I disagree with this. I think that to a very large extent Masculinity and femininity is genetic. I agree that social conditioning does play a role, but that is why this site exists. To rebuke the backards nature of our modernized social constructs.Originally posted by Survivor
Masculinity and femininity are NOT genetic. If they were there would be no homosexuals.
Androgynous males need a place where they can be TAUGHT to accentuate and develop their own masculinity. Sosuave.com (and other sites) at least try to steer them in the right direction. [/B]
The main reason guys are shy today and are not getting the women is because they are not acting like men anymore. We have grown up with a false idea in our heads about "what women want" and have been conditioned to focus on it. It is because of that we are not happy. Everything you hear on tv is about what women want.
This creates confusion for many men. Men start acting like women and women are told to act like men.
It is not that we need to be taught to accentuate and develop our own masculinity. It is that we need to be reminded of our natural instincts that have been socially surpressed. It is almost polically incorrect to be too masculine now! it is just sick!
If you put a bunch of boys and girls on a remote and dangerous isle and came back in 20 years. The men would naturally developed into protectors and the women would naturally developed in to nurturers. There would be no social conditioning that confused their natural instincts. There would also be an Alpha male. In fact only the last 40 years or so have women acted the way they are. All throughout history men have ruled and been in control. And it will continue to be that way. That alone should tell you that it is the natural order of things.
I also belive that men and women are different in three ways
1. Phsically, mentally, and spirtually.
For me this site simply opened my eyes to a lot of the crap that I was puting up with. When I read this site for the first time I felt great because people here had clearly articulated all the things that were in the back of my mind. My gut instincts