Senior Don Juan
Disclaimer: long rant, something might be news but probably not. So if you read all this and walk away dumber, you have only yourself to blame.
Been doing some thinking lately, and the more I think the more I conclude that maybe I have a wrong understanding of the way things are/should be. We have sites like this, books on dating, the entire PUA/DJ/whatever community - all about how to lay chicks. Within the context of these resources, everything in-between (confidence, lines, routines, even some self improvement) is just a means to an end: having sex with women.
But really, is this what we should be about? Is this how we should be spending our time? Don't get me wrong - I love women, and I love sexing them. I'm by no means a PUA, but then again I don't have the self motivation of Mystery or Style. In the end, will they even be remembered by the world? Do more than a handful of guys even know them? I'm not trying to start some honorable crusade, but I would like to discuss the whole institution of the DJ/PUA from a higher, more mature perspective and maybe shed some light on my own path to higher knowledge and personal growth.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that gaming girls is fun, thrilling, and definitely teaches you a thing or two, but is it really something you look back on and think to yourself, "I spent my time wisely"? The reason I say this is because the more I read on this site and about seduction, the more it seems like a chore rather than something that should JUST HAPPEN. It's like there's some process, some X amount of "stuff" you have to do before you can get with a girl. You qualify her, she qualifies you, you do this she does that blah blah blah.
So what if you banged 1000 chicks by the time you die. Great. It still won't fill that void. What have you accomplished that satisfies your existence? Yes there are greats like Casanova, but his life's work wasn't just gaming girls - it was writing thousands of pages of personal memoirs about seduction which has taught us many valuable lessons. And while a lot of us do want to spread our seed, so to speak, I doubt many will write much about it.
It just doesn't seem right when you look at the whole picture. I see countless posts on "why do women like Brad Pitt" or "why do women like rock stars" or "why do women like so and so but not me". I don't think it's because those people are anything special. Brad Pitt is average at best without makeup and if you've seen him in his early acting days he looked like a straight up fag. Rockstars? Please. And it's not just the entertainers who get to hit it. It seems to be that it's more people who DO SOMETHING with their lives that attract pvssy rather than wasting time doing openers, getting numbers, following up, yada yada.
This is probably nothing new. I recently listened to the audio version of the book "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus". Half the book sucks, but that's my personal opinion. However, there was a very good point about respecting differences between the sexes. The author pointed out that women feel accomplished in life through the quality of their relationships whereas men feel accomplished in life through the quality of their achievements. In other words women are temporarily satisfied when their relationship(s) are going well. Men are temporarily satisfied when they've accomplished some goal (getting a promotion, lifting some weight you've never lifted before, setting some personal best, etc).
What I took away from all this is that THESE DIFFERENCES are what attract us to one another. We are attracted to women because they provide something we're not the best at: managing relationships. Women are attracted to us because we provide something they're not the best at: setting and accomplishing goals. It's almost too obvious to me when I think about it in every aspect of life. How many women do you see in the gym with male personal trainers? Tons. How many guys have female personal trainers? That's what I thought. How many of you discuss your problems with your bros? How many chicks discuss their goals with their girlfriends?
Anyway, what I'm getting at is this: why should we waste our time going out of our way to pick up girls? Why not use that time to become what girls want and are naturally attracted to in the first place: a man who has a passion in life that's NOT a woman.
One of the girls I'm dating right now has told me a lot about what she thinks of me and why she's so attracted (alcohol - gotta love the truth serum). About how I have an obsessive personality (I do) and when I'm really interested in something I go all out to achieve it. She told me that of all the things she wants to take away from our relationship, it is the hope that some of my intrinsic motivation will rub off on her. Sure I may look good in her eyes, or have other male qualities, but I feel it is this drive to accomplish something in life, to be someone great, that attracts women. These rock stars, at least the really successful ones that people will remember, are about music. The women see this passion, this drive to achieve goals. THAT's what drives them wild.
I could be completely wrong about all this. But maybe there's some truth to it and that's why I'm sharing. What do you think?
Been doing some thinking lately, and the more I think the more I conclude that maybe I have a wrong understanding of the way things are/should be. We have sites like this, books on dating, the entire PUA/DJ/whatever community - all about how to lay chicks. Within the context of these resources, everything in-between (confidence, lines, routines, even some self improvement) is just a means to an end: having sex with women.
But really, is this what we should be about? Is this how we should be spending our time? Don't get me wrong - I love women, and I love sexing them. I'm by no means a PUA, but then again I don't have the self motivation of Mystery or Style. In the end, will they even be remembered by the world? Do more than a handful of guys even know them? I'm not trying to start some honorable crusade, but I would like to discuss the whole institution of the DJ/PUA from a higher, more mature perspective and maybe shed some light on my own path to higher knowledge and personal growth.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that gaming girls is fun, thrilling, and definitely teaches you a thing or two, but is it really something you look back on and think to yourself, "I spent my time wisely"? The reason I say this is because the more I read on this site and about seduction, the more it seems like a chore rather than something that should JUST HAPPEN. It's like there's some process, some X amount of "stuff" you have to do before you can get with a girl. You qualify her, she qualifies you, you do this she does that blah blah blah.
So what if you banged 1000 chicks by the time you die. Great. It still won't fill that void. What have you accomplished that satisfies your existence? Yes there are greats like Casanova, but his life's work wasn't just gaming girls - it was writing thousands of pages of personal memoirs about seduction which has taught us many valuable lessons. And while a lot of us do want to spread our seed, so to speak, I doubt many will write much about it.
It just doesn't seem right when you look at the whole picture. I see countless posts on "why do women like Brad Pitt" or "why do women like rock stars" or "why do women like so and so but not me". I don't think it's because those people are anything special. Brad Pitt is average at best without makeup and if you've seen him in his early acting days he looked like a straight up fag. Rockstars? Please. And it's not just the entertainers who get to hit it. It seems to be that it's more people who DO SOMETHING with their lives that attract pvssy rather than wasting time doing openers, getting numbers, following up, yada yada.
This is probably nothing new. I recently listened to the audio version of the book "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus". Half the book sucks, but that's my personal opinion. However, there was a very good point about respecting differences between the sexes. The author pointed out that women feel accomplished in life through the quality of their relationships whereas men feel accomplished in life through the quality of their achievements. In other words women are temporarily satisfied when their relationship(s) are going well. Men are temporarily satisfied when they've accomplished some goal (getting a promotion, lifting some weight you've never lifted before, setting some personal best, etc).
What I took away from all this is that THESE DIFFERENCES are what attract us to one another. We are attracted to women because they provide something we're not the best at: managing relationships. Women are attracted to us because we provide something they're not the best at: setting and accomplishing goals. It's almost too obvious to me when I think about it in every aspect of life. How many women do you see in the gym with male personal trainers? Tons. How many guys have female personal trainers? That's what I thought. How many of you discuss your problems with your bros? How many chicks discuss their goals with their girlfriends?
Anyway, what I'm getting at is this: why should we waste our time going out of our way to pick up girls? Why not use that time to become what girls want and are naturally attracted to in the first place: a man who has a passion in life that's NOT a woman.
One of the girls I'm dating right now has told me a lot about what she thinks of me and why she's so attracted (alcohol - gotta love the truth serum). About how I have an obsessive personality (I do) and when I'm really interested in something I go all out to achieve it. She told me that of all the things she wants to take away from our relationship, it is the hope that some of my intrinsic motivation will rub off on her. Sure I may look good in her eyes, or have other male qualities, but I feel it is this drive to accomplish something in life, to be someone great, that attracts women. These rock stars, at least the really successful ones that people will remember, are about music. The women see this passion, this drive to achieve goals. THAT's what drives them wild.
I could be completely wrong about all this. But maybe there's some truth to it and that's why I'm sharing. What do you think?