There's Nothing Wrong with Being a "Nice Guy"


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Nice guys

I might have skipped ahead but, nice guys can't kiss ass. If you aren't a suck up, then being nice is okay. If you are buying drinks all the time, just to get to laid, then it is bad.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2005
Reaction score
(+) Mindset said:
The phrase "nice guy" goes way deeper. It's simply not about what it means on the surface. Girls view nice guys as people who don't know what it's really all about. Socially handicapped when it comes to girls.
Very well said. :up:


New Member
Mar 15, 2007
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Bad :
nice guy who is nice to get something in return = manipulative = dishonest = selfish

Good :
nice guy who take care of her without being a kiss ass and still demand respect


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2002
Reaction score
I think simply put.... be a "GOOD" guy, not a "NICE" Guy.
Do things that are good, like holding open doors, etc.... nice guys are too soft and get walked all over.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
Sean O said:
The problem on this site is that people use the term "Nice Guy" to describe an AFC as if the two terms were interchangable. However, it's possible to be a nice PUA. I've known quite a few of them over the years and they were WAY more successful with women than any jerk PUA ever could be.

So yeah, I definitely agree that being a nice guy in and of itself is not a bad thing. Being SUPPLICATING, however, will always work against you when it comes to getting women.
You are right dude, many dudes on this site have this stupid idea that all bad boys are DJ's and all nice guys are AFC's, this however isn't true, attracting hot babes is more about the dudes charisma than his attitude.:yes:


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Change the phrase ‘nice guy’, to the phrase ‘A guy who respects himself and the people he allows himself to associate with’.

Now when you look at it the definition of the stereotypical nice guy:

A guy who accepts bad behaviour from others.

A guy who is always nice to people even though they truly do not deserve any decency at all.

A guy who allows bad behaviour to happen to him from others and accepts it and does not do anything at all to fight it or disapprove of it or walk away from it.

A nice guy always makes excuses for other people's fuc* ups.

A nice guy will tolerate being treated badly and keep going back for round two or three as he always excuses the bad behaviour as a problem from the other person in that he excuses being treated like shi*.

A nice guy will tread carefully and not break the mould, to slot in and comply since it is nice and safe, in a bubble of security and happily going along with the crowd even if it really does not suit him internally, he simply is doing it to slot in to conform to be nice.

A nice guy will go out of his way to please others, even though these others would not go out of there way to please him in anyway shape or form.

A nice guy is always there to sacrifice his self worth to others that would not make the same sacrifices, he is the toy of the selfish person and the selfish would use and exploit his giving nature, but he simply would excuse it for there faults and not his own.

A nice guy will end an argument by blaming himself no matter what the evidence, he will simply accept responsibility and apologise for some-one else mistakes.

Also a nice guy would use manipluative tactics in a wimp style fashion to win over others, fake friendships, be a surrogate BF et.c.

Nice guys always need to be liked.


There is nothing wrong with being civil to others, there is nothing wrong with showing chivalry to women and being nice to them.

There is nothing wrong with giving respect to others, when respect is due and supporting people around you.

There is nothing wrong with being a support for your friends and your GF’s.

There is nothing wrong with helping people who you genuinely have a deep respect for.

what is wrong is when you do the things that are deemed nice, at the cost of your own self respect!

The nice guy tag is fitted to the wimp, but the truth there is a huge difference, being a wimp will allow people a free ticket to walk all over you and be at there beck and call and live by there world.

A nice guy knows he is his own man and not a supplicating wimp.

And a nice guy would not tolerate female BS. A jerk would blow out female BS, a nice guy would see it for what is and call it out for what it is.

Nice guys dont finish last, they where never in the race to begin with imo.
They are sat on the side wondering wtf the wimp and the jerk are competing at.