I think I like it. The only problem I have is the lack of volume, but that's really my fault because of how I've been structuring my assistance exercises. As of late, I've been going heavier and heavier on assistance, and I think it's hindering me. Now that I've tested maxes (sort of), and see that I've improved a bit, next wave I'm gonna go back to the straight up BBB template of 5x10@50%1RM. Maybe I'll go 3 assistance lifts instead of 2.
The reason I've 'sort of' tested my maxes this week, is because I still had my normal training volume beforehand. If I truly wanted to test a max I'd get right into it. I really think if I structured it right, I could get a 340 bench and a 355 front squat.
Progress is slow, but present (the whole purpose of this program). Ah how I wish for noob gains again lol
So next wave I'll start doing:
5/3/1 ohp
5x10 bench
5x10 some type of row
5x10 pullups
DL Day
5/3/1 dl
2x10, 1x5 back squat
2x10, 1x5 front squat
5x10 dips
5x10 abs
Bench Day
5/3/1 bench
5x10 OHP
5x10 dips
5x10 some type of row
Front Squat Day
5/3/1 front squat
5x10 dl
5x10 GHR
5x10 pullups
So this way I do OHP, bench, squats, dl, pullups, dips, and a row twice per week. I'll also pepper in abs here and there