Guys this will be my last post for a while (save the health and fitness forums) and you will find out why in this post. I encourage people who are at the same stage as me to join me.
When I first came to this site I found the wealth of information here overwhelming, it was great, I would stay up late reading everything - I fell in love with this site. But there is only so much you can learn from this site - alot of becoming a DJ comes from within. Here is my perception of the 3 stages of the DJ:
Newbie DJ
This is the guy that has been led here by something that has been bothering, ussually a female aqquaintance. He (like me) starts reading stuff and finds it amasing, he reads the bible, likes it - starts lurking around. He makes some changes in his life like removal of any temporary one-itis, a moderatly increased confidence level, a better understanding of women, and a few more mental understandings.
Now the time comes when the DJ has to come out and break free of his shell and face the world. This is the stage i am at - its called:
Aspiring DJ
This is the the test - it is where everything he learned as a newbie is put in too use, this is where most people drop out. This is when the DJ takes more drastic action, he starts making approaches, his confidence sky rockets, he might get a g/f maybe even a couple of gf's. But first he has to break through the barrier.
This is ussually when the DJ should leave the site and come to his own understandings and return when he has reached a higher stage of DJ-hood.
Senior DJ
NOTE: SENIOR not MASTER DJ, but thats another topic.
I believe few people meet this stage, it is the stage when they come to their own legitimate, field-tested, understandings of how things work, and have their own unique out look on life and women. They shouldnt even be classified DJ's anymore, because Senior DJ's dont share many of the same qualities - save happiness, success with women, and the self improvement mindset. Congratulations to anyone who has come this far.
The real point of this post is to encourage newbie DJ's to break out of their shells, like I am now doing. Become an aspiring DJ. This is the test, only some succeed.
Here is what im doing, please join me newbie DJ's who want to advance. Come with me, lets break out of our shells, lets destroy those barriers that are stopping from reaching the next level of our life. There is only so much you can learn here, dont keep coming back expecting to see some miricle post that will make your life succesfull. This is not going to be easy, it will be hard. If you want to join me then post here and tell everyone that your ready to move on. The rules are you cant post here or come here again (save H&F forum, and anything else forum). Once you have achieved senior DJ then return with me and post it under this thread. It may be months from now - maybe even years.
Dont sit around learning stuff you have allready learnt. It's rediculous. Dont stay at the newbie DJ stage. I got very good advice the other day - "Dont put off something too tomorrow, that you can do today"
Good luck if you choose to join me, and good bye fellow DJ's.
I hope to see you all again - i dont know how long this will take but i do know that if i fail then i will post under this thread and never post again, but that wont happen!
Thanks for listening.
When I first came to this site I found the wealth of information here overwhelming, it was great, I would stay up late reading everything - I fell in love with this site. But there is only so much you can learn from this site - alot of becoming a DJ comes from within. Here is my perception of the 3 stages of the DJ:
Newbie DJ
This is the guy that has been led here by something that has been bothering, ussually a female aqquaintance. He (like me) starts reading stuff and finds it amasing, he reads the bible, likes it - starts lurking around. He makes some changes in his life like removal of any temporary one-itis, a moderatly increased confidence level, a better understanding of women, and a few more mental understandings.
Now the time comes when the DJ has to come out and break free of his shell and face the world. This is the stage i am at - its called:
Aspiring DJ
This is the the test - it is where everything he learned as a newbie is put in too use, this is where most people drop out. This is when the DJ takes more drastic action, he starts making approaches, his confidence sky rockets, he might get a g/f maybe even a couple of gf's. But first he has to break through the barrier.
This is ussually when the DJ should leave the site and come to his own understandings and return when he has reached a higher stage of DJ-hood.
Senior DJ
NOTE: SENIOR not MASTER DJ, but thats another topic.
I believe few people meet this stage, it is the stage when they come to their own legitimate, field-tested, understandings of how things work, and have their own unique out look on life and women. They shouldnt even be classified DJ's anymore, because Senior DJ's dont share many of the same qualities - save happiness, success with women, and the self improvement mindset. Congratulations to anyone who has come this far.
The real point of this post is to encourage newbie DJ's to break out of their shells, like I am now doing. Become an aspiring DJ. This is the test, only some succeed.
Here is what im doing, please join me newbie DJ's who want to advance. Come with me, lets break out of our shells, lets destroy those barriers that are stopping from reaching the next level of our life. There is only so much you can learn here, dont keep coming back expecting to see some miricle post that will make your life succesfull. This is not going to be easy, it will be hard. If you want to join me then post here and tell everyone that your ready to move on. The rules are you cant post here or come here again (save H&F forum, and anything else forum). Once you have achieved senior DJ then return with me and post it under this thread. It may be months from now - maybe even years.
Dont sit around learning stuff you have allready learnt. It's rediculous. Dont stay at the newbie DJ stage. I got very good advice the other day - "Dont put off something too tomorrow, that you can do today"
Good luck if you choose to join me, and good bye fellow DJ's.
I hope to see you all again - i dont know how long this will take but i do know that if i fail then i will post under this thread and never post again, but that wont happen!
Thanks for listening.