruent for me right now. I simply don't have a lot going for me at this time and would rather just interact with women in a down to earth take it or leave it sort of way.

As for you, if you want marriage definately drop the act. i am tired of going against the grain with these girls, it's tiresome. Im not going to let them rush things or lead the interaction but Im not too cool for school, just a normal guy with some issues so I dont see any cause or reason to act differently then that, all that is doing is messing with my inner game and my mind right now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I feel what you are saying about taking time to get your life together. I'm in that boat. Working on starting my business, buying a house and furthering my career at the moment. I'm tired of the club scene...I can play the game but it's grown old. I find most of my joy in spending time with my kid and my family. These sites are really sort of a hobby until I get things where I want them to be. I read and learn and share my experience.

I don't present myself in the street as anything I'm not. I got a crappy car and a small apartment. But I know where I'm going and what I'm working towards. Now would be the perfect time to meet someone...because at least I know there are there for what they see right now. Not for what I will have in the future.

This is the sort of inbetween time/meantime where you work on yourself. You get all of your ducks in a row.

You hit the gym and get in shape, gain mass or loose fat.

You work on your wardrobe and hygene and look fresh every day (clean shoes right!)

You work on your dreams and hobbies everyday.

You enjoy friends and family and just be social for fun.

In otherwords just enjoy your life man. Work towards your goals and be that down to earth guy. I'm sure some decent girls will pop up.

If worse comes to worse..get you a 5 or 6 to tide you thru in the mean time!


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
sounds like you never really picked up the game


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Dude thats your problem in the 1st place... you think about gaming girls, picking girls up, whisking them off their feet... you can't focus so much on that.

As someone once told me "you can't be happy with someone, if your not happy with yourself" and no offense bro by the looks of your post you are not happy with yourself.

I can't even tell you how many times i've gone out with the mentality **** women, i'm better then all of them i don't need a girl to have a great time tonight and what do you know.... girls come to me...

LOOSE THE DESPERATION... because I can see it in your post... i can only imagine what its like in person. Have a good time, get your own life together before you start trying to wife some girl up


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
It is never to late to change. Do what you need to do. Fvck women, they will always be around. But, the chance to be somebody and do something with you life. Will pass you by too quick.