There's a prick in my class


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
My school life is very well currently; I am getting good grades, I participate actively in school activities, my teachers like me and I have a large good of friends (mostly girls though...girls outnumber guys 2 to 1 in my school).
However there is this prick in my class who has been pissing me off. He acts as a badass and spews out vulgarities whenever he opens his mouth. He also claims that he has several police records for fighting. With his brazen attitude, he has many people in fear for him, even though he only stands at around 1.6m (5'3) and isn't that well built.
Well this as*hole has started taking a disliking to me, saying I'm ****y and proud. Well of course as a DJ I am proud of myself, and working hard getting good grades gives me a right to be proud. But DJs aren't exactly popular people with jealous losers like him. He started passing negative remarks about me to all his friends and his disliking of me has become well known. Now my popularity has taken a dive and the girls probably think I'm a p*ssy too.
I getting fed up with this sh*t. The thing is he has never insulted me directly in my face, or I'll shoot him down with my remarks. What do you guys think I should do? I do not want to act like a badass like him as that attitude will not make me too many friends. Also, I forsee that I may get into a fight with him someday. Now I am not afraid of him as I'm bigger than him (5'11), but if he wasn't kidding about his police warnings, then he'll probably have a gang to come after me after I beat him up. I'm sick of taking his bullsh*t and appearing like a p*ussy in front of people. What can I do to make this sh*t stop?


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Stand up to him. WHen he starts talking shyt, call him out on it and tell him youre sick of his shyt and to shut the phuck up. If he tries shyt then do what you gotta do.

Leon Phelps

Don Juan
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
I dont know how they do it on whatever planet you are from, but here on Earth when a man talks sh*t about another man, theres either 1- A fight or 2- One sides recognition of the other sides superiorityl. Now, if you can kick his ass, then which one will it be?


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
Theres some guy doing the same thing to me. and he is also just some short fatass looking for a fight. but me and a few people told him off

Punk:Hes a cereal killer cause he kills lucky charms
Guy1:I heard he beat up<some guy ho i beat up last year for picking on me>.
Punk:*puts his arms around on my shoulder* is this true.
Me: Yes, and if you value your life you will take your hand off me.
Punk: Removes hand. Well I could beat you up.
Guy2: If he could beat up that guy than he can certannly kick your ass.
Punk:Well not the way I fight.
Me: The only way you can fight is by babbling on like the stupid ass you are.
Punk: Goes back to his seat.

The Bishop

Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
You're bigger than him, just tell him to phuck off.

Or you can do my favorite, and treat him like they treat that little dude in "baseketball" and call him "lil' bytch" all the time : )))))))))

"Get me a drink, lil' bytch"
"phuck, why do you keep calling me that?"
"cause your a lil' bytch, lil' bytch"

funny movie. Retarded, but a funny movie.


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
You all know how we hate these Fcukin mama, jealous bada$$es dont we? fellow Djs: Under no curCUMstances should u be one yourself.period!

Believe me: princes in those girls' mind are out there savin the world, helpin old folks cross the road, meetin new gals, improvin himself and other stuff djs odd to do.

speaking bad about someone is not a crime, dont tell me u(and the rest of ur class) have never cursin behind ur borrrrrrrrrrin bad in teachin history teacher. Wat were u thinkin den? u would be thinkin that the teacher should impove his teachin skills or change to a new method............ and where do these ideas come from? YOU.

Similarly,those "negative remarks" actually help u, if they are true, you have the most prized possesion u could have: your weakness. And u do the best to remove these bad traits from your character, becomin a better person. As they always say: it takes one to see one. if one says it, u think "it cant be true"; if 5 says it, it might be true; if 1000 says it , ........ it must be true!

If you found out that those remarks are TOTALLY not true in this world, y do want to give a fcuk about it¿ for example: ur a *****!(hope not......) den use actions to prove it(them) wrong! ACTIONS speaks louder then words.

for now chill!:cool:


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
uh sure? Some of his remarks are about me taking too much in class, but if I don't talk I don't get good grades. The only remark which can improve myself is probably about my ****iness which I'll be damned to remove just because a jealous ass dislikes it. No f*cking way am I going to tone myself down to suit his wishes.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by UnexpectedTeen

If you found out that those remarks are TOTALLY not true in this world, y do want to give a fcuk about it¿ for example: ur a *****!(hope not......) den use actions to prove it(them) wrong! ACTIONS speaks louder then words.
This has got to be one of the badest advice(S) on this forum....

So are you saying, if some jelous, fruitcake of a p*ssy told you that your "gay" you'd go rape girls?

In 2-3 lines you contradicted YOURSELF.

You said you shouldn't give a ... F*CK

But said to prove others wrong..

Even *I* know this is bullsh!t...

You don't need to prove ANYONE other than YOURSELF.

I have to learn this BUT, you don't give a shi7 about what they think of you. If they say your fat...let them suck your milky-cheesy-fatness-of-a-greaseball.. d!ck.

/End Rant


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Confront him. During school would be the best time, as others would see you standing up for yourself. Call him out, be assertive and sound like you got something important to say. Just be honest, something like "Hey man, I know you're talkin sh1t about me behind my back, what's your deal? You got a problem with me or the way I do things?" Make him respect you whether he likes it or not.

It sounds to me like he wants other people to think he's some sort of hardass. Hardasses do not go around spreading rumors. If he does wants to fight you (which is unlikely, since he sounds like a punk biatch) and you're angry enough remember this: the school doesn't care if you slap him in the face or break his legs and arms, you'll be suspended for any fighting. If it's going to go down, start swinging and don't stop until a teacher or cop pulls you off of him.

Catch him by surprise by confronting him. Make him deal with you on your terms and you'll begin with the upper hand.


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Yo Momma 's Snatch
Ignore him. Confront him if you wish .