Things women say/think that make you lose faith in the gender...


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
just a mortifying story I need to share

couple of years ago a co worker of mine, we'll call her Mary, happily married for 20 years. Office festooned with pics of her husband and kids, always lovey dovey facebook status updates. To be honest I was envious of what she had with her hubby, what they've built together...seemingly always keeping it fresh etc. They seemed to be one of the lucky ones

So one day her husband gets into a car accident, suffers a spinal injury. Doctors said he's incredibly lucky but will likely get back to 100%, though the rehab may be long and arduous at times.

Her office was next to mine so I could always hear her personal cell phone conversations...this is what she told her sister

"Tim is doing better, he barely needs his cane anymore...but I don't know this has been all so stressful to me. I'm thinking of leaving him...I was close to walking out a few times last week"

Mind you this man built a wonderful succesful business, made her a millionaire and was the perfect father. And this is what I hear...ungrateful ****.

So even the supposed "good ones" what bubbles beneath the surface is truly disgusting. She actually ended up staying with him (I guess he recovered fast enough for her) but this was a major turning point with me regarding women. I used to think there were good one's and bad one's... and some of the bad one's eventually "get it" and appreciate the value of a good man in their late 20's/early 30's when a couple of scumbag guys finally beat the point into them. But now I just see them for what they are...poorly wired mental midgets, some worse than others...but all damaged and all "bad" to an extent


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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This is why you always have to keep the frame, and always have to have the right mindset. I've been living with my girlfriend for eight years and things are going great, but I still keep it in my mind that any day it could end. She could meet someone and fall in love again tomorrow, you never know.

That said, just because the woman appeared to be "one of the good ones", doesn't mean that she was - as seen by her phone conversation. Also, providing full time care for a sick and injured person IS incredibly stressful. Perhaps she was just blowing off steam. She was talking to her sister after all, someone she could trust.

And also, even if she was tempted to walk out, she did do the right thing and stayed. What reveals your true character is not the experiencing temptation, it's how you respond to it. And it sounds like she ultimately did the right thing.

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
this is another excellent example that women simply aren't imbued with honor and integrity like many men are

those characteristics simply don't exist for them unless they go out of their way to cultivate honor and integrity

for women, there is no such thing as doing the right thing for the right thing's sake


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2012
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rum said:
just a mortifying story I need to share

couple of years ago a co worker of mine, we'll call her Mary, happily married for 20 years. Office festooned with pics of her husband and kids, always lovey dovey facebook status updates. To be honest I was envious of what she had with her hubby, what they've built together...seemingly always keeping it fresh etc. They seemed to be one of the lucky ones

So one day her husband gets into a car accident, suffers a spinal injury. Doctors said he's incredibly lucky but will likely get back to 100%, though the rehab may be long and arduous at times.

Her office was next to mine so I could always hear her personal cell phone conversations...this is what she told her sister

"Tim is doing better, he barely needs his cane anymore...but I don't know this has been all so stressful to me. I'm thinking of leaving him...I was close to walking out a few times last week"

Mind you this man built a wonderful succesful business, made her a millionaire and was the perfect father. And this is what I hear...ungrateful ****.

So even the supposed "good ones" what bubbles beneath the surface is truly disgusting. She actually ended up staying with him (I guess he recovered fast enough for her) but this was a major turning point with me regarding women. I used to think there were good one's and bad one's... and some of the bad one's eventually "get it" and appreciate the value of a good man in their late 20's/early 30's when a couple of scumbag guys finally beat the point into them. But now I just see them for what they are...poorly wired mental midgets, some worse than others...but all damaged and all "bad" to an extent

Ok this is why you men should be glad there is a woman posting on here. Let me tell you:

When some men get disabled and thus "less manly" meaning 100% healthy functioning , this tends to decrease thier egos and they can get nasty, insulting, and very very mean. The man is probably treating her very badly because he feels like less of a man due to his current health condition.

Assumptions have you ever heard are not good to make because you just make an "ASS" out of U and ME. You cannot assume that this man has not turned bitter and nasty to his wife. :woo:

Also women HARDLY EVER leave a good man. Women like stability, so if they get divorced or are thinking about it the man is probably no good. :rock:


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
rum said:
"Tim is doing better, he barely needs his cane anymore...but I don't know this has been all so stressful to me. I'm thinking of leaving him...I was close to walking out a few times last week"
There are no words......

BTW if the roles were reversed and the guy left her.... he would be viewed as a level below the scum of the earth.

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
mocha2010 said:
Also women HARDLY EVER leave a good man. Women like stability, so if they get divorced or are thinking about it the man is probably no good. :rock:
I tend to agree.

This is also the reason why a quality man is of greater value than a woman.

She's a dime a dozen, but he is rare and difficult to obtain.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
Reaction score
You don't know the entire situation. Maybe they were having other serious problems.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
ya maybe his "plumbing" doesn't work anymore.


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
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In the desert
Not just women...

From a guy I've known since we were kids. Perfect family, happily married, joined at the hip. After a few drinks and we go outside to talk.

"I don't know how to get rid of her. If I leave she will ruin me financially and I might lose my kids. If I killed her I would go to jail. I don't know what to do to get away from this situation."

I don't know if it's marriage that does this to a person but I am beginning to think that it's on both sides as far as gender goes.