This book is apart of a movement that has been going on STRONG in the US (and other countries) called the New Thought Movement. You guys should look up this concept.
The concept is all about "teaching" people that the keys to success is based on how you think, how your attitude is, and how positive you are overall. This concept has been picked up by the Church labeled under the Prosperity Gospel or the "Health and Wealth" Gospel. And you also have an assortment of teachers, speakers, preachers, etc. that formulate their businesses based on this same concept.
It just shows how ludicrous our society has become. We have gone from The Greatest Generation based on actual HARD WORK, strategic planning and BUILDING to lead to economic success and now we want some "higher mental or spiritual connection" to lead to our economic success and security.
It's all bullshyt. You want Economic Success? First you need to define that, because you could say that's making $100,000 a year but if your expenses are $120,000 a year then is that Success?
- Firstly, you need to be in a Free Market System. So if you are in a third world country "The Secret" and "The Law Of Attraction" doesn't apply to you does it?
- Secondly, you have to be efficient with analyzing SUPPLY AND DEMAND. What does that market demand now and going forward, and what skills/other resources are needed in supply to fulfill the demand? You do these studies and determine what market or markets you will supply the skills/other resources to in relation to the demand fulfillment. Doing this brings in INCOME.
- Thirdly, you manage your expenses where you are living below your means, this allows for you to accumulate savings. This means move to a low cost of living area, don't have kids you can't afford, don't have ex-wives you can't afford, don't buy stupid things and put them on credit cards.
- Fourth, you take your savings and diversify them for annual growth.
That's Economic Success. Has NOTHING TO DO with having a positive mentality, believing in God, paying Tithes, going to Church, believing in The Secret, being POSITIVE, nor believing in the Law of Attraction.
It comes down to as I said earlier, Business Acumen. It's always been this way and it will always be this way.