The "Worst Oneitis You've Ever Had" Thread - High School edition


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
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TheEnergizer said:
im copy pasting this story from another thread. thought it should go here

last year there was this cutest chick i had ever saw, she was a goddess to me. tons of pedastaling goin on, and whenever i saw her in the morning she would 'make my day' and **** like that. she was in 7th grade(i think she was skipping 8th tho and going straight to highschool) and i was in 8th. yeah i was a major afc afllicted with oneitis.

anyway it was about 2 weeks before valentines day, i was motivated to do the approach before valentines day (to give her chocolates or somethin, afc i know haha) or i would consider myself a failure. operation valentine lol. i never did it. my excuses were exactly the same as yours (shes with other people, i never saw her that much today, shes walking away, BLAH). i was waiting for that perfect chance for me to swoop in and show her whats up. it never came. operation failed. i would see her like 3 times a day and i just never even talked to her at all. keep in mind v- day is in february. to this day i havent said a word to her. she didnt come to my high school so i havent seen her since last year. but february through the end of school that year passed and i didnt do **** but stalk her and go whereever she went waiting for that golden chance. i would just keep procrastinating haha(tomorrow,ok tomorrow, no really TOMORROW fer sure,ok then...crossing my fingers for next year then!) basically thats MONTHS of that going on and on and i never approached her despite that length of time. chickened out every day. if only i saw her again... i would be in her face literally the minute i see her haha. looking back, i actually had hundreds of chances, she hung out with one of my acquaintances for christs sake... lol if i could go back haha.
lol i posted this last year... stupid freshman haha. well yeah so shes in my HS now and shes a freshman and no she didnt skip a grade n **** so yeah. for some reason now shes not as goddess like as she was before. still cute though. weird. so im over the oneitis now lol. i suppose i'll go talk to her when i get a chance now.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
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haha...well i came here during my summer before junior year...that oneitis i had

well.she's pretty much always in one of my math classes during the year..and she is currently..

it's definitely fun to come back to the same situation you ****ed up with...with new knowledge..

she still does what she did before...take many glances at me by looking backwards..i usually sit in the back..and there's nothing behind me...just a clock..and i like to look directly at her once she turns back to look

before i would try to time my exit with hers..i would just stare at her like a dumbass

now, i dont do any of this..and she still does what she does

My honest opinion is: She was/is interested in me, but I will not get her, at least not in high school, because of social reasons and my history of major AFC moves on her.

I think I would have to say she's still near the top of my list of most attractive girls, but with the clear vision I have now, not clouded by lust, I can say that I'm not too sure if I would even want a serious relationship with her, at this point in her and my life.

I dont have oneitis for her anymore, and I dont plan to approach her again, even though I could do it non-afcishly. I think sometimes, especially in HS..It's not worth it to approach the same girl 3 or 4 times.

Oneitis IS really mere lust. She still has those great legs/ass/face. But, I've realized that a lot of other girls are just as attractive. I think it all changed once sex became an option. Lots of girls really just started to appeal to me. Testosterone probably helped.

Anyways, don't waste your time on your oneitis, it's dumb and you'll realize how much time you've wasted after you have TRULY changed.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
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I never really had a definite one itis. I mean theres always been a bunch of girls which sometimes in class I would check them out and think naughty thoughts, but never on the obsessive level of one-itis.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2008
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I don't know if you can call it oneitis, only because I never let it get so bad that I stopped trying with other girls.

But let's backtrack three years. I'm a little shy, just finished my sophomore year of high school, I've got a few close friends and I've never had a girlfriend. I had just started to come out of my shell.

I meet a girl, and I was attracted instantly, not just for looks but her amazing personality. Everything about this girl was PERFECT. I told my friends about this amazing girl I'd met, I told strangers about her. I was soo into her. I tried three times that summer to get with her, failing miserably each time with the classic "I think we should be friends". I would continue to try over the years, and she started brushing me off with jokes and "oh maybe next time if you try harder =P"

So over the next two years, we still kept in touch even as she went off to college and I was still in high school. Our friendship was weird in that there was always a tension because of how into her I was, and we were incredibly flirty. In this time, I had started to really develop. I was getting girls left and right, and my friends who had never really been challenged to get girls (although we have much different taste) suddenly started to envy me for the girls I was getting. And I'd swap stories with my oneitis about my conquests and she'd laugh and tell me how funny I am.

Fast forward another few months. I just graduate, I'm on top of the world. I finally was confident enough in myself that I was able to hook up with my oneitis, and we continued to do so for a long time. She admitted to liking me the past two years, but was afraid for the same reason none of the other girls in my life ever made it past hooking up with me -- she was scared of attachment, so was I.

But we did end up dating, and she's my current girlfriend. I think I got lucky really. I'm crazy in love with this girl.


New Member
Dec 7, 2009
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The "Worst Oneitis Youve Ever Had" Thread High School edition

Im using this thread as a strating place to figure out how much I can expect to charge for a school dance.

Here is the story:

I have always avoided school dances because I never felt that I had enough "system" for them. According to my nephew, our system blows away any of the other DJs that the school has used, and we also use extensive lighting.

My local school system has hired several different DJs in the past. The last one, that they hired for the Prom, really didnt do a good job at all, played mostly country music, and had NO lights whatsoever, and used two speakers on a stick with NO sub. The students were not very happy with him.

My nephew, who graduates next year, is my assistant for weddings and he has received a good response from student council about the possibility of using our services for all of the upcoming school dances.

Since I have never done school dances before, I have no idea where to begin my price point. I am very dialed in to the pricing for the wedding market in the area but Im lost here.

How do I go about finding out how much the average school dance goes for around here? Im in northeast Ohio.

Any ideas would be appreciated.



New Member
Dec 9, 2009
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O dear god oneitis, I've had a very bad one and I'm finally pretty much over it. Laughed so hard when I found this website/forum and read all the stuff you shouldn't do or should try to avoid. If someone was to write an AFC bible I probably followed it to the letter with this girl.

Where it started

We used to work together at a supermarket, I had been working there for a while before she started there. I didn't even find her attractive at the start, but as we worked together I grew quite fond of her, although I still didn't find her attractive I really fell for her personality.

First "date"
I hadn't tried anything on any girl for atleast a year after being rejected by every girl I had liked up untill that point, but I thought fvck it I really like this girl, she seems to like me, or atleast we had loads of fun working together for months so I asked her out, to the movies. Through messenger, really bad I know and she said yes, followed by a "just as friends right?????". At the time I thought it would be rude to cancel, besides who knows what might happen. Shortly after she added she had a boyfriend. Yeah....

So we went to the movies, horrible movie, great fun and we kept working together after that but during the summer we both stopped working and we got out of touch. I think she blocked me on messenger at the time haha. O well figured too bad but what can you do, she has a boyfriend anyway.

After all that time of not even talking to eachother...
Then six months later out of nowhere I get a call from her that her boyfriend just broke up with her, she didn't know who to go to. If I wanted to do something during the weekend. She was really upset and I got reminded of my feelings for her so I agreed. We were going out I think every 1-2 weeks for awhile and I developed a huge crush on her. She was still getting over her boyfriend aswell, but one night after I drove her home I completely spilled the beans and told her how I felt. We were both somewhat drunk and she told me she had to sleep on what I had said.

So the next day (on messenger again lol) she tells me I'm a really nice guy, but she just wants to be friends.(you'd think they would come up with atleast a variation of that god awfull sentence every now and then) Also she had had no idea I liked her for the entire time we worked/went out the first time/second times. After that we kept going out almost every week __AS FRIENDS__. As much as I enjoyed being around her, it was absolutely horrible to be around a person you like alot without having any chance to escalate. I'd say this went on for another 6 months or something and I was literally thinking about her every hour of every day, still hoping one day it might grow into something more.

Then a month ago or so I told her(through messenger XD) that I couldn't get over her and that I thought we should stop seeing eachother. I do miss hanging out sometimes, but in the end I'm quite happy to not walk around day and night with this sh!t-gut feeling.

And then I found this site 2 weeks ago, time for change!


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2009
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So here is my current situation:
I told her it was alright if we were friends, but im still crazy about her and do not wanna move on because i think if she said "just friends" this early on, she's probably thinkin that i thouught we were more.

Two months ago, I met a girl on facebook and I added her because I thought she was cute and we went to the same school. We started talking and after about two or three weeks, but i was too shy to say Hi to her in school. So we never talked in person. On the day we met, she also asked me to fix her iPhone. I did manage to fix it (her friend gave it to me, and I gave it to her friend to give to her - I lost my chance to talk to her in person here too). Anyway, a week after I returned her phone, she asked me if I liked her. i didnt say no, but i didnt say yeah either. Instead i said "Id like to get to know you." She said she only saw me and her as friends, and I accepted it. Then I asked if we will ever hangout and she said if she had the time, then "of course". That made me content with it but soon after, she went to a party. This is where things came crashing down. That happened on November 14th, 2009. Everytime I would IM her after that day, she would never respond. I gave up after about a week, and never tried again except to say Happy Thanksgiving. Then come December 5th, around 1 in the morning, she IMs me and says "Hey." I was sleepy so I didnt talk much. Just whats up and how was your day, then goodnight." Sunday night, she IMs me again around midnight, but I was already asleep so i didnt get a chance to respond. Monday afternoon, she IMs me again, and we talk like how was your day and whatsup. Then she said brb, gotta take care of my little brother. After a few hours she came back and told me she was sleepy and had to go. She said "Im tired and got a food comaa. Ima go now. Goodnight. Take care buddy"

Now my Winter Ball dance is coming up in January, and I have Winter Break in a week. My friend told me to like try and hang out with her a few times over break then ask her to ball. My other friend says talk to her in school for the first time since you met her., Then move on from there. Ask her out before break.

I think I just get hella nervous to talk to her when her friends are around. we met in person last week in our school. We didnt talk much but she was having an off day. When i got home that day she told me

Hey, sorry about today. I was being hella weird. Just having an off day"

so i told her it was cool, and that we can talk next time

she told me

Yeah fersure next time, I'm glad you actually worked up the courage to talk to me, I know it's not easy for youu. But yeah, hella of my friends were just staring at my table and just yeaah. Hella awkward.

I said alright. lets kick it monday

she said

sure. but i want you to remember we are nothing more than friends

i replied, Oh. aha. aight

EDIT: im a senior, she a junior.
EDIT: She has her number publicly on facebook but should i ask her for it instead? and when?


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
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Keep this bumped.

And jewi44, ask for her number, don't just grab it off her facebook. Comes across as creepy.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2009
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Brighty said:
Keep this bumped.

And jewi44, ask for her number, don't just grab it off her facebook. Comes across as creepy.

Brighty, it's way too late for jewi44. Look at his post history so that you can see what really happened with this girl. His stalker vibe is off the charts for this one.

Oh and jewi44, how's the search for the date going? I hope all is well on that front.

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
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I'm afraid I've had the worst oneitis of you all. It's what made me read the Book of Pook and visit this forum.

I guess you wan't to know my story. Well, it's a long one and I can't write the horrible details in one post. Besides it still hurts like hell, lately more in terms of embarrassment though.

It was summer break and I met this slightly older girl at work. When I first saw her, I didn't think too much of her. She wasn't that pretty, even a bit chubby, but she carried herself well. Just an avarage girl you'd say. She did give me signals of interest though. Then school began and she turned out to be the new girl and out of all places she could sit, she took a seat next to me. So I got to know her better, she gave me more signals of interest and finally put a spell on me.

We were getting along great, but one day, she started ignoring me. I became depressed and since then, over the course of multiple years (!), she repeatedly talked to me again, then ignored me for months, then talked to me again and it went on and on. The cycle continued, until one day, after several years, we stopped talking forever.

Looking back, I want to throw my head against the wall. What a sad person I was.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Ugh I hated high-school. I was such a creepy loser stalker. I basically had zero contact with girls outside of school. I never had any female friends and I got huge crushes on girls I didn't even know. I rarely if ever talked to girls. The only thing I did was play video games and watch Dragon Ball Z with my loser friends.

10th grade I had one-itis for a girl in my PE class. For some reason I used to fallow her as she walked around the school. Eventually two of her guy friends came up to me and told me that I creeped her out and to stop what I was doing. Thankfully it stayed a calm discussion. I stopped stalking girls then. Towards the end of the school year I briefly started having small talk with her. The next year she moved, transferred schools and I never saw her again. Some time later a girl asked me, "Did you like Melissa?" "Yeah" "You never talked to her." From then on I at least made sure to regularly talk to girls I got crushes on...

Senior year I had a crush on a chick who had a douche boyfriend. I knew it was stupid but I couldn't help it since physically she was my perfect woman. I sat next to her in Econ/Government and talked to her everyday. The last day of class I wrote some stupid note in her yearbook saying how I would have asked her out if she was single. I never saw her again.

This thread is kind of funny for me since my 10 year reunion is happening in a few months. I probably won't bother going.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Yeah you young guys are definitely lucky getting all this information when you're still young. 10 years ago this stuff didn't exist, hell the internet as we know it now was very different.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2010
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Alright thought i was over this one... Guess not boys

All started with this cute girl, i guess what got me the most was how forward she could be about things and assertive, something i admire since I've been working on it. I don't meet many people with such a good personality. As for looks pretty cute, yet sometimes sexy face, and a decent ass.

She was all over me at a Halloween party and i didn't do anything except get her number. But i put it to good use and got my first kiss a week later. After that we saw each other pretty often and i started turning back to my AFC days, like i didn't even french her in those couple weeks! sure enough i wasn't happy with myself and neither was she so we went our own ways.

Every time i think I'm completely done with it all, i ll see her around school and i can tell she is still interested just not in my old AFC ways. But Working hard and having less AFC moments everyday. :up: