Not that easy either. Dudes, in general, want a family and kids. Most females will not give that to the dude without a marriage. So, either way, the dude will eventually lose something and get screwed. The only way to minimize this is to have an iron-clad pre-nup, and if they have assets, an iron-clad irrevocable trust. I had to offer something in mine, so I offered to split the co-mingled account 50/50 (never used it, 80% her money), and should we purchase a place together, that would be split equitably. This never happened either, as she never had the funds for the half down deposit. I get everything else separate and stated that separate funds and assets would remain separate unless either part co-mingled those funds. It really wasn't one sided, but it can be viewed that it was slanted towards me since I had more assets. However, since she made more money, no court would see it that way. She was also responsible for her own legal costs to review the pre-nup and cohabitation agreement too. So, if it didn't work out, which it didn't, I lost were the legal fees from the divorce and the wedding gifts. Since I took the large checks to reimburse myself for the wedding expenses, I really did okay. Just the stress from dealing with these lawyers was unreal. Again, in general, dudes do not want to hurt the wife, but the wife wants the husband to suffer. There are legal ways to make sure the financial and legal pain is minimal. However, one would hope to try and not hurt the other person.