They keep asking if I'm dating other women


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2012
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I've been doing quite a bit of reading on this and other sites about pick-up. Since I've been reading I've been putting what I'm learning to practice and it's some amazing sk*t! I have noticed that the level of women I'm dating now is at least one or two levels higher than I was dating before and their interest levels are concurrently higher.

Last night I was chatting up this HB9, she is my Friday (day) this week. To be honest she has pursued me for the most part. She is 21 turning 22 shortly, graduates from Baylor this Saturday, going to law school, and models part time. I would think this girl should be out partying hardcore but instead she is blowing me up. She must have called me four times last night. I would break contact after chatting a bit and she would call again later or send pictures, etc.

I also have a Wednesday night, an HB7.5, so pretty good looking but not as hot, 25 and doesn't have as much going on from a material standpoint; my Saturday night is an HB8, 25, professional gymnast, has her own money and life AND my Sunday (day) is an HB8, speach pathologist, 30 years old, own life, etc.

I am currently spining 9 plates in total at this moment with about 3 in reserve waiting for my attention. But these four I just listed all asked me this qustion: "How many women are you dating?"

To give you some additional background I DO NOT blatantly talk about other women to my HBs as I don't feel the need to brag and I believe it's a little trashy, so I'm not really sure where this question is coming from. However, when asked a direct question like that I tend to just tell the truth since I'm not exclusive with anyone. My usual response without fliching or apology has been, "Yes, I'm seeing two other people but not seriously." (I do lie a little because telling a broad I'm seeing like 13 women seems a little TOO honest.)

My question to the group is this: how do you field questions about how many people you're dating? All but one of the women in my "stable under construction" have reacted favorably to my answer and the last one didn't get upset but she stopped showing high interest.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2012
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Great advice! I like that, but some of the women are persistent so do I keep that line of defense up with the possibility of looking like I'm hiding something or just let their minds do the rest?


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2012
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Those are good jokes, but hardly advice.

The way that I think of it... if you asked her that same question, how would she answer?

That's a rhetorical question, by the way.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
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silkyjohnson said:
Great advice! I like that, but some of the women are persistent so do I keep that line of defense up with the possibility of looking like I'm hiding something or just let their minds do the rest?
Not dealt with it personally, but I'd aim towards just deflecting it and let them wonder. Danger's comments are good ways to deflect it.

If they keep being persistent, I'd go with "Maybe I'll tell you next year." - or a variation as it gets closer to the new year.

If they seriously persist - I'd ask why it matters, and at that point they are typically wanting exclusivity. And if they persist in wanting to know, but don't want to be exclusive (as in, it matters to them when you aren't their boyfriend), then it'd be a plate to drop.

I doubt you'll have any being very persistent over it. Again, though, not personal experience, just thoughts as to what I'd do in your situation.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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I never admit to "dating other women" because that phrase suggests much more than you should ever admit or assume. It's like also admitting you would love to hook up with and bang these girls you spend time with. When asked that I tell them I'm not really dating anyone, I do have female friends I hang out with from time to time. I'll talk about how I like to make friends before I take it to the next level. I talk about how I like to get to know someone before I decide I like them in that way. I'll admit I take girls out on dates, i'll admit to sleeping with them if asked. But to say you are dating makes it sound like your interests are strictly romantic and unfulfilled with all of them, and that should never be the case because some of them are not good enough for you.

What is dating essentially?

You taking a girl out regularly, right?

Is there a diff between dating and seeing someone?

Generally, "seeing someone" means sexual contact right?

So dating generally means you are trying to get with them but have not yet right?

Dating = intention

Avoid admitting you are dating at all costs.

You could use simple deflection technique, but I would rather create that environment of competition and desire. The mystery lay in the presumption that you are bedding different women.