Master Don Juan
- Joined
- Apr 15, 2003
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- 45
Walk on road, hm?
Walk left side, safe.
Walk right side, safe.
Walk middle, sooner or later...
*squish* get squish just like grape.
Here, karate, same thing.
Either you karate do "yes"
or karate do "no."
You karate do "guess so"...
*squish*...just like grape.
Becoming a man follows the same rule. It's the one thing I think that most people on here don't understand...something even I have trouble with.
Society is built with a set of rules. And I'm not talking about the political laws, but about the social customs, the popular culture, the expected social organization. In that system, everyone is placed into their spot in the machine and held there by social convention, by unwritten but generally understood "rules" which govern what they can and cannot do. There are the rich and there are the poor, the smart and the stupid, the strong and the weak, the popular and the unpopular, the attractive and the unattractive, and everywhere in between.
You know this, or you wouldn't be here. It's what drives men to websites like this...they're seeking a way to "change" their lives, to rise above the rules and take control as they see fit. This is the ultimate dream...in fact, this action of rising above the social convention and becoming a self-sure individual is one of the most powerful desires of natural man.
As you know, the tools are out there. The information on how to rise above your groove and start the journey toward becoming a man are readily available to you now. But merely starting isn't enough. Acting out some tricks given to you by someone else will not make you a better person, a more successful person, or a more attractive person. You must DECIDE that you want to be better and COMMIT to that decision.
Once you decide to transcend the rules, there is no turning back. Once you "unplug" from the Matrix and realize who you REALLY are and what your'e REALLY capable of, you can't go back to that state of ignorance. When you take control of your life away from society and put it in your own hands, YOU are responsible for EVERYTHING that happens in it from then on out...maybe not always the cause of it, but you are definitely responsible.
The rules of society that you struggle against aren't there just to limit you...they're there to PROTECT you as well. Think of it as a kind of indentured servitude to society...you give society what it wants behavior-wise and society protects you from failure. Master gives you a roof over your head and three meals a day, and in turn, you labor in master's cotton fields, making him rich.
Once you decide to rise above the rules, though, you have broken that covenant. You are no longer bound by those rules, but you are no longer protected by them either. You've set foot in the street of life...if you stop and say, "this should be far enough", you WILL get crushed.
Say you meet a cute little blonde in one of your classes. You could try the traditional social way of garnering her affections...offer to do her homework, buy her flowers, write her potery. But chances are that's not going to work...you're just spinning your wheels. Society has set you a role and unless you're "in her league", she will ignore you while she drools over some other guy who is on her level.
Or...you could rise to or even ABOVE her level using the information available to you here or elsewhere. BECOME that man she wants. Maybe she goes out with you...maybe you end up naked on the bedroom floor with her as she tells you how into you she is.
What now, though?
Most people at this point figure, "game over, I win!" and simply STOP PLAYING. The mental and emotional strain of employing these "hot dating tips and tactics" is too much work or too scary and they decide, "I've got the girl, I'm just going to revert to being 'myself'".
Suddenly she no longer sees the sparkle in your eyes. Your ****y sense of humor and your boyish smile fade, your love for life and desire for excitement suddenly vanish. She finds herself less wanting to spend time with you...and more wanting to spend time with her friends. They introduce her to the hot guy down the hall. Wait, what is this tingly feeling between her legs? She goes back to visit you, but she doesn't get that feeling any more.
Suddenly she doesn't return your calls, and when she does, it's brief. She's always too tired to have sex and she's always going "out with the girls". You try to chain her down with your social conventions, your "morals" and "relationships" and "proper behavior", but then you realize that you abandoned those social conventions when you stepped out of YOUR social league, broke the rules, and entered HERS. Now you're out in the highway of life, hoping to be saved from the oncoming traffic, but here the motorists have the right of way.
*squish*...just like grape.
Next thing you know, you're sitting on your living room floor crying and listening to EMO music. Cruel life has screwed you over again, right? WRONG. You screwed life by refusing to be bound by its rules...then expected those same rules to support you. You stepped out into the highway, stopped short, and expected to be "safe".
The answer to the question, "How long do I have to keep this up?" is always "forever". If you decide you want to be a real man, a Don Juan, you have to be 100% committed to that decision. This goes for ANY change you make in life. If you step into the ring, you'd better be prepared to take a punch. You'd better be prepared to be knocked down again and again and again until you learn and grow enough to be the last one standing.
When you decide that you're going to change your sorry life, that you're going to rise out of your slot and be that person that the ladies WANT to spend time with, it's a PERMANENT decision. It's not a bag of tricks...by using anything you learn here, you are BREAKING your agreement with society and escaping from both its restraint and its protection...everything you do from here on out is in YOUR hands.
YOU are the man, the responsible one. You are consenting to a PERMANENT change in the person you are. You can't make that kind of change half-way, or you WILL be tested, you WILL be exposed, and you WILL be squashed.
Being a Don Juan means:
-You consent to the idea that you have to fail to learn and to succeed. You accept failure as a given, albeit a temporary one, and you agree to deal with the circumstances of failure to drive your own future success.
-You consent to being tested by women. You understand that they WILL run you through all kinds of female bullsh!t behavior to determine whether you ARE what you have committed to be, and you agree to stand up and pass these tests with superior fortitude and confidence.
-You consent to the idea that things like relationships, engagements, marriages, etc...no longer protect you from getting your heart broken. They no longer restrain the women with which you deal to be loyal to you. You take responsibility for your OWN protection through being such a great man that your woman CANNOT leave you for someone lesser, someone still bound by social convention.
-You consent to the idea that society, that women, that other people can no longer be responsible for your self-esteem. They won't care about the feelings of someone who disregards his place, who ascends beyond the system of rules. In fact, many people will downright HATE you. You agree to take responsibility for your OWN self and to have enough faith in yourself that the whole WORLD can hate you and shun you as long as you live as you believe.
-Most importantly, you consent to the idea that this is a PERMANENT change, that you can't go back and be a nice worker bee, a cog in the social system once you choose to break free and take responsibility for yourself. This change is something you must carry with you for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.
This is a loss of innocence. When you eat the apple, you can never come back to the garden. You're out there now, with all the benefits AND dangers of being unconventional, of being an individual. The second you stop in the realm of individuality and decide that you no longer want to be responsible for yourself, you WILL get crushed...emotionally, socially, mentally, and maybe even physically.
So decide now...before you even get involved in trying to become "Sir Don Juan". Are you willing to take full responsibility for becoming the person that you want to be and handling the changes and challenges that result from being that person? Or do you want to stay safe on the side of the street and have society take care of you.
Either choice is "OK". But waffling and equivocating is not. You can't play this game when it suits you and then hit reset if you get into trouble. You can't go halfway. You're either in or you're out.
Whichever you choose, good luck.