TheMusic and his little Journal


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Lower your standards for whats acceptable to talk about; you're not trying to leave any impression with these people.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
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Liberation day
I am dissapointed in myself. Apperantly the step between doing nothing and approaching a lot of girls was too big... I absolutely failed.

It all started when I met a few friends, the second I arrived. 2 guys, 2 girls. The worst part was that I made out with one of those girls, so it was kind of awkward and weird to approach girls.. At least, it felt like that. And after that, even when I was alone with my friend, I just wasn't brave enough to go in. Damn it. SO many girls, so many chances, and so little courage.

The day had some good things too. Saw some awesome bands, met some people I hadn't talked to in ages, and I met these girls, and one of them was just DAMN hot and exactly my type.
But she acted kinda weird...

My friend introduced me to these girls, and we all went to the Dance Stage together. There we went in, but we lost a part of the group, so I ended up with 3 girls. I thought: "Wow, perfect, I get the girl and the others keep eachother busy". But things didn't work out that well. When we talked (and I'm a bad talker, but I had some nice conversations with her) she smiled, tilted her head, played with her hair. But she gave me nothing in her answers. I did almost all the talking... Then we danced, but it was like dancing with a tree, absolutely no input from her side... And afterwards she just stuck with her girlfriend again... Apperantly two of the girls were kinda best friends and the third one was not, I don't know, fact is that I failed.

I need more practice with talking to strangers... Guess I'm gonna search a job in a clothing store or as a promoter...
Any other ideas about how I can get my confidence in talking to strangers up?



Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
That's the problem... I'm still not used to talking to strangers. Or do you think the difference between strangers and hot strangers is big enough?


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Practice is practice. Talk to strangers. I've had those sorts of concerts too, they're in my journal. It's not fun, but the next time will go better if you have some more experience to back it up.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Okay. Made myself some goals to get more experience in talking to strangers;

- Make some smalltalk at the lockers with random people for the next week
- When in a grocery store, ask others what drink to buy etc., and have a little conservation

I might come up with some more of these "brilliant" ideas soon. I know it seems like nothing for most of you guys, but for me this is really gonna be the first big step.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
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What do you mean? Like telling them something interesting, or making them feel better? I talked to this hot girl at the information centre on my school, I tried to switch the mouses 'cause mine sucks, but then she came walking by. Helped her with fixing her computer, had some small talk, didn't get her name.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
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Haha the picture was taken in the winter, when it was dark, and there was a light shining into my face. & I don't always look that way, just a lucky picture, but thanks.

And I guess I can kinda attract girls on my looks, but I find it hard to keep their attention. I'm not good on social level, never been. That's what I try to improve.

But anything on the haircut?

Thinking about this lenth:
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Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Lemme post here again.
I have had a few party's, and three others next week, so I'll keep ya updated.
But first:

Party B&P
I knew the hosts of this party from work, so I already knew it was going to be hard to get into the social circles of the people there, cause they all went to school together. I arrived early, about 20:00. Started with a beer, and at about 21:00 the first people came in. Saw some girls after a while, so I just introduced myself to them, and started talking. Things went great, but they both had a boyfriend walking around at the same party, so that was kinda sad. Then one of the hosts came to me and said “Let’s find some single girls” (probably because I was talking to his girlfriend and she was so comfortable). So I met these chicks and guys, talked to the guys a lot, after that the girls, most left, ended up with two girls. Kinda teased them, talked to them, got to know a whole lot about their lives and then I left, to talk to other people who had just arrived. Most of these girls left early, because they just came back from traveling. After this, I got kinda attached to the last single girl who was there. I kinda went where she went (most times 5 minutes later). It was sad, and lame. I danced and talked with a lot of other people though, at the end of the evening I knew everyone and everyone knew me. That was an awesome feeling. But still, it was lame to just walk after that girl like a puppy. Need to work on the desperateness.

Party at my school
Wow. That was a fun party. I started the evening by putting on my costume (it was a themed party) and singing Bon Jovi out loud. I was one of the first guys to arrive, so I helped the people there with searching bags etc. (it’s a party for kids between 11 and 18, so no alcohol). Found this one guy who couldn’t walk straight and couldn’t talk anymore either. Had fun with him, but had to take him out because of policy. After the doors closed I got to the dance floor and started dancing around like a mad man, wiggling to “Sexy and I know it” with two of my friends. It was awesome, everybody was watching. After a while, I saw a girl I liked. We started dancing in their group, but I waited too long to approach her. Made some eyecontact, but I was scared of starting to dance with a girl I didn’t even know. Too bad, she left early, so I just stood there, feeling like; ****. Then the randomness came on. I saw these girls dancing, me and a friend went to them, started dancing with the group. 5 minutes after we left them I tapped a girl on the shoulder, dragged her to me, introduced myself and started dancing. After a few minutes she “had to get back to her friends”. Damn. Her friend was interested though, but no chance on getting her, because she sticked to the girl that just left me and I had no wing to take care of her… After this one I started dancing with some girl I knew who stood all by herself. She went looking for her friends after a minute. Next girl I tried was a nice blonde one. Did the same, dragged her out, started dancing. Felt good, came close, but then all of a sudden she just “had to get back to her friends”. I don’t know what went wrong. Started to dance with a group of girls, things seemed to go great, but at the end the girl I went for didnt even wanna grab my hands so I could start dancing so I just turned to the friend and asked to do the same, to make myself not look like a fool. After that I ‘saw a friend’ and had to run. Last 5 minutes of the party I met these hot chicks, and I knew they were interested, but my friends dragged me away to do the last dance with them. Fine. Talked with the girls when the party was over, might ever see them again.
Lot’s of rejections this night, but it still feels better than the times I didn’t even try.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
TheMusic said:
Lemme post here again.
I have had a few party's, and three others next week, so I'll keep ya updated.
But first:

Party B&P
Wow. That was really the best party I've had in ages. I only knew the hosts (B&P), but I was there from the beginning and introduced myself to everyone, made small talk, and at the end of the evening everybody knew me and liked me. Though I didn't score (there were 5 girls, 40 dudes, and all the girls were preoccupied) I had a wonderful night (and morning).

Party at my school
Never got rejected so many times. I don't know what happened... I tried to dance with like 5 girls, and they all danced with me for 4 minutes and then said they had to go back to their friends. Bullcrap. Too bad. I still had fun.
You'll thank yourself in the future if you write proper FRs.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
You were right, I edited them. Hope this is better suitable for you guys to give criticism on my style.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Party P, M & A

So, this girl P (who I barely knew) invited me to her party. I took a friend with me and we went there. We both know almost nobody, except P and Su, the girl where we would crash after the party. So we came in, grabbed a beer, and approached a group of girls. He talked to 1 girl, and I kept the other 5 busy. I practically just arrived, said "Hi; I'm gonna introduce myself. Whats your name? Hi, I'm ™" and just shaked hands. There was one girl who was really into me from the beginning, this girl Sa, who was kinda hot. We talked for a while, and then one of the hosts (M) dragged us away because we had to meet another group of girls. So we introduced ourselves again, talked to them for a while, went away for more drinks. Sat down outside, talked with Sa for a long time, while 2 girls used my lap to sit. Anyway, after a while my friend and I went inside, were introduced to some other girls by the host and then we just chilled there. Approached some girl outside, Ir, talked to her for a while. Not too interesting. Sa and her friends came back too, we sat inside, danced for a while, and then host M dragged me away 'cause she needed to talk to me. Apperantly P, the girl who invited me, had other intentions when she invited me then I had. Another girl came sitting with us ( R ), trying to convince me that P was such a nice girl, and she said I really had to go for her. While I sat there, some guy started messing with Sa. Left that one, and kept on talking with R and M. R didn't believe I was 16. I really shouldn't tell my age, it seems to be a bit of an obstacle for most girls. After a while I went down, sat on the stairs, with my arm around R, drinking coke. P arrived, looking pissed, but my friend took care of her (I really need to thank him in some way, he was an awesome wing). Sa left the party around this time. Scored her number, gonna party with her soon. When I went peeing, I said to R "go find us a spot where we can chill outside". So when I came back, I walked out, didn't see her, came back in. Saw her with some guys. Stood there for a while, kinda awkwardly. Then I walked to her, said "Hey, I thought you would find us a spot? Let's go out". Grabbed her hand, leaded her outside. Sat down. After a while we moved to the fire with 1 chair (freaking smooth :') ) and she sat down on my lap. She kept whining about "Oh, I'm so heavy". Irritated me. But then again, she was a nice girl and she shutted up after a while :). Just had a nice talk with her, until some guy started throwing up behind us. We moved all chairs a little further away. It was a little weird though. Everytime I tried to look her right in the eyes from a close distance, to create a little make-out moment, she was above me, cause she sat on my lap, and it was just weird. On a certain moment, she started stroking my hair.. I dunno why she did that, but I was like "Okay, seems like she's into me". And then her friends came, said they were leaving. We sat there for another half hour, while they helped the drunk guy, but then they came again. So I was like, fvck it, and started making out with her. Made out for a while, and a few minutes later again. Then I said "I believe you have to leave". We stood up, made out again (men, she was horny as sh|t). Then she left, while inviting me to her poolparty and I got her number too. Then my friend and I went looking for Su, cause we were tired and we would sleep at her place. After 30 minutes she finally agreed to come with us (she was so drunk). Took us another half hour to get back to her place. We were tired, she wanted to keep on drinking. She kept facebooking and laughing till 7:00… Well, I slept about 3 to 4 hour, pretty nice.

Tonight I have prom. Tomorrow another party, where my friend invited Sa and her friend to. I'm totally gonna put him on the first place there, and help him score before I even think about it.

Oh, and about the summer bootcamp;

Approaches: 2/10


Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Not ugly, just not the hottest girl out there.
Anyway, two more parties to analyze.

So, we had this weird barbecue/party thing that our school organized for all the graduated people. Arrived there by bike, all suited up. Barbecued first. No approaches, 'cause I knew all the girls there and seriously, all the hot ones were taken. True Story. Anyway, we started at 18:00, and at 21:00 the dates arrived. I didn't have a date, because… Dunno, the only people who brought dates were the people who were in relationships… I got bored like ****, I hate partying with people from my school. Around eleven I said hi to some hot girl and a few guys I thought I knew. Talked to them for a while, girl worked at the place where the party was, so she brought us free drinks. When the party was over (nothing interesting happened after that) we went with her, the friends, her brother, and a friend of mine, out for some food. Store closed just when we arrived, owner wasn't friendly, kept the door closed. Then I took the girl home on my bike. Nothing really happened, cause her brother was with us, and I didn't had much private contact with her on that evening.
Atm I don't even remember her name…

Party E & X
So, the friend from the PMA party invited me to this party of a friend of his. We invited two more chicks, and were ready to party. First we went to my friends house, to party with his brother and friends. Started jamming. Played on some dudes saxophone. Bad idea. I'm ill atm. After a few hours we moved to the other party… But the party was boring as fvck. Everybody was sitting outside, in two circles; one circle for the friends of E, and one for the friends of X. It was ****. Approached the X group, introduced myself to all of them, some sad boys told fake names, I got tired. Girls weren't that hot, so I left that group. Then my friend got everybody inside, cause I promised to play and sing E a song (I know a song about her name). So I sang, everybody liked it. Played some more hits, people started singing along. Then we put up some music, and everybody started dancing. X's friends went out to be boring again, but we partied like madmen with E's friends. We just made that party what it was. At 2:00 E's mom put off the music. Things got boring. Played a few games, flirted a little with E, and then left. Fun evening, not too interesting.

Approaches: 4/10


Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score

This year I went to cycle in France with a grouptrip. When the bus to France arrived, and some people that got in on the stop before ours stepped out I saw two very hot girls. A blonde and a brunette. We stepped into the bus and travelled for 14 hours. No contact in that period of time. In France we did meet, but the group divided in two parts; a sportive part and a lazy part. She (the blonde) was with the lazy people, who preferred to stay on the camping in the pool etc. I was with the people who went for 90 km trips in the mountains. So the first week, we barely talked. I wanted to do my own thing, and I didn't plan to let a girl stop me from doing that.

So after a week I had a nice evening with her, the brunette and another dude. We went watching a rugby game and they wanted to take pictures with all players, so we kinda joked that the rest of the vacation we should be on all the pictures. (That worked out for me). Then we didn't speak for a few days again, 'cause they went out every evening but my parents wouldn't let me leave… When we cycled to the next camping I went with her and her friends, and had some good talkes with a guy. Lunched with them, had fun.

On the last camping they went out again, and I had to stay. I was like "FML". But the next evening everything changed. We stayed on the camping, next to the river. We all lay besides each other, and I just "accidentally" landed next to her. We lay there arm in arm, and after a while she was lying on my chest. But then someone started to throw up, so we helped that poor girl and then all went to bed. Next day we sat arm in arm again, she sat on my lap bot nothing else happened. Night after that she went to bed early… Then we went to the last camping, where we decided to go out the last evening. Walked to the parking lot of the city, and then she and another girl went to the toilet.

A friend of mine said "I'll go with you". First, I wanted to stay behind, but then the friend said "C'mon T M, you have to go with us, right Blonde?". She agreed, so i went with them. After the other girl was finished at the toilet, my friend took her and started walking away, to leave me and the other girl behind. She didn't want to go back, so we sat for a while. Then I got tired, so I laid down, and relaxed. Then I invited her to lay with me. She agreed, and when she was above me, we made out. After that we made out in a lot of spots and ways. When we went back we saw two others from our group (another friend and the brunette) who were also kissing. Sat on that parking lot for a while, then the other guy said he should sleep in the tent with the brunette, and the blonde should sleep with me. She agreed.

We went back, she had to go to the toilet. Then we went to the road again, made out over there for a while (I tried to get my finger down her pants, but she didn't want to or I was too *****, dunno. It also took me 2 hours before I had enough courage to start feeling her boobs). Then we went to bed, made out, slept for an hour and had to wake up for the group breakfast.

I had a nice holiday, and tomorrow my college life starts.

EDIT: added random spaces so that it's readable.
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Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
College Intro

I had my introductionweek at college last week. The first two days were mostly with my own class, done some singing and jamming. Made a reggaecover of Pachelbel's canon in D. Then wednesday the general introduction started. I tried to get to know as many people as possible. I think I managed to do that. Introduced myself to everybody and (even more important) remembered their names and other thing about them. Nothing really happened those first two days. At the end of the second day there was an awesome party. One chick kept coming back at me, but she was so damn tall. I love small girls, so I didn't know what to do. Sat with her in private on the top floor, but didn't take action. (Sidenote: I always seem to freeze on that point. Happened to me so many times before; I manage to get girls to go with me to a silent dark spot, and then I just decide that they're not hot enough or something like that and stop trying).

I had an awesome night, made a lot of new friends, but wasn't able to score. Shame on me. Luckily I have another huge party next tuesday.