A big ol' sour-grapes post. You can't get any, so you blame the women.
"or involved in parties hence not available" -- Wrong. If they are at parties they are available, but not to you, because you can't get yourself invited to parties. You're the one who fail, it's not the women's fault. Stop blaming others.
"I remember roosh wrote an article on how Angloamerican chicks are f**** up, he was right." -- Oh yeah, the loser who provides excuses to other losers. Rooshy-boy is an ugly Indian/Pakistanian/whatever who couldn't get any sex in a country with 150 million women, so he blamed them, not himself. Then went to Third World countries because it would be easier to score there if he threw some money around. Thereby giving up any chance to have a career, friends or family - just moving around hoping to find low-income women who might sleep with him. Talk about pathetic. Will be hilarious to see what sewer he sleeps in ten years from now.
He also stinks. I mean seriously reeks, by his own account. He has to douse himself with alcohol and baking soda every day to get rid of the stench "flooding" from his armpits. Yes, it's in his blog. Take a guess why this guy would have trouble getting women?
But no, it's not you. It's never you. It's the women, they are to blame. Let's ignore the millions of guys who DO hook up with women. Only then will your narrative work. And joker79, now you make a thread in the hopes others will gripe about the same thing, validating your self-serving explanation. "Angloamerican chicks are f**** up". You don't even get the right number of stars in there. And British women are not "Angloamerican", you donkey.