Thinking about moving--worth it?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
How much does the environment you live in affect your chances at meeting/sleeping with women? I would guess, a lot. I'm a sophomore at a well-known party school, and I'm in a fraternity, but I'm still a virgin. While college girls may be sluttier and partygoers may get drunker than people at bars/clubs, there's one thing college isn't great for: practicing game. With the exception of drinking holidays, most parties at my school are really nothing special, and weekends like this (the weekend after Halloween) there's barely anything going on.

I know if I were living in a big city, I could go out every night of the week, or even during the day, and meet beautiful girls who if I failed with I would never see again. I'm thinking of moving to LA, and this is one of many reasons--I want to enter the music industry, I hate cold weather, I smoke weed, etc; just to make it clear that I'm not thinking of moving JUST to hook up with women. I'm going to move to LA regardless, it's just a question of now or later. My favorite things in life are music, warm weather, partying/going out, smoking weed, and girls, and I have money, so please don't try to tell me I shouldn't want to live there; as far as I can tell it's the capital of everything I enjoy.

I'd have to transfer schools and I'd be far away from my family, and for a few months I'd be in a strange new place with absolutely no friends; everybody I know would say "That's a random decision, why not just go to grad school there?" but I'm tired of living here and I want some variety and excitement in my life.

Feel free to weigh in on the whole idea if you want, but I'm wondering one thing in particular: Would moving to LA make it easier to bring my game up to a workable level?

I can't go out five or six nights a week here, and most weekend parties aren't great. I've never had sex, and I make out with a girl roughly once every three months, but it's not like I can't flirt with a girl or carry on a conversation; people with less social skills have probably made more improvements in as much time as it would take me to get good. If I moved to LA, I feel like I'd be able to go out really frequently until I had a few girls I could hook up with regularly. In fact, that appears to be how every single pickup guru out there found success, the largest portion of them in LA specifically.

On the other hand, I'm not 21 yet; I'm 19. Don't get me wrong, I'd have no problem with going to under 21 venues and hitting on high school girls in the meantime (it would be still legal, and easier), but I'd probably be missing out on all the good clubs and environments in which to meet women since I'm only 19. And I have no idea what college parties in SoCal are like.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
West Coast
It's going to be a fast-paced high profile dating arena. The possibilities will seem endless. A walk through the ocean of most souls there will scarcely get your feet wet.
I used to live next door to San Jose State University, but I wasn't a student there. I just liked the area.
The people su-cked, horribly. The women were nasty as all getout and the guys were poisoned by their own testosterone, and their anger. There seemed to be a lot of anger and fear wherever I went. I was just beginning My Brilliant Career, but it was over a year before I had my first-ever lay. She really offered herself to me. The second time with her was a bust, and there wasn't any third time. By then, I'd resolved to move north to the other end of the Bay Area, and it saved me from going nuts.
Santa Cruz was a mentally healthier place, but I never got to spend time there. They did have nude beaches. PA doesn't.
You'll have to sample the locales and see what suits you best.
I visited PA recently, and it struck me how lots of girls are on the chubby side, but kinda cute just the same...


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Where ever you go,there you are. IF you are in a college frat in a party school, it isn't the women-its you. approach during the day,get numbers,dates and laid. In 4 years, you will never see these people again,so what do you care?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
You go to school at Penn State main campus and you think you need to move to LA to find girls?!?!?!?!?!

OMG, if I could have one wish granted, it may very well be for me to go back to college all over again at age 17 and have all the knowledge about girls that i have now at age 33.

Dude, you have a cornucopia of women right there at State College. Go pick the ripe fruit!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
bluenorther: a "fast-paced high profile arena" it that much more difficult? I'm sure it's great practice. Thanks for the advice. And yes, the girls here are like that...I'm skinny so I don't particularly like it much. Walking around Long Beach at night I noticed that every woman was thin and attractive...there literally seems to be much hotter girls in SoCal.

sodbuster: I guess you're right, but it feels different, because I know I'll see people again. I've never lived in a city, but I've always wanted to, and it always throws me off guard when I'm visiting and strangers speak to me. I guess it's a fairly normal thing in a city but at my school it only happens when people are drunk; I never see anyone chatting up strangers. I'm comfortable approaching girls at a big party where I have more anonymity, but I've never been able to do it during the day.

f283000: If you actually read what I wrote, I specifically said that it wouldn't be the only reason. I'd rather not sacrifice my standard of living and live in a foreign country just to get laid, it seems a bit drastic. Besides, there's plenty of Asian girls in LA. They might be Americanized to an extent, but not as much as white girls in some cases.

Tihash: That's what everyone says, but I'm not seeing it...the most "alpha" dude at my fraternity is sleeping with like 3 girls, but only one of them is that attractive. I'm a virgin, and some members of my mid-level fraternity rarely get laid.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
and if its not then ye moving sounds good


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Exhumed said:
Would moving to LA make it easier to bring my game up to a workable level?
Where in LA will you specifically be? Will you be associated with a college campus or out on your own?

Like someone else pointed out, if you can't be successful in a frat at a party school in the bubble reality of college (where most logistics are pre-handled), then your going to find LA really hard.

IMO you'd do better where you are if you put forth more effort during the day.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
I'd probably transfer to USC, so yes, the college environment would be there.

And I'm sure it would be difficult, I'm just thinking I'd have more opportunity to practice.

I guess I could try approaching girls during the day, but that's always struck me as a weird thing to do...also I'm rarely in the library, I've been eating healthy so no cafeteria, the only time I could think of that I could approach girls (unless I went to the main building specifically to chat up random girls) would be in class. Am I the only one who finds day game to be a less natural concept? I like large parties with lots of girls I don't know, I can keep approaching, and I'm expected to approach...approaching random girls during the day is different. And by that I don't mean, you comment on the purse of the girl in line in front of you at McDonalds and strike up a conversation...I mean approaching girls who are just sitting there minding their own business, completely out of the blue. I've never seen it done; I don't even know what a successful daytime approach would look like.