What’s up fellas,
At first I was writing this for the high schoolers, but actually this pertains to everybody. Let me tell you something that is worse than anything you can ever do in your life. You know what is? Not do anything at all. There's NOTHING WORSE in the whole world. I rather say years from now “Boy, I sure sounded stupid talking to that hot girl. Even though she laughed at me, I'm glad I still did it. Man, I did some stupid and crazy things in my life, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!!!” Or another one would be “Man, I'm glad I tried out for the football team, although I didn't make it, I learned what the coaches are looking for plus I made some cool friends.”
These statements are NOTHING compared to the FIVE worst words you could EVER, EVER, EVER!!!! say in your whole life. And they are: “I wish I would had.....” TRUST me, this is so much worst than getting turned downed!!! You know why it is so bad? Because it eats at you slowly, and painfully. It affects you, big time. It’s like torture actually, because there's nothing you can do to change it, and you have NOTHING to show for it. I've known people who were depressed because they know how much better their life would have been “if they would had....” I know what some of you are saying: (saying in a whiny voice)“Now you wait just a minute Jay83, a real Duan Juan learns from his mistakes and manages to move on with his life.” True, but if you keep letting opportunity after opportunity after opportunity slip you by, then by the time you actually learned from you’re mistakes it might be a little too late.
I used to be involved with this volunteer group in my high school and sometimes we went to the senior citizens home. A lot of people say old people are mean and grumpy(Not to mention they drive like 3 miles per hour on the highway). Has it ever occurred to you why they are so damn grumpy all the time? Many of them have a lot of regrets and missed opportunities!!! Of course this is not why all old people are grumpy. Some may be mad because all their friends are dead, or they’re in a nursing home and their family never visits them, or the simply fact that they’re just plain old!! But regret does play a part in it. ANd like I said earlier in the post, it eats at you like a disease, and after a period of time the frustration you have, believe it or not, turns into bitterness.
Old people tend to have a lot of time on their hands because their retired, kids are grown up, and stuff like that. So they spend a lot of that time, reflecting on what they did. And the worse feeling you can have is not having anything to reflect back on!! wink I dont remember all the people Ive met at that senior citizens home, but I do remember Ralph. Ralph was a sailor in the NAVY in WW 2. He told me there was a girl he had his eye on for awhile. He was kind of an AFC(too bad they didn't have Sosuave.com back then!!). He said he was off for the weekend and on Friday attended a party. The girl was right next to him checking him out and yet he just couldn’t do it.
Then Saturday night Ralph had a chance to speak to her and yet he hesitated and she was gone. So then Ralph said “that’s it Im gonna talk to her on Sunday”. Well, that Sunday on December 7, 1941, Ralph never saw her again. She was killed in the Pearl Habor Attack. He says to this day he has regret of not even talking to her. This was like 60 years ago!! Can you imagine 60 years of saying “I wish I would have...” Anyways, Im sorry men for getting so deep on you all. This was a unique story. DOnt think that every girl you dont talk to is gonna die! I was just trying to make a point. So guys, Im not saying after reading this post you swim in a tank of sharks or bungee jump, or do something stupid. Because if you do you’ll be sitting in a hospital with a messed up body saying to yourself “ I wish I had not...” Or the next hot girl you see walking towards your way, you slap her on the ass and say “I have something to reflect back on” lol What I am saying is do what you have always wanted to do. This is just not limited to girls. Hell No!! This is everything. Trying out for a particular sport, changing a career, trying to convince a friend to turn from their ways, getting in the gym, or it could be talking to a particular girl.
At least if you try out for basketball and not make it you can say “Boy, I really suck at basketball, I have no skills compared to these guys, but at least I can go about my business with a clear conscious” Thats better than sayin this: “ I wonder if I would have made the team, man I wish I would have least tried out!!!”. See the difference. I hope somebody gets something out of this post.
I just felt the need to write this article.
I believe what goes around comes around, and if I was an AFC, I would want someone to give me advice on how to improve my life.
Anyways, I gotta go my fellas!! Remember what I said my brothas. Man another long post. Ive been doing that alot lately.
Later guys,
At first I was writing this for the high schoolers, but actually this pertains to everybody. Let me tell you something that is worse than anything you can ever do in your life. You know what is? Not do anything at all. There's NOTHING WORSE in the whole world. I rather say years from now “Boy, I sure sounded stupid talking to that hot girl. Even though she laughed at me, I'm glad I still did it. Man, I did some stupid and crazy things in my life, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!!!” Or another one would be “Man, I'm glad I tried out for the football team, although I didn't make it, I learned what the coaches are looking for plus I made some cool friends.”
These statements are NOTHING compared to the FIVE worst words you could EVER, EVER, EVER!!!! say in your whole life. And they are: “I wish I would had.....” TRUST me, this is so much worst than getting turned downed!!! You know why it is so bad? Because it eats at you slowly, and painfully. It affects you, big time. It’s like torture actually, because there's nothing you can do to change it, and you have NOTHING to show for it. I've known people who were depressed because they know how much better their life would have been “if they would had....” I know what some of you are saying: (saying in a whiny voice)“Now you wait just a minute Jay83, a real Duan Juan learns from his mistakes and manages to move on with his life.” True, but if you keep letting opportunity after opportunity after opportunity slip you by, then by the time you actually learned from you’re mistakes it might be a little too late.
I used to be involved with this volunteer group in my high school and sometimes we went to the senior citizens home. A lot of people say old people are mean and grumpy(Not to mention they drive like 3 miles per hour on the highway). Has it ever occurred to you why they are so damn grumpy all the time? Many of them have a lot of regrets and missed opportunities!!! Of course this is not why all old people are grumpy. Some may be mad because all their friends are dead, or they’re in a nursing home and their family never visits them, or the simply fact that they’re just plain old!! But regret does play a part in it. ANd like I said earlier in the post, it eats at you like a disease, and after a period of time the frustration you have, believe it or not, turns into bitterness.
Old people tend to have a lot of time on their hands because their retired, kids are grown up, and stuff like that. So they spend a lot of that time, reflecting on what they did. And the worse feeling you can have is not having anything to reflect back on!! wink I dont remember all the people Ive met at that senior citizens home, but I do remember Ralph. Ralph was a sailor in the NAVY in WW 2. He told me there was a girl he had his eye on for awhile. He was kind of an AFC(too bad they didn't have Sosuave.com back then!!). He said he was off for the weekend and on Friday attended a party. The girl was right next to him checking him out and yet he just couldn’t do it.
Then Saturday night Ralph had a chance to speak to her and yet he hesitated and she was gone. So then Ralph said “that’s it Im gonna talk to her on Sunday”. Well, that Sunday on December 7, 1941, Ralph never saw her again. She was killed in the Pearl Habor Attack. He says to this day he has regret of not even talking to her. This was like 60 years ago!! Can you imagine 60 years of saying “I wish I would have...” Anyways, Im sorry men for getting so deep on you all. This was a unique story. DOnt think that every girl you dont talk to is gonna die! I was just trying to make a point. So guys, Im not saying after reading this post you swim in a tank of sharks or bungee jump, or do something stupid. Because if you do you’ll be sitting in a hospital with a messed up body saying to yourself “ I wish I had not...” Or the next hot girl you see walking towards your way, you slap her on the ass and say “I have something to reflect back on” lol What I am saying is do what you have always wanted to do. This is just not limited to girls. Hell No!! This is everything. Trying out for a particular sport, changing a career, trying to convince a friend to turn from their ways, getting in the gym, or it could be talking to a particular girl.
At least if you try out for basketball and not make it you can say “Boy, I really suck at basketball, I have no skills compared to these guys, but at least I can go about my business with a clear conscious” Thats better than sayin this: “ I wonder if I would have made the team, man I wish I would have least tried out!!!”. See the difference. I hope somebody gets something out of this post.
I just felt the need to write this article.
I believe what goes around comes around, and if I was an AFC, I would want someone to give me advice on how to improve my life.
Anyways, I gotta go my fellas!! Remember what I said my brothas. Man another long post. Ive been doing that alot lately.
Later guys,