The "Worst Oneitis You've Ever Had" Thread - High School edition


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
As we're all aspiring DJs in high school, and hell, as we're all boys in high school, its inevitable that we've all had oneitis. Some of us have had it worse than others, but being clung onto a girl is something that we've all experienced at one time or another in our adolescent lives. Having oneitis not only screws up your game - it also makes it hard to move on and get out of the slump you're in. Its absolutely crucial that you avoid having oneitis at this young of an age because its not like you're marrying the damn girl anyway, and if you're all depressed or infatuated over this one girl, how are you going to go out and meet more? How many days, weeks, or even months are you going to let this girl control your life?

In this topic, post a bad case of oneitis that you've had and, if you feel comfortable, how you got over it. This will hopefully:

- Serve as a deterrent to new DJs about making the same mistakes
- Bring closure to yourself and possibly other people who have been in that same situation
- Laugh about your AFC days
- Help people suffering from oneitis really see that their situation isn't so isolated
- Console other people that are suffering from the same problem

For me personally, I have a nasty habit of getting attached easily to hot girls that I've dated. Especially in high school where there's something so "innocent" about them and that I have the possibility of being their "first" - and that thought that some other guy is going to be that with a girl I had a fling with gives me the worst sinking feeling ever. I've found, at least for me, that reading other peoples' stories has done wonders for helping me just move on.

If it'll help break the ice, I'll go first


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Basically, I liked this girl freshman year - lets call her Girl A - we talked but I did something stupid and messed things up between us. Let me give you a rundown of her - she's thin, has a gorgeous face, and while she doesn't have all the guys in the school drooling after her because she is inherently shy and keeps to herself, I still found myself drawn to her for some reason. I thought she wanted nothing to do with me, but I was wrong. Basically, I had little friends Freshman year, didn't really come out of my shell until my senior year.

Sophmore year she tried initiating conversation with me a few times and I would humor her briefly (due to me either feeling like a creep or being too shy), we'd do this thing where we'd always sneak glances at each other in the hallways and in class and then neither of us would hold eye contact because we were both too shy. In terms of the popularity bull**** scale, she was probably a notch or two higher than me (for clarity's sake, I'll just refer to it as a scale), so I felt I was out of line going after her.

Then I found this site.

Junior year was awesome in the sense that I embraced my manhood and made several significant improvements in my game. Thanks to a few classes with a few hot girls, I drastically improved on talking to girls and developing a high self esteem. This, in turn, would pay off big my senior year. Now, even though we hung out with different crowds, I was pretty much even with her in terms of popularity - she was with the preps, I had friends in pretty much every group and flirted with the girls that the jocks were hanging around (popularity is retarded, but it is everything in high school in terms of getting girls, so bare with me a little longer). Honestly, it was a little much too fast, and I didn't really know how to handle it and as a result I probably moved up and down on the scale that year, but ultimately leveled out in a good place.

All throughout Junior year, Girl A still ran through my mind. I found myself daydreaming about her constantly, and I continued to not give her the time of day whenever we passed in the hallway, and whenever I did pass her, I always noticed her posture/voice seemed to perk up as if she was trying to subtly impress me and I did the same. Anything I did with a girl that year just didn't feel right, kind of like I was wishing it was with Girl A instead.

Senior year, current year, and I continued to change. I embraced the qualities of the DJ and did my own thing, and I've had massive success. I've got a lot of girls who wouldn't have even given me the time of day freshman year hanging onto me and I've gotten more attention than I know what to do with. Honestly, sometimes I feel like a stranger, like I'm not me anymore - that the old me went into limbo at the beginning of Junior year or something - and its kind of weird. Regardless, as some of you may be able to tell by my post history, I ended up hanging out with this 9HB on Valentines Day (aka the "golden girl" at my school), much to the envy of pretty much the entire school. Since then I've just been talking to a bunch of different girls that aren't Girl A and the feelings that I had for Girl A are pretty much nonexistent now. It's weird - there's no spark anymore even when I try to think about her like I used to.

Now I can't even see whatever kept me hooked on her for almost three years in the first place. God, being an AFC sucked. So for me, at least, just going out and talking to different girls eventually made me get over my oneitis.

lol, looking back on this wall of text I probably used an extreme (but entirely truthful) example of oneitis to start this thread off with but thats just cause I was a pvssy freshman year, don't feel like yours has to be as intense as mine... but keep them coming!


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
coolf1r3 said:
I'll post my story when I get over her. :p
Hahaha, you and me are in the same boat buddy. Was just at a birthday party and seeing her around was painful.

Just some tips so no one gets in my situation...

1. If your interested in the girl at all, don't wait. Just ask her out. I waited forever and landed myself in the friend zone (she actually says she likes me back, but is too close to college to start dating. Yeah, I know she's lying)

2. Don't go overboard on technology. This texting, Facebook, MySpace, instant messaging, etc stuff is nice, but don't rely on it. Me and her both had difficulty finding time to do things, so we talked mainly through these. Made real life contact more awkward than it should have been.

3. Religious girls are difficult. Not impossible, but difficult.

4. Don't EVER tell the girl you like her. Don't ever spill your heart out to the girl. This puts you at a big disadvantage.

5. This one is probably the most difficult. Jealousy is BAD. I admit I have a hard time following this rule myself.

Hopefully this is all obvious stuff to you now. Good luck to the rest of you. Now can someone point me to one of those getting over a oneitis thread?


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
coolf1r3 said:
I'll post my story when I get over her. :p

Then hey man, you should post your story now. I think putting a lot of it out there and not keeping it bottled up will do wonders for bringing closure to the situation. Plus, itll help us shed some light on your situation and who knows - maybe one of us will say something or give you some advice that would make a world of difference for you.

Just post as much as you feel comfortable with.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
New York, NY / Chapel Hill, NC
WCF said:
Hahaha, you and me are in the same boat buddy. Was just at a birthday party and seeing her around was painful.

Just some tips so no one gets in my situation...

1. If your interested in the girl at all, don't wait. Just ask her out. I waited forever and landed myself in the friend zone (she actually says she likes me back, but is too close to college to start dating. Yeah, I know she's lying)

2. Don't go overboard on technology. This texting, Facebook, MySpace, instant messaging, etc stuff is nice, but don't rely on it. Me and her both had difficulty finding time to do things, so we talked mainly through these. Made real life contact more awkward than it should have been.

3. Religious girls are difficult. Not impossible, but difficult.

4. Don't EVER tell the girl you like her. Don't ever spill your heart out to the girl. This puts you at a big disadvantage.

5. This one is probably the most difficult. Jealousy is BAD. I admit I have a hard time following this rule myself.

Hopefully this is all obvious stuff to you now. Good luck to the rest of you. Now can someone point me to one of those getting over a oneitis thread?
the ones in bold are gold (rhymes haha). but yeah, I've had this bad oneitis off and on since the beginning of 9th to now (10th). when it comes back strong it totally screws up my game. back in 9th i was a fun person to be around, always doing funny, random thigns, but people enjoyed being around me. met her cause my best friend was dating her twin. so i was my usual self and we hit it off kind of well, but i was still a wussy back then and nothing became of it (even though i found out later that she liked me :cry: )

it kind of got to the point where i found it hard to talk to her in public, so i started talking only through technological means (rule 2 from above). the more i got used to talking to her only through AIM, MSN, facebook, etc... more i found it impossible to call her or talk in person (still trying to break out of this).

from being a fairly social guy, ive become an introvert - i look down at my feet in halls so i dont need to make eye contact with anyone (and therefore, dont need to talk to anyone).

but I was at a party yesterday, for the first time in like 3 months, and it made me rediscover who i used to be like. So I just got up and had some fun, without worrying about what people thought about me (i never used to care, now I kinda do.) She was there, and I caught her looking at me a few times, and whenever I'd meet her gaze she'd look away.

theres another party next friday, this week i'm spending my time just trying to get back to the social level I was at before. I dont really feel ready, but 'faking it till you make it' actually does work, the more I pretend, the more natural it will become.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
im copy pasting this story from another thread. thought it should go here

last year there was this cutest chick i had ever saw, she was a goddess to me. tons of pedastaling goin on, and whenever i saw her in the morning she would 'make my day' and **** like that. she was in 7th grade(i think she was skipping 8th tho and going straight to highschool) and i was in 8th. yeah i was a major afc afllicted with oneitis.

anyway it was about 2 weeks before valentines day, i was motivated to do the approach before valentines day (to give her chocolates or somethin, afc i know haha) or i would consider myself a failure. operation valentine lol. i never did it. my excuses were exactly the same as yours (shes with other people, i never saw her that much today, shes walking away, BLAH). i was waiting for that perfect chance for me to swoop in and show her whats up. it never came. operation failed. i would see her like 3 times a day and i just never even talked to her at all. keep in mind v- day is in february. to this day i havent said a word to her. she didnt come to my high school so i havent seen her since last year. but february through the end of school that year passed and i didnt do **** but stalk her and go whereever she went waiting for that golden chance. i would just keep procrastinating haha(tomorrow,ok tomorrow, no really TOMORROW fer sure,ok then...crossing my fingers for next year then!) basically thats MONTHS of that going on and on and i never approached her despite that length of time. chickened out every day. if only i saw her again... i would be in her face literally the minute i see her haha. looking back, i actually had hundreds of chances, she hung out with one of my acquaintances for christs sake... lol if i could go back haha.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Here's my advice. If you have hardcore oneitis for a chick don't just focus on her, pursue other girls. You may find a girl who likes you and you'll probably forget all her.

I wish I knew this back when I was in H.S. instead of being "in love" with one girl the whole senior year that I never had a chance at getting. I ended up graduating without going to prom, being a virgin and not having had a single GF. If I had bothered trying to go after other girls, those things most likely wouldn't have happened.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Good stuff guys, keep it coming.

And I know you guys that are lurking have a story to tell, so share it! Verbalize it so you can grow from it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
On that note, rofl, I'm feeling some oneitis coming on from this one girl. Basically, I took out the "golden girl" at my high school for Valentines Day much to the envy of the entire school. Now... I'm feeling myself beginning to fall into place with all of the other AFC guys at my school - its not that I'm putting her on a pedestal, its just that I can't stop thinking about her for some reason.

Well, damn. Hah. I'll keep this topic updated with how THAT goes, lol.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
I might as well tell my story about the girl above...gonna call her "Mary." It's gonna be a long story, and I'm still leaving parts out, so if you don't want to read I still want your input! Scroll to the bottom and where I'll get to the point :p

So I met her last year in chemistry class. We became friends in there, but the chemistry between us (no pun intended) wasn't anything too special. It really all started in the summer when we started talking through the internet and texting. We would get into really deep conversations and I think we would talk every day. We only saw each other in person two or three times that whole summer; both times were awkward and we didn't really talk to each other, but the people around us instead. Somewhere along the line I started developing a thing for this girl. I never wanted to admit that I liked her... but it came up in some stupid game of truth or dare. So yeah.

We went back to school and it was still awkward for the longest time. I asked her out a couple months after school started, and she just smiled and nodded. Um, later she says she never actually said yes and wasn't even sure what I was doing. That was my bad... I was so nervous about asking her out that I wasn't clear when I did.

I came on this site during winter vacation. It really worked for myself - I developed confidence, knowledge, and skill. But it seemed a bit too late to save this relationship. I had already admitted I liked her a long time ago, and I botched it when I asked her out. I'm not sure about this one, but I may have even landed myself in the friend zone.

So we've been to a couple dances by now, and we were supposed to be dates to this big formal. Even though we did this, we were still "just friends" and she didn't want to be anything more. I had asked her out one more time about three weeks ago, and she said yes this time. Being a religious type, she insisted it be a group date. Well, we waited days and couldn't find anyone to go, so it came down to this having to be a single date. She wasn't allowed by her parents to do this, so she had to start asking (never got a clear answer from them). Something happened around here... she stopped really talking to me for a couple days, which isn't normal, and she finally admitted something was wrong with her: she didn't think us going out would be a good idea. Well, I said it was alright, but I had to cancel our date to the formal (this is actually the second time I've done this to her...we fought and made up before) which upset her. I said I didn't want her leading me on.

That was actually about a week ago. Yesterday we went to a friends birthday party and I started becoming really insecure (bad, I know). All of a sudden, this AFC-ness hit me like a ton of bricks. I began thinking she was the most beautiful girl around, became slightly jealous when other guys would talk to her. Most of all, since we recently fought we didn't really talk much and she seemed to be ignoring me. Needless to say, I was bummed by the end of the party.

I'm pretty aware of what my mistakes are. I'd like some input the following though...

What does this girl really think of me? Now she's a shy and reserved girl for the most part. Has never dated any other guys. She says she likes me "more than a friend" and has even told me shes loved me... however her actions speak differently. I've never caught her glancing at me, she resists even kissing me on the cheek, sometimes resists hugs, and doesn't talk to me as much as she talks to other people when we're in groups. She says she's just nervous around guys she likes. But I believe she just doesn't know what she's feeling. She won't even go out with me, although she has excuses for this too, such as college being too close, her friend being jealous since she likes me, shes not allowed to date alone anyway, etc etc.

Oh, and yeah I'm aware I need to move on. Easier said than done. Working on it.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Reppin' that 860 in Hartford, CT!
Brighty said:
Then hey man, you should post your story now. I think putting a lot of it out there and not keeping it bottled up will do wonders for bringing closure to the situation. Plus, itll help us shed some light on your situation and who knows - maybe one of us will say something or give you some advice that would make a world of difference for you.

Just post as much as you feel comfortable with.
Alright. So my ex and I dated from 12/07 to 8/08. For the first two months or so, I thought I could get back into the game. Since November of 08, I've been thinking of her a lot. I finally called her just to see how she was doing. I learned that she was dating a new guy and got really depressed over it. Some freshman in college, hm. She's a sophomore in HS, I'm a senior. For the last few months, I've somehow convinced myself that her and I could work if we gave it another try but she doesn't want any of it at the moment. I got on her boyfriend's bad side due to some stupid sh!t I said and he made her promise him that she wouldn't talk to me anymore. She agreed but still talks to me sometimes, but I really have to force the conversation. I've begged, I've cried, I've gotten angry, the works. I spent last night bawling my eyes out because I tried to call her and she wouldn't pick up because she was on the other line with that kid. I send a tirade of texts telling her to never contact me again but she left me a voicemail saying "Hey, it's me, I don't think that those texts about calling you are what you meant to uh...whatever...bye." I broke down and called her back, apologizing profusely and choking on my own tears. I made mistakes when her and I were dating, I lied to her, I made excuses, but I've made a positive step in improving my self-concept since then. I just want another chance. I'm sick of clutching my pillow to my chest every night and waking up at 3AM, wishing that she would be curled up next to me. Another thing that absolutely infuriates me is when she makes a sexual joke. Jokingly, I said "**** your boyfriend, lol" when she said that he was calling and she replied with "All in due time." I was speechless and it felt like I had been slapped in the face. Can anyone provide some insight into why this hurts me so much? I can't stand the thought of someone else...touching...her. She was my first girlfriend, my first kiss, my first everything. We never made love but I've found myself wishing that we had. I've tried to move on numerous times but I always find myself calling her after a day or two. Sometimes, I don't even last that long! What the **** is wrong with me? Part of me wants another chance but another part of me knows that since I ship off to boot camp in August, I'll just end up hurting her. The reason we broke up was because she was becoming obsessive. She'd call my cell and if I didn't pick up, it was on to my house phone, then my mom's cell. Crazy, but she said that it was due to my lying to her and she didn't trust me. I'm desperate, guys. I seriously contemplated suicide last night and I'll be damned if this (future) Marine isn't going to be around to protect his country. Why do women have this kind of power over men?

I'm scared.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
Ahh One-i-tis probably the sh!tiest emotion every man "WILL" have

It just blatantly screws up your game and for someone reason your one-i-tis never likes you back, and you just can't help but screw it up with her, makes me think that desperation is the worst thing that will turn away a girl in HS who here has this problem!?!

I used to go from one-i-tis finally get over her then jump to another, I still do but I'm trying to stop, it just sh!t and it turning me into an alcoholic lol

Where can I start

4 weeks ago haha, I met this girl for the first time, I was super smooth (haha can't say the word smooth without smiling) and you know what I think now the reason i was so smooth was because i didn't know her and wasn't even trying to, anyway we get on ridiculously well still do, and was showing major IOI's but be still coming out of AFC land was stupid and didn't make moves at all, anyway Valentines comes up and she tells me she has a valentine and he's gonna ask her a question on Monday anyway i said something like, awww he's gonna beat me to it, and then she gave me ridiculous signs, did everything but ask me out, and i did nothing, sat there drunk at 9 o clock in the morning and did nothing, anyway Monday comes, she has a new boyfriend and she slowly stops flirting with me...

We all make mistakes

Now the next one, there's no story about me making a **** of myself she just doesn't like me lol, actually i think she hates me anyway every time i'm with her i manage to regret everything i said when i leave...

life's a ***** huh

If there anything i've learnt from multiple cases of One-i-tis it's that to completely get over her, you need to occupy your mind and cut all connections all and it really doesn't take that long to get over her but it hard when you see her everyday... oh well hope my story helped someone

Btw just a little question, should you always end the conversation or not??

best of luck with getting rid of one-i-tis, it harder to get rid of then cancer
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Analyzeit said:
Ahh One-i-tis probably the sh!tiest emotion every man "WILL" have

It just blatantly screws up your game and for someone reason your one-i-tis never likes you back, and you just can't help but screw it up with her, makes me think that desperation is the worst thing that will turn away a girl in HS who here has this problem!?!

I used to go from one-i-tis finally get over her then jump to another, I still do but I'm trying to stop, it just sh!t and it turning me into an alcoholic lol

Where can I start

4 weeks ago haha, I met this girl for the first time, I was super smooth (haha can't say the word smooth without smiling) and you know what I think now the reason i was so smooth was because i didn't know her and wasn't even trying to, anyway we get on ridiculously well still do, and was showing major IOI's but be still coming out of AFC land was stupid and didn't make moves at all, anyway Valentines comes up and she tells me she has a valentine and he's gonna ask her a question on Monday anyway i said something like, awww he's gonna beat me to it, and then she gave me ridiculous signs, did everything but ask me out, and i did nothing, sat there drunk at 9 o clock in the morning and did nothing, anyway Monday comes, she has a new boyfriend and she slowly stops flirting with me...

We all make mistakes

Now the next one, there's no story about me making a **** of myself she just doesn't like me lol, actually i think she hates me anyway every time i'm with her i manage to regret everything i said when i leave...

life's a ***** huh

If there anything i've learnt from multiple cases of One-i-tis it's that to completely get over her, you need to occupy your mind and cut all connections all and it really doesn't take that long to get over her but it hard when you see her everyday... oh well hope my story helped someone

Btw just a little question, should you always end the conversation or not??

best of luck with getting rid of one-i-tis, it harder to get rid of then cancer

Yeah, not only do you have to consistently keep busy and occupy your mind with other ****, you need to find a different girl. My oneitis was the same as yours in the fact that I would see her every day and nothing really worked well until I started talking to another girl. It was like some magic trick or something - the oneitis suddenly started going away.

Oh, and as for the oneitis that I felt creeping up on me about the "golden girl" that I mentioned yesterday? I managed to nip it in the bud before it got out of hand (oddly enough I was finally introduced to this cute little shy girl today as well, which definitely put her further out of my mind).

For me, at least, finding another girl to talk to has consistently shown me results.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
This girl was my best friend throughout middleschool, and thought of me as a brother, but I always secretly liked her, and everyone knew I liked her except her. Anyways, there's this other guy. Who I believe is the Anti-Jokerlsk. I have always hated him. There's not someone I dislike more. So she basically falls for him freshman year, and that's game over for me. So she still talks to me, and I don't really know what to say anymore. I was a ****ing emotional tampon. I just listened to her *****. But I realized that I had zero chance with her ever, and I stopped talking to her. I deleted her number, deleted her from facebook, got her image out of my head. It's funny because her boyfriend is in a rival band of mine, and I've seen her recently at some of our performances because her bf's band plays too. Now that I look back, I honestly think that I could of done better than her. I matured. I hit puberty. I grew. I lost weight. I'm part asian, so I've got tan skin, and I look different, but not in a bad way. There's just so much you can look back on and learn from experience.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Grade 9:
I was a shy, insecure, awkward nerd. I was skinny too. I also sucked at sports.
Thankfully, all my friends were popular, and for some reason, they liked me. Half way through the year, I realized that I liked a girl, Jessica, in my class. We were not exactly close, but we were friends. As we shared many classes, we talked more and more. Little did I realize, I was falling into the friend zone. It wasn't because I was an emotional tampon or anything like that. It was just my weirdness and boyish look.


During a long conversation on MSN, she asked me who I liked. I was secretive, but after a while, she guessed herself, and I didn't deny it. The conversation completely stopped there. Needless to say, the next few weeks were awkward.

Grade 10:
I still like her, and she was single. However, I didn't have the self-esteem to do anything, especially since she knew. My friend even asked me once: "Are you gonna ask out Jessica?" To which I responded: "No, probably not. I don't have the confidence, man." I stopped talking to her, and avoided her as much as possible.


Near the end of the year, I found Sosuave. I read a lot (Not the Bible. That thing is way too big.) I memorized lines and routines and convinced myself myself that they would bring me success. They didn't. I know now that the single important thing that I've learned was confidence. Everything thing else that is me now was learned not from a website, but from experience.

Grade 11:
I worked out over the summer. I gained 20 pounds and almost grew a foot... literally. When I came back to school, I was a totally new person. People loved me. I still liked Jessica, but she had a boyfriend. I kept aloof. She knew I changed and interestingly, gave me a lot of positive feedback and attention. I hooked up with other girls, but she was always in the back of my mind.

Grade 12:
Now, I am awesome. Of course, there's still much more to learn, but I feel great about myself. I'm succeeding in school (95% average, baby). I'm flourishing socially. Jessica's boyfriend went to university. She gave me more attention than ever, and we frequently exchanged glances. She would pretend like she wasn't looking at me at all. I didn't do anything, still, because she had a boyfriend and it would be instinctive for her to reject me. I had to wait until a "moment".

There was a short grad trip to Quebec City, and we were both attending. I even shared a room with her (with two others of course). The bus ride was full of flirting. She was grabbing me and touching me the whole way. The first night there, our friends go to a club. I'm drunk and high. She's drunk. After even more shots, I go out on the dance floor. She comes with me, and we dance and grind. I get tripped out by the lights and go to sit down. She, my friend, and his girlfriend go to sit down as well in a booth. There's little room, so she sits on me. My friend is busy and can barely see us. I look at her, intensely and she returns it. I put my hand on her cheek and bring her forward.

At the last second she turns her face, so I miss like an idiot, and shakes her head. WHAT THE ****! I get out and drown in my drunken misery and stupor. After that night, I've decided that I'M DONE. I tried and failed. Time to move on.

The last night, all of us go to a concert. She's sitting by herself. I say: "What are you doing here? You should go dance." She agrees and we go. But this time, I dance with another girl. She stops in her tracks and leaves. I shrug and continue, but I still can't stop thinking about her... I guess she was just a flirt.

Now we do not have any classes together. I rarely see her and we're going to never see each other again in about four months.
There's another girl now. I'm happy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
This is great stuff guys, keep it coming. Don't be afraid to share your story!


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
grade 7:
she was in my class that time i didnt speak english well or anything was really short , p*ssy azz i would get emtional if people called me words

grade 8:
got bit better had more friends started talking to her became friends but we talked mostly over messenger

grade 9:
i started growing :D (wohooo long awaited growth spurt) situation stayed the same, she knew i liked her but she just used me as a puppet. She got hotter this year.

grade 10:
i was in a smaller class with her sat with her heaps. Now i teased her but still she didnt respond much. (little bit of kino that year wooo big achievement) i found sosuave at the end of this yea

grade 11:
Over the summer i changed a lot, became more mature - i found that i failed with girls becaues i was acting like a little kin not a man before. This year i did lots of things right, she responded positively. She gave me lots of chances BUT ME (arg still p*ssy). She wanted me to show her my dog she likes dogs wanted to go on a walk with them). Wanted to vs me in soccer and tennis. I asked her out once she had to buy her friend a present (her friend used to go our school) then next week it was the bday.

I left it tell the next term. Then that term i was going to ask her to go to a party with me. It was lunch me and my friend were playing baseball. Then i was her sitting on a bench in another guys arms.
shes like 6-7? (he had 20 chiks running after him) (

(bish) i hit 2 homeruns thou :D
I was getting depressed because she was with another guy(still afc). Thats it no more of this b*ch. Then she breaks up with him in 2 weeks. ME : wohoo i got a chance:D



Don Juan
Oct 25, 2008
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man i've been waiting for this one. oneitits during my fresman year in highschool to an insane amount. but it wasnt normal oneitis, it was this weird oneitis, heres the rundown.

I used to hate girls pretty much. i never talked to them, i always told everyone i wouldnt get married, but i wasnt gay. my friends were random, crazy, and we were all kind of anti social, kept things to ourselves. Since 5th grade id been hammering myself to never have a girl friend, or get married. id say. Girls are a waste of my time, energy money, etc. during 8th grade i lower my guard a bit. but believe me, i kept it stronhg tha ti would never have a girlfriend. I clearly remeber one day i told my friend" i will onlky have a girlfriend if shes hot, smart, brunette, nice ass, and talks spanish. those were my usual attacks against girls, half of them were stupid, took things to seriously, or were just not attractive to me.

So i start 9nth grade, and lol, i have three classes with this hot sporty brunette, who was top 5 GPA in my grade, play sports, was witty, had anawesome smile, knew spanish, and was a brunette. It was insane. But i remeber, i would never have girlfriend, but since i had her in 3 classes i would bust her balls, toy with her, make her laugh, touch her, tickle her etc. Everyday i grew more attracted, and so did she. I would see her come down earlier from lunch to talk to me, get to classes earlier so we both talk, walk slower when i was behind her so i would cacth up, ask me some questions in biology, all these small IOIs which i didnt noitice until around novermebr.

So as my crush grew, i kept fighting with my old self about how no girl rule and what not until one day, th eday before thanksgiving week (where i have no school) i say "**** this ****, no girls no girls no girls" sooo all novemeber i say to myself "**** that girl, im not alking to her, im gonna avboid her purposely"..... HOLY **** MAN what a bad decision. the rest of my freshman year was pretty much centered aorund her existence. it was crazy. i would wake up thinking about her, go to sleep thinking about her, i wouldnt talk to her or tickle her or anything anymore. Sometimes id be afraid of her, cause i dint want her, so maybe id get nervous and go do something else. I was also dependent on her. On days where i would make her laugh i would feel great happy etc. not so good the other days. Some weeks id be like "dude stop this anti girl ****, shes a nice girl" and convince myself to talk with her. But by the end of the week i would go crazy at some random **** she did. I lost my friends too, cause sinc ei was so depent on her i thought hanging otu with cool kids would attract her. OMG was i wrong. anyways i had so much anxiety in me and **** i ended up having a panic attack, obsseisve suicidal thoughts (not the type where u contemplate jus the type where u can get rid of them) and my social "awesomeness" went down a lot.

I went from being the cool, reserved, shy kid to being a socially awkward, reacting, value seeking retard. I felt bad. Luckly in 10th grade i found this site, RSDnation and some other ****s. the girl left to Spain or some ****, so my crush went away quickly, i stopped caring about girls, i got my social skills back. i still had some lows here in there tho. But in the end i grew strong. Now i talk to everyone in my grade, instead of just my group, but instead of being socially awakward i am more presentable. My happines is much more balanced, i care for my future. and i am not attratced to only one girl. life is the **** now.

my tips for those in oneitis.

1. DO not RESIST i did this, i resisted my oneitis. i had a genuione crush on this girl, and every ****ing day i would fight myself over how i didnt like her, didnt have a crush. Accept what you feel. this habit took me the longest to implement, but god damn, its the best habit u can have.

2. never think of just one girl. always have at least 2 or 0. Beleive me, when i started freshman year i had 3 girls on my sites and all where attratced to me, but when one of them dated some other guy (cause i dint hit on her) and the other one transferred i only had one girlt o think about, which totaly lowers your confidence.

3. relax relax relax. you're in highschool. i find it retarded when i hear girls going "omg i have so much homework". me and my friends laugh at them. LIFE IS EASY AND SIMPLE you eat and you sleep. stop complicating life by thinking alot or complaining, make decisions and stick to them. everyday i come home i decide if im gonna do homework or not if i say no. i dont do it, and it dont have to worry about complain and stressing myself out. IF i say yes, i do my homework first thing, full intent, no bull****. and it better.

so relax, let go , stop thinking, highschool is super easy, getting girls is easy, once you relax too.

4. my last and final tip is. be yourself. be your best self. i ended up doing stupid **** like talking to people i didnt like too much, doing stupid crap just to get attention. IT is pointless. you will always come off more attractive if you are yourself. and you dont need to stress out about it cause you are you.

so just relax, open up, the world is your domain and be yourself let everyone see you, and let them be them.