WHOOOOOOOO definitely my strongest session to date as far as deadlift goes
Strength Day
Bradford Press (I like how this feels, so I keep it light)
5 sets of 5, 95 lbs
Then to the main event, Conventional Deadlift
5 x 135 lbs
5 x 225 lbs
3 x 335 lbs
1 x 355 lbs
1 x 375 lbs
1 x 395 lbs
1 x 405 lbs
1 x 425 lbs (PR)
1 x 440 lbs (big PR here!)
1 x 405 lbs
1 x 405 lbs
1 x 405 lbs
Deficit Pulls
1 x 365 lbs
1 x 365 lbs
1 x 365 lbs
1 x 385 lbs (PR)
1 x 385 lbs (PR)
Dips(95 lb dumbbell on the chain)
6, 6, 5, 5, 4
Toes To Bar
10, 10
10, 10
And I did two window wipers before I left, a friend was trying to do em so I tried too lol.
But man I don't know what happened...405 on the conventional deads always felt like I had to strain every muscle in my body to get it up, but today it was just...easy. And now my trap bar and conventional PRs are equal...that probably means I'm in for a treat next time I use the trap bar.
I guess I'll attribute it to simply making ALLLLL KINDZZZ OF GAINZZZZ allllllll kindz