Think I took it too far


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
mrksmpsn124 said:
This girl and I had a thing for about 9 months. About a month ago she told me she was bored with us which scared me.
I would reply "Come help me out at work."

However, I think I took the whole being a Don Juan thing a little far. I don't know if I misunderstood it or what, but I tried doing things like not always being available for her, or when she cancelled on hanging out I would tell her I was busy till later in the week. At first I thought it was working when she would complain about how I was acting differently and that it frustrated her. I think the problem may have been that a lot of this advice is when you're still trying to get the girl, not when she's already told you she loves you.
Exactly. That's where guys get confused, when they have girl they think they have to act all distant and unavailable to turn her on even more, and it doesn't work.

I say this because today she told me she was exhausted and stressed from us always arguing and that she's not happy with us anymore and so she asked if we could take a break from things until she figured out what she wanted.
Said it before, as soon as girl suggests taking a break, say "OK, let me know who will replace you and who I should have sex with while we are on a break."

I'm worried that me trying to act like a Don Juan is what ended this. She cited my acting differently in the last month as a big reason as to why she's been unhappy. Is there anything I can do? What should I do?
Yeah some people take this DonJuan too far. There is not much you can do bro, as long as she doesn't put you down or insult you, go with the break. Otherwise you'll be a brother begging for some action, which isn't sexy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
zekko said:
The amount of bullsh!t that passes through this forum is absolutely staggering. Posters will claim that women are attracted to @ssholes, but then a thread like this is posted, and everybody is all "Dude! Why are you being an @ss?". Everyone claims women are attracted to dark triad traits like sociopathy and narcissism, but when a poster comes along acting like a narcissistic sociopath everyone wants to throw his off the forum. Guys claim that women are attracted to players, but in the same breath tell you to hide the fact that you are a player.
This. And we say women are fickle...


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
mrksmpsn124 said:
I'm weak. After no contact for only a couple of hours I cracked after she called and texted me over and over. I answered and told her I was upset and that I didn't want to talk. She sent me 8 more texts so I replied again. Eventually after trying to resist, it turned into a conversation and we ended up meeting in person and I listened to what she had to say.

She told me she had thrown up twice, and broke down crying in the bathroom at the basketball game with her girlfriends because she was so upset with herself for ending it and also hurting me. She then told me she didn't know what she was thinking earlier when she ended it and that I was the only person she wants to be with. She then begged me to forgive her for what had happened and if we could try and work things out.

Me being weak, I said yes and ended up spending the night at her place.
I know I probably did the wrong thing by taking her back but I guess I just hope that this whole thing was a sort of wake up call for her.


Heh...looks like the "DJ stuff" worked after all.