There's always another guy in the picture. Girlfriends texting another dude


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
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here and there
zekko said:
One thing I don't think the anti-texting crowd understands is how quickly the texting can turn to sexuality. And once that seed is planted, it's on. The "alpha types" here are thinking "Oh, isn't that cute, she's texting her AFC beta orbiter - you can see he is an AFC because he texts her".

Zekko makes a really good point here. Glad that you posted

These anti texting guys have no idea what they are talking about. They have limited experience with women. So, this is why they keep repeating these same lame texting myths.

They never had any sexually interested women to text. So, they say "texting kills relationships" because it never worked for them. The problem is, that they were texting chicks who weren't interested in them. That is why they failed. Replace those disinterested women with sexually interested women, and you have your success with getting laid. So yes, texting does work.

What's funny is that most of these anti texting guys end up agreeing with me that texting does work, after they rant and rave about how bad texting is. LOL. That's how hypocritical they are. They say it's bad, but then they agree with me. So, texting isn't all that bad when they disagree against their own myths. :crackup:

Then they say "yeah texting does work but you will only get wh0res" or "you can do the same thing or better with a phone call." Well, aren't they getting wh0res too if they are doing the same thing over the phone? Just more contradictions in which they keep proving me right each time they post. :yes:

You should be talking to chicks on the phone as well as texting them. Texting is just an accessory to get the job done faster. You still talk to them on the phone so they hear your voice. And you still meet up with them to go on the date to get laid. Texting is just one piece of the game to add to your arsenal. But these anti textng guys make it out to be everything. Which is why their false points are just lame myths.

It all comes down to interest and attraction. If the chick has zero attraction, a phone call isn't going to make her panties wet. But these anti texting guys don't seem to understand that.

They like to scoff at men for texting, but they have no clue how the game even works.

The fact of the matter is, the chick is one who initiates most the texting. Highly interested women always put in more effort than the man ever does. Highly interested women want to text you because they are interested in you. So, when you are replying to them at your own leisure, you can game several chicks at the same time. They have high interest because they are texting you.

So, no interest is going to be "killed" by the time you get her into bed when she is the one doing most of the texting. But these anti texting guys who have no experience don't know that. But they seem to have all the answers about how bad texting is. :crackup:

When a chick wants to fvck you, it doesn't matter what communication method you use. The desire will still be there.

Now in these relationships with chicks texting other dudes, it's the chick who wants to hear from the other guy. She gave him her number so he can text her. She wants to hear from him. Her interest is declining in the boyfriend, so she is out looking for other options. If she was still attracted to her boyfriend, respected him, and loved him, she would only want to be with him and not trying to add other dudes into the mix.

Some guys have no problems with their girlfriends hanging with orbiters. Doesn't matter what the guy looks like. As long as you don't set any boundaries and allow her to hang out with other men, that gives her the green light to hang out or fvck a guy she really want to. '

Why would she listen to you now if you object, when you let her hang out with the ugly beta guys before? She won't take you seriously because you let her do what she wanted. You were too afraid to do anything at the beginning, so you will suffer the consequences at the end. Also, if she wants to bang the other guy she will no matter if you set boundaries, object, or not. Still, you should set boundaries anyway because there is no reason for her to be spending time alone with other men.

It isn't hard to game and get a taken chick into bed. It's only a "title" that she doesn't even respect. Guys will treat her a single chick and the boyfriend will be irrelevant. She will still be initiating texting or calls when she likes you over the boyfriend. So, the dude who is doing the gaming really doesn't have to put in much effort. She will be making it easy for you. As long as she is DTF, she will fvck him, most often when the boyfriend confronts the girlfriend about the other dude.

I was in a Civil War History class and we broke up into groups to do a project. Had a chick in my group and got to talking during the class. After the class we exchanged numbers. Later that night, she sent me a text about something regarding the class. She initiated the first text. She continued to text more than I did.

I found out a week later or so that she had a boyfriend. But she down played it like the relationship sucked and the guy was a loser. Since she didn't give a sh1t about him, then why should I? She is the one who hinted that we should hang out We hung out and were making out on our first hang out date. She brought up after that her boyfriend was asking who I was because she was texting me on the phone. She told him "just a friend from class." Not too long after that, she told me that her boyfriend said he doesn't want her talking with me anymore. Right after that incident, we had sex.

It's all about interest and attraction. It all goes hand in hand with texting, your girlfriend, and getting laid. When it's high you will do well and be successful. When it's not, you won't get laid and your girlfriend will leave you or cheat. Don't dismiss the other guy as "just a friend" or a "loser". When your girlfriend is spending more time with him than you, that is a huge red flag. I've seen people get cheated on, and I cheated with other girls.

When her interest is higher for someone else, the game is over. Trying to play interest level games, pretending to be a prize, ignoring the other guy, being aloof, confronting her about it is not going to change things. She already decided that she is going fvck him and it will happen sooner or later. That's why you should always have other options, set boundaries, and screen for red flags with these women. When something is off with her behavior, there is always something else going on. You need to realize that and get ready to eject because you will get dumped or be cheated on.

Leprechaun2013 said:
View yourself as the prize. Once you think it you will become it.

LOL. Yeah, well, some dude "viewing himself as a prize" as he watches his girlfriend go out with another guy, will soon feel like a piece of sh1t after he finds out after that she fvcked the dude. :yes:


Here's another lame myth that these guys like to talk about. This "phony prize mentality" nonsense.

Thinking that you are a prize, equates to pretending to be a prize, which means that you are not a
prize. :yes:

I could think that I'm the world's greatest doctor. Is me thinking about being a great doctor going to make me become a great doctor? No. In order for me to become a great doctor, I'm going to need to go to medical school to become a doctor. Then, I'm going to need the experience to become a great doctor. I just can't think that and become that without doing anything.

Same thing as becoming good with women. Pretending to be a prize will do nothing for you unless you go out and get the experience needed to be good with women.

Athletes gain confidence by their achievements. They go out and win games, they improve their stats, which makes them more confident as they improve. So, they keep that confidence because of the success they are having which allows them to be good athletes.

This same applies to actually becoming a prize with women. By going out, getting numbers, learning how to game chicks, and banging them gives you that needed experience. Each time you accomplish that task, you become better, and that gives you the confidence you need that allows you to be good with them.

Sitting on your couch "viewing yourself as a prize" without doing anything will get you nowhere. :yes:

backbreaker said:
Even if I agreed on the notion that texting can escalate to sex, which is very iffy, that's not a good enough reason for me to partake in something. It takes up too much of my time, it emasculates me, it makes me too available these are all things that i want to avoid.


Very iffy? Then why are chicks fvcking other men behind their boyfriends backs through text? It's not "very iffy". That's a lame myth and only your opinon. It will be very iffy when the chick doesn't like you. That would happen with any form of communication.

Dude, when a highly interested chick wants to fvck you, she will. Texting is just another form of communication.

This is another lame myth that you guys like to spread around. Even Harry Wilmington finally agrees you will get women into bed by texting. So, he even disproved his own lame myth he preaches. LOL :crackup:

So, a chick telling you through text telling you how she wants to be fvcked would make you feel emasculated? Aren't you married? So, why do you care about texting?

You text chicks when you want to. You don't text them all day. That's why it's easy and doesn't take up much time.

I didn't answer any of my texts until an hour ago. Then a few minutes later they all started coming in. I won't reply until later.

So, you would talk to 6 or 7 chicks instead on the phone instead of texting them quickly?


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
the_stig said:
I don't consider myself bitter or jaded but when I'm in a relationship, I live with the notion that any day could be the day she cheats or dumps me. Once you've been in a few relationships, blind sided a couple times, it's a real wake-up call how easy (and often) it is to be duped.

I always find it uncanny how easily cheating gets set into motion. The one and only time I've been knowingly cheated on, it was nothing more than her sister's husband bringing a random guy friend to a bonfire, couldn't go because I was working that night, numbers were exchanged, and it slowly began. Naturally, she downplayed him as "my sister's husband's friend, he only comes over with them". Kay, so why do you have his number? "My sister had to text me from his phone because her battery died and we just started talking after".

Then boom.. one night I didn't hear from her until 11pm. Deep down I knew exactly why and eventually got the semi-truth out of her, after many days and many stories, but my absolute lesson learned was:

I think she swore on her family's life about ten times that nothing happened while putting on a Hollywood worthy act of innocence. Then I found the texts she forgot to delete. Game over

Funny part was, her interest level was still enormous with all the hallmarks of a loyal girlfriend. He was just the right guy, at the right time, with the right game. And that's all it takes.

that's what happened in my last relationship. everything was good, one night she went out didn't hear from her until later the next night. her tone of voice was monotone and was acting strange. hooked up with some guy, that was the end of it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
Pasternak said:
Well, mine was even tried to deny the whole thing when I had a written proof of them having sex behind my back. When I got angry, she was shifting blame for checking her phone. Incredible.
it's amazing how they deny any proof and blame the guy for all of it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
asa_don said:
it's amazing how they deny any proof and blame the guy for all of it.
Lol you can say that again as ive experienced it and seen it countless times but overall we as Men have to understand what we are dealing with here.

Women for the most part dont know what they really want or when they want it, their emotions and behavior can be erratic and bounce around like a pinball. One minute she loves you, The next minute your the biggest piece of sh!t the world has ever known. From my experience, Women cheat A Lot, Just in a more deceptive way. Has it always been like this? I have no idea since ive only been on this earth for 31 years but what i can say is technology has greatly enhanced the deceptive and manipulative woman because of how easy it is to communicate to quite frankly,..anybody through texts, dating/social applications etc conveniently through the smart phone. When i was a teenager is was as straight forward as making a phone call and meet up for a date without an outside distraction like her cell phone. Me, as a guy a lot of woman find attractive, just displays more of how "dirty" women are. Just this Saturday night i went out with friends to a pretty classy bar downtown, to make it brief,... I had my arm around this brunette who came up to me to compliment me on my looks and smell, I had my hand on her ass and i saw her ring as she admitted to being married.... Didnt matter.. she let me grope her and even bought ME a drink while we flirted. Another girl i was teasing, we were talking about basketball and she "showed" me how to box out... pushing her ass against my crotch and letting me put my hands all over her... i saw the ring and she told me she was engaged... ... lastly another girl i was flirting with... I kissed her... a guy came over and i was thinking Oh sh*t is that her BF... She said no,.. and i quote "He's just a guy friend that i have placed in the friend zone so he buys me drinks and pays stuff for me" I thought WOW lol.... She ends up buying me a drink and gives me her number to meet up later in the week. With that said... let me follow up on the texting/smart phone era we currently live in....

Lets say your out on a Bowling date, Its your turn to roll... After you go,... you turn around to find her quickly texting or you go to the bathroom and come back to find her texting someone. Is it another guy she has on the side? Maybe, maybe not... but you wont know that because she can easily just say its her female friend "Jessica" or whatever. Most girls have an Iphone with a screen code so no one can see what shes really doing but anyway, the point im making is Women actually like to be secretive and deceptive to some degree. They love the drama, the secret chit chat and putting up an innocent facade but when they get called out or caught in the act,... Oh they will go crazy! proving you "wrong" and how dare you accuse her of being such type of girl. Females dont like taking responsibility for their wrong doing and looking like the bad "guy" so they will Lie or cover a lie to make SURE that you see her in a positive light.

Men today need to be men again, What is a strong Man?... Its hard to say because everyone has their own interpretation but in my own opinion, when it comes to Women... You as a Man, As the dominant sex that God created to be the leader... You put your fvcking foot DOWN when your woman tries to BS you or cross you wrong. Its the Mans job, his testosterone given right to be powerful and dominant over the weaker and submissive sex. I see some guys on here talking about how "i dont have a problem if my GF has some male friends" I agree to a VERY light degree because everyone communicates now a days but even then you have to post caution on WTF is going on and what could go on behind your back. Men are very slowly falling into the submissive role feminist want and dominate over a male by manipulating him on some way through pvssy. Back in the day A woman would get slapped across her fvcking lips if she tried some sh!t.

Even Men appreciate other dominant Men, not in a gay way but in a friends type of way. If some guys come up to you and start trouble.. Your friend will be there to fight alongside with you and not say "hey man lets not fight".. Women do that type of sh!t but todays men are becoming so fvcking weak, especially when it comes to taking BS drama from women. Dominance wins and that's our job as Men. I implore all guys to get a shot of test lol I mean fvck man, Im not going to lie,... When i was on it i cant describe it fully but the women i was involved with... I treated them like submissive females and would get in their face in a dispute, Im not bulsh*tting when i say,... after that they would make me dinner, a candle lit massage before i fvcked their brains out. I dont advise treating them like complete sh!t but more as putting them in place. I have a lot of examples of how Women love this masculine behavior, The latest girl i was actually dating was a HB blonde 9 legit, It actually turned her on when i yelled at her.

Overall i highly advise Men to not put up with lies or if you feel shes being deceptive, you fvcking let her know and walk out if you have to. I know its not as easy as it is said but you HAVE to set the foundation and boundaries. Yea Women will say "Oh please, boundaries, I am an independent strong woman" "Men dont control me" "I can do whatever i want" "your insecure" "your controlling" "You know im gonna have Male friends right?" "You need to lighten up and let me have fun" etc.... Thats ALL Bvll****! and only the beta will accept that line of garbage. They will complain, kick, scream, shout like little girls but you never fall for that and stand your damn ground. For guys on here who remember their little "Angel" looking right to your face and lying about another guy,text and/or phone calls.. think about how she knew she was taking you for a big sucker and how you felt after and wonder how she could be so deceptive and a big lack of respect.

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
S Town
In2theGame said:
Lol you can say that again as ive experienced it and seen it countless times but overall we as Men have to understand what we are dealing with here.

Women for the most part dont know what they really want or when they want it, their emotions and behavior can be erratic and bounce around like a pinball. One minute she loves you, The next minute your the biggest piece of sh!t the world has ever known. From my experience, Women cheat A Lot, Just in a more deceptive way. Has it always been like this? I have no idea since ive only been on this earth for 31 years but what i can say is technology has greatly enhanced the deceptive and manipulative woman because of how easy it is to communicate to quite frankly,..anybody through texts, dating/social applications etc conveniently through the smart phone. When i was a teenager is was as straight forward as making a phone call and meet up for a date without an outside distraction like her cell phone. Me, as a guy a lot of woman find attractive, just displays more of how "dirty" women are. Just this Saturday night i went out with friends to a pretty classy bar downtown, to make it brief,... I had my arm around this brunette who came up to me to compliment me on my looks and smell, I had my hand on her ass and i saw her ring as she admitted to being married.... Didnt matter.. she let me grope her and even bought ME a drink while we flirted. Another girl i was teasing, we were talking about basketball and she "showed" me how to box out... pushing her ass against my crotch and letting me put my hands all over her... i saw the ring and she told me she was engaged... ... lastly another girl i was flirting with... I kissed her... a guy came over and i was thinking Oh sh*t is that her BF... She said no,.. and i quote "He's just a guy friend that i have placed in the friend zone so he buys me drinks and pays stuff for me" I thought WOW lol.... She ends up buying me a drink and gives me her number to meet up later in the week.
i'm not surprised by this one bit. about 3 weeks ago i was at a bar and these women from a bachelorette party came in for some drinks. they were overweight but guys were still hitting on them and some were married. they let the guys feel them up and sme were making out after they got drunk.

even the woman who appears the most faithful can fool you or stray.


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2013
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Danger said:
Those who are ok with their women texting other men like this, are anything but alphas. Thus their ability to recognize betas, true alphas, game, or the reality of women is severely damaged.
The Alpha leads, the woman follows. Alphas don't follow the woman's texting activities.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
S Town
Valentino14 said:
The Alpha leads, the woman follows. Alphas don't follow the woman's texting activities.
correct, i see way too many guys giving their girl too much slack thinking she'll come around, it goes on for way too long when the guy ends up getting screwed. when she goes for the other guy. my policy is that if she isn't totally into me i get someone who is. i'm not going waste my time trying to get back lost interest letting her do as she pleases with other guys.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2011
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bruceartest24 said:
Same thing happened to me, was dating this girl for months. She started hanging out with this older guy and taking about him and bam found out they were together. Just moved on and got other chicks.
How long was she talking to the guy?

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego
rascal99v said:
You text chicks when you want to. You don't text them all day. That's why it's easy and doesn't take up much time.
Texting can be a tool and this point is really the only reason why. YOU text when YOU want to. Don't be a parrot and you don't lose your mystery. If you're the textee, there's no harm in responding after your shift's over in a few hours... or after the gym... or after dining on another plate :up: