they should all be shot


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
spider tell me....what do you think about what I asked? I just want to know...because it seems like a lot of angry people are on this site.....and that is like, blaming the police officer for you getting a ticket for not wearing a seat belt.........I mean, do you guys see what I am saying...

I do wish women were something else, yeah...sometimes...but once you graduate don juan school, and you now KNOW what it is that gets women and good women....I dont see where the anger comes from any more.....

Average frustrated chumps....are men who have no clue what it is that attracts women and keeps women being attracted.

Why do you want to change women? And if you could change them, what would you change them too.........I thought we were attracted tom WOMEN? I dont understand guys....


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
I'm not gana discuss what happened in the last few day, cause i'ts pointless. The point of the whole thing was, that my perfect image of women is destroyed. FROM THIS DAY FORWARD. I WILL FVUCK THEIR BRAINS OUT, WITH NO CONSIDERATION OF HER FEELINGS. THEY ARE ALL WHOORES AND I WILL TREAT THEM AS SUCH.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Like John Donne said "No where lives a woman true and fair"

Why's that? Because the same applies to men as well. We're all the same animal. So before you start ranting and raving about how unperfect women are - take a look at yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
I think what you need to do is take out all your anger on women the next few days.
You seem to be really pissed off at something. Sounds like GF/girl you like decides she doesn't want a relationship but rather **** other guys?

Fu*k being a caring person for a while. Use them and leave them...
You'll get over it soon, you might even feel bad when you realize you're an even worse person than them. Or you might not, and decide to continue on this free fu*k fest that America has become.

Either way... Welcome aboard.

Originally posted by P\/SSY-EATER
I just want to know...because it seems like a lot of angry people are on this site.....and that is like, blaming the police officer for you getting a ticket for not wearing a seat belt.
We accept the law, because that's the price of living in a society.
So you're saying women are in charge, and we should accept their dominance over us because that's the payoff of getting some puzzy?

Originally Posted by P\/SSY-EATER
I do wish women were something else, yeah...sometimes...but once you graduate don juan school, and you now KNOW what it is that gets women and good women....I dont see where the anger comes from any more.....
So you're a full fledged Jedi.. I mean Don Juan Master?
What exactly constitues graduating from this school?

How can you not get angry when people are walking all over you?
You must have achieved Nirvana. :rolleyes: As they say: Ignorance is bliss.
Anger is a basic emotion, even G0d gets angry.

Anger - the emotion of instant displeasure on account of something evil that presents itself to our view.
In itself it is an original susceptibility of our nature, just as love is, and is not necessarily sinful...

As ascribed to God, it merely denotes his displeasure with sin and with sinners.

Source: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

Originally posted by P\/SSY-EATER
I dont understand guys....
That sounds so familiar.... don't women say that all the time?

BTW the reason these guys are so pissed of, is because they've realized that there are mind games you can play to get women. They've realized how dumb and shallow wh0res are and we can **** them whenever we want.
But deep down inside it's kind unsatisfying to **** somone you don't have attraction for.

It feels kind of like having a hole in your heart. Not a good feeling at all. I suggest you try it sometime.

The worse part is society is only encouraging this type of behaviour.
This is just a natural backlash at being opressed.

I think its the "Fvck woman" attitude that gets you woman. But dont be a pr!ck.
LoL... it works wonders for me. ;)

Heres a quote from a girl i know:
What's the use in Love when everyone just wants to get FU*KED.

One more thing: Darth Sidious... you're fu*king hilarious.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Hey spider....

I am thinking the same way you are. Take a look at the following quote and let me know what you think of this:"two teams which can never coexist."

"In the developed countries men and women lack emotional “training”, on average, in the dating game. Men aren’t taught to be strong and go after their urges. And women aren’t taught emotional self-control and discipline.

So what this does is create two VERY powerful polar opposites. And women, with full permission to act on their baser instincts, strongly reject the men who are given permission to embrace their insecurities and told to hold back on their masculine instincts. Western style culture has successfully created two teams, which can never co-exist.

It wouldn’t be so bad in poorer, less democratic countries, where a man can afford to be more amicable, AFC, and still get laid. And that’s because women, on average, would have more emotional integrity and likely appreciate more a man who is exhibiting some AFC traits (not too extremes of course), and with more room for “error”.

Ironically, social liberation causes emotional enslavement for women. Women, at the mercy of their wild emotions, and having no training or guidance to control them, will ONLY be highly attracted to certain types of men. Men who totally won’t supplicate, have total frame control, and are very socially intelligent. And we can use this to our full advantage, but only as players.

Nowhere but in an advanced democratic country is it easiest to observe primitive female behavior and emotions, to study them and utilize that knowledge for seduction purposes.

As long as women remain “liberated” they will be under the power of the skilled seducer.



Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by spider_007
Atracting women is not the problem. The problem is WHAT I'M GETTING FOR MY TROUBLES. woman these days are SUCH A LOW QUALITY, ist's not even funny. They are eather: WHOORES, DOPE HEADS, PARTY GURLLS, BREAINLESS TROLSS, AND PLAIN WHITE TRASH. Getting a gurl is easy, Getting a gurl, that won't take off with your wallet in the morning is puirty hard.
I have to say...often I have felt the same way.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Re: Hey spider....

Originally posted by gmm567
I am thinking the same way you are. Take a look at the following quote and let me know what you think of this:"two teams which can never coexist."

"In the developed countries men and women lack emotional “training”, on average, in the dating game. Men aren’t taught to be strong and go after their urges. And women aren’t taught emotional self-control and discipline.

So what this does is create two VERY powerful polar opposites. And women, with full permission to act on their baser instincts, strongly reject the men who are given permission to embrace their insecurities and told to hold back on their masculine instincts. Western style culture has successfully created two teams, which can never co-exist.

It wouldn’t be so bad in poorer, less democratic countries, where a man can afford to be more amicable, AFC, and still get laid. And that’s because women, on average, would have more emotional integrity and likely appreciate more a man who is exhibiting some AFC traits (not too extremes of course), and with more room for “error”.

Ironically, social liberation causes emotional enslavement for women. Women, at the mercy of their wild emotions, and having no training or guidance to control them, will ONLY be highly attracted to certain types of men. Men who totally won’t supplicate, have total frame control, and are very socially intelligent. And we can use this to our full advantage, but only as players.

Nowhere but in an advanced democratic country is it easiest to observe primitive female behavior and emotions, to study them and utilize that knowledge for seduction purposes.

As long as women remain “liberated” they will be under the power of the skilled seducer.

so very true geoff...this is the result of this fycking feminist movement in the United States. The standards women have placed on us in order to be considered "attractive" is ridiculous. We have to be athletic and muscular, wear the nicest clothes, and party hardy, and pretty much be some flawless greek god for these young girls to consider us "attractive"

In fact, I do not think I have ever met an attractive girl who liked me for who I was, mind you i am slightly above average in looks, but i am no where near desirable to these spoiled american girls.

I am giving up also, the last thing I am going to do is further inflate their egos by giving them my attention like every other fycking guy does. And if they like it or not, I dont give a fyck, because my life is too short to worry about these fickle creatures.

Now, I am hoping to travel sometime, and visit places like Brazil and Colombia, or other developing nations where women really know how to appreciate men, despite their flaws.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Hey spider....

Originally posted by sstype
so very true geoff...this is the result of this fycking feminist movement in the United States. The standards women have placed on us in order to be considered "attractive" is ridiculous. We have to be athletic and muscular, wear the nicest clothes, and party hardy, and pretty much be some flawless greek god for these young girls to consider us "attractive"

In fact, I do not think I have ever met an attractive girl who liked me for who I was, mind you i am slightly above average in looks, but i am no where near desirable to these spoiled american girls.

I am giving up also, the last thing I am going to do is further inflate their egos by giving them my attention like every other fycking guy does. And if they like it or not, I dont give a fyck, because my life is too short to worry about these fickle creatures.

Now, I am hoping to travel sometime, and visit places like Brazil and Colombia, or other developing nations where women really know how to appreciate men, despite their flaws.
You know what's funny? Most of these bytches that put such a high standard on physical attractiveness in men are fvcking fat, and ugly!!!!!! I shyt you not; I have a female friend who's one fat, ugly woman, but says she won't settle for anything less than a "male model" type....I asked her why a guy should have to be in such good shape, when she can't attain that shape herself...she replied "That's what I'm attracted to, I can't help it"...WTF???????? I'm attracted to Cindy Crawford..doesn't mean I'll get to dater her....When fat bytches like this have such high brings to mind the analogy of someone who never takes a shower, looking to date a person who showers 10 times a day...RIDICULOUS

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
spider welcome to reality :)

you are now going to be one of the men on this website that see the other side of the coin

it is a dark and lonely path once you realise the truth about the women in 2005 and what society has peverted them into

women are not to blame. society is to blame.

they are weak minded and have fallen for feminism's Jedi mind tricks.

i too once had a high respect for women. i thought the were all sweet little innocent creatures. i was only right about the creatures part.

i tried an experiment. it began a year ago after i found sosuave.


and if you want you can try it too i guarantee you will have some fun with it.

NORMAL APPROACH : approach woman with respect and go from there NO

here is what i tried just out of curiosity

APPROACH ALL women with mindset : " she is a wh0re " she has f*cked dudes for money. she has sucked 3 d*cks today alone. she is a prostitute. be polite to this lesser person but be firm.

and in your mind YOU are a PIMP on the prowl for h0s to recruit to your streets

approach every woman with this mindset. ALL OF THEM. even older ones. ( doesn't work on really old ones cause they grew up right anyone born before 1960 is excluded from experiment )

something strange happened.

INSTANTLY i was transported into another world

women were honest and spoke truth ( that they loved to s*ck d*ck )

women RESPECTED and FEARED me and wanted to be with me

when asked what i do for a living ? i am a PIMP

they laugh at first and say " yeah right " it varies and the more resistance to the idea tells you alot about them

i keep a straight face when i say it and i don't laugh with them


he is not like other men... he doesn't feel the need to please me ?

thats right b*tch who's your daddy ! :D

i dunno if you have read any of my stories spider but because i am honest with the women and tell it like it is i end up in some bad places with some bad chicks and i become even more resolute in my decision not to give 5 cents to a woman

i no longer use this approach but some of the character lingers in my personality. enough to keep me from harm from these drama loving b*tches. like Al pacino or Robert De Niro when they use their character actor skills.

these days i just try and lay low and relax. keep off the streets.

maybe go back on the streets a few times a week but i shouldn't be there at all.

i went over to a friends place last night. same old thing. 1 chick there her boyfriend is in jail for 7 months for a home invasion ( run into house attack people stab stab ). she tried to TELL ME that i was driving her the 5 hours to the jail to visit him but i didn't know it yet. the nerve of the b*tches !!! i had just walked in. i was carring a hammer too ( for protection ). already a h0 trying to play me. ( i am only one there with car + licence ) there. later on she kept mumbling " she was suss on me " do i steal cars for a living ?

these drugs have f*cked up some of these h0s so bad it is dangerous to even be near them i swear. this is the same h0 that grabbed a small sword off the wall and tried to stab another friend of mine at that house.

one dude says LIT you can sleep here man if you want. i am like DUDE IF I SLEEP HERE ON THE LOUNGE THAT CHICK OVER THERE WILL STAB ME WHILE I AM ASLEEP f******ck thaaaaaat !

yes spider the hope is that there are nice women out there. there are. 99.9% of them have boyfriends. why ?

even the AFC's and drop kicks know a good woman when they see one. she gets snapped up fast. she is a keeper !

so i finally find good ones. they have boyfriends. so i think f*ck it i will steal them from their boyfriends.

they are good women and not wh0res. they don't cheat. they are like rock solid and $hit. they love their boyfriends and would die for them. great just what i need women who are GOOD lol

it looks like a no win situation for me. i have considered my options and i have come up with a few long shots.

1. raise a runaway on bread crumbs till legal age

2. import chick from overseas "fresh off the boat"

3. move to 3rd world country and kidnap chick from hillside village

4. become a Arab dictator and send my secret police into city to kidnap virgins ( saddam's sons did this )

5. go on American idol and sing crap so all the chicks love me like that Korean dude that sang the ricky martin song

6. start a website like TUCKER MAX with a dating form

7. start a webiste like Maddox and tell all b*tches to get f*cked

8. buy into a brothel

9. build a spaceship and travel to a new planet

10. go to church and find a legit chick there ( 1 in 10 but better odds than the streets of 1000 to 1 )

whats a man to do ?

Lost In Translation :D


Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“First off - she is just another hor who has opened her legs to another man - you are no one special - and there are no "Greatest" to hors - you are just the next pimp in line!!! “

Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“ the 'pimp' mentality works today because you are living in a time such that there are an overabundance if hors - this is the Pimps playground!! Pimps and hors go together like bread and butter - they are complementary natures!!! Pimps need hors like hors need pimps!! “


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
LIT, I am finally beginning to see the light...I am starting to adapt the same mentality you are.

It is very saddening that we cannot respect women, but there is nothing we can do. Here, there arent many "women" left. I remember I was criticizing Puertorican lover because of his views on hors, but now I am starting to understand what he is saying. Western society has turned women into hors, physical and physcological.

I no longer acknowledge the attractive girls as special people, and now they are the ones that want to say hi to me or initiate covnersation. What a bunch of fycking games we have to play...

I am not advocating being an azzhole to them, but for goddsakes, put these girls in perspective for once. They have fanclubs of guys trying to get in her pants, what makes you any more special??

We need to stop feeding their inflated egos by
1. Trying to chat them up
2. Glancing their way every fycking 10 seconds
3. Giving them our undivided attention when they talk
4. Trying to be ****y and treating them like **** (we wouldnt do this around an ugly or average girl)

feel free to add more...I am gonna sleep

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
spider07, what you need is to take a trip to either latin america/asia/eastern europe. Those 3 places are where you can find women that can bring back your faith in females.

western women are corrupt, they aren't worth the clothe they wear.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
The third hor thread in the last 24 hours-- I'm glad you guys are seeing reality for what it is!!! You are coming out of The Matrix!!

Reality is a bytch, isn't it!! I've been living under the hor/homo agenda since it's inception (40 years)!!!!

As MORPHEUS stated....."Welcome, to ther real world!"


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Joe The Homophobe
spider07, what you need is to take a trip to either latin america/asia/eastern europe.
About 8 years ago I used to live in europe (before i moved to Canada), and from what I hear nowdays, and read in papers (from the old country) it's getting worse and worse there too. It's spreding like a virus. And those of you who think of going to other countries for woman, consider this. Those are third world countries, do you think she is goan fvck an American man just cause she likes him. NOO, she will do it to get out of the village and go to THE AMERICA, with her "RICH" boyfriend. And after about 10 years here you'll see the changes. She'll become another whoore, who is gona leave you for a street pimp with more money and biger penis. And you are gona be left not only paying child, and spouse support (and about half of it will go to her parents in the old country)

The more and more I think about it, I can't come up with an AGE, when woman didn't have any alterior motives. In the "CAVEMAN" days, they wanted us to bring them food and give them protection. Much lather (in the age of monarchy) they wanted us for money, and the feeling of importance. And then there is the new millenium, when they became somewhat indepent, and powerfull and want us for SEX (poor us) & FINANCIAL/PERSONAL FOVOURS. Woman ware always *****s (in one way or the other) It's time to accept that and treat them us such. I don't know what made me think that woman ware pure and inocent. It could have been all that romance stuff in the media, that they used to try and control us. It is inate. It is something they are born with. it runs through their bodies. They can't help it. If the statemant; "MEN ARE SLAVES TO THEIR D1CKS" is true, the this one is too: "WOMAN ARE SLAVES TO THEIR EMOTINS AND URGES"


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
As much as you may not feel like it, this anger is a good thing. It's the initial "bang" of realising things for what they really are.

You'll settle down of course. But you'll settle down as a different person. A person who knows the truth about women; they are far from perfect.

It's like someone finding out they're adopted after many years. It's a shock initially, of course. But ultimately you've gained the knowledge that you have been living without :)
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Lost In Translation
they are good women and not wh0res. they don't cheat. they are like rock solid and $hit. they love their boyfriends and would die for them. great just what i need women who are GOOD lol

it looks like a no win situation for me. i have considered my options and i have come up with a few long shots.

1. raise a runaway on bread crumbs till legal age

2. import chick from overseas "fresh off the boat"

3. move to 3rd world country and kidnap chick from hillside village

4. become a Arab dictator and send my secret police into city to kidnap virgins ( saddam's sons did this )

5. go on American idol and sing crap so all the chicks love me like that Korean dude that sang the ricky martin song

6. start a website like TUCKER MAX with a dating form

7. start a webiste like Maddox and tell all b*tches to get f*cked

8. buy into a brothel

9. build a spaceship and travel to a new planet

10. go to church and find a legit chick there ( 1 in 10 but better odds than the streets of 1000 to 1 )

whats a man to do ?
Hehehehe, I've been doing #1 for the last 2 years - just two more years to go then I'll let her out of the basement!!


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
you guys had better stop fighting the wind....all you are going to do is make yourselves very weary and tired, but.....accomplish nothing....and thats all I have got to say

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Hehehehe, I've been doing #1 for the last 2 years - just two more years to go then I'll let her out of the basement!!

you only got one in your basement bro ?

i got 3

remember the DJ rule about having more thant one runaway in the basement raised on bread crumbs

AND KILL THAT ONEITIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lost In Translation :D


Quote: Player_Supreme
“I've taken a fat chick and put her on a diet and training program and created my own super ho. “


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by spider_007
Dude, I'm laughing so hard I can barely write this! hahahahahahahahahaahahhahaha!!!!


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
and to, haha, I never said women were dominant, that was an example of blaming somebody else for what we did wrong..........

women are not perfect.......hell, even find a perfect a man and he wont be perfect.. Its like, instead of you guys talking more about self improvement and development, you turn into this rant about how women are and they all are bull shyt and you get all angry.....okay my point is, WHAT THE HELL CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT....

I didnt like the fact that Bush won the election, what can I do about it?

I didnt like the fact that slavery happened, what can I do about it?

I dont like it when someone dies, what the hell can I do about it?

I can sit there, and be angry at the world, angry at God, angry at everybody...........but where is that going to get me?

So you say....we have realized that women are all fvcked up.....REALITY CHECK: WE ALL ARE FVCKED UP!!! NO HUMAN BEING ALIVE IS PERFECT.....

I am not trying to join the women for life club......what i am trying to do is to help you guys understand....that you have power to change.

Change your job, your future, your surroundings, your looks, your this, your that...the keyword is....your.

We cannot change the world......we can change ourselves, and inspire the world to change.....

If you want, continue to be angry. That is ALLLLL what an AFC is about. So, continue being angry if you may. But as for me and I know more people on this forum, we will accept the things we cannot change, and seek wisdom on the things that we can change.........

I like women for what they are....hell, that is in their nature, they are women.....what would YOU want them to men? WEll, grab yourself a she-male and maybe you will be satisfied....

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by spider_007
someone with who i can have a intaligent coversation with, and have some fun once in a while.

Anyway, quit being a little *****. You're the one who needs to grow up. You can't have everything you want just because you really want it (including women). If you really think that the problem is women and not you then why don't you just turn gay. I'm sure you can find someone then...