The Way of the Superior Man.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Consider this the OFFICIAL DJ bible.

While the DJ bible has tips, tricks, and tactics, the book "Way of the Superior Man," talks EXACTLY and SUCCINCTLY about what a SUPERIOR man does.

I would go so far as saying that most guys games' are garnered from this book.

Check it out...

# 33 "Your Excellent Track Record is Meaningless to her."

# 29 "Choose a Woman who Chooses you."

# 20 "Don't Suggest That a Woman Fix Her Own Emotional Problem."

# 15 "Stop Hoping For Your Woman to Get Easier."

# 11 "If you don't know your purpose, discover it, now."

# 7 "Your Purpose Must Come Before Your Relationship."

# 1 "Stop Hoping for a Completion to Anything in Life."

If you don't own it, own it. You will need this book for your kids, your friends, maybe even a father or uncle who falls by the wayside.

I won't divulge the whole book, but for the insight it offers, amongst thoughts, it's worth every cent.

A married couple was asked what their success was in marriage (friends), and they gave away their secret: the husband and wife owned copies, 1 for men, 1 for women. I've owned the book awhile, and much of it is what I preach, believe and know, deep down, and also from reading around.

Because, quite honestly...we are tabula rasa, blank slates. And over time we assume certain beliefs. Through environment, family, and interaction. Beliefs yield results, albeit not always successful one's.

I firmly believe that this book, as one of many in a guy's library is the key to a successful voyage amonst women. It's the "inner game," so often talked about, but never given concrete information on.




Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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I've owned the book awhile, and much of it is what I preach, believe and know, deep down, and also from reading around.
Well, I've always admired your posts and can relate to your philosophy so I'm certainly going to check this book out!


Sep 3, 2004
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welcome to my world
yeah, I've always really liked your posts too. I'll check that out. thanks.


Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2003
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MY reality
Sounds like a good book.

I don't really understand #20 though. Is it suggesting that we try to fix a woman's emotional problems? Because that sounds like it would go against that type of philosophy.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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Dammit, I wish you'd been around on the Style thread. I was going to order this book with Style's new book but I decided not to because nobody had anything to say about it.

Ah well - guess I gotta get it now.



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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atl, GA
bookstores dont have

very good book though. it focuses more on the spiritual aspect of relationships, but nonetheless, a good read


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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As far as #20....

Most guys seek to FIX a woman's emotional problem, ala AFC's. Yet, no woman want's to be fixed. Being fixed implies broken, and broken implies fvcked up. When has a girl EVER admitted that?

You listen to a girl.
Hear her pain.
But don't bear it down and BECOME her source of dumping the pain.

Men are resentful when women try to improve us, or upon us. And in any book they read, it should be noted there.

Being fixers, it's only natural we would desire to do this. But it's insulting and counter productive. It's ok to help, to be there, but to suggest fixing that which isn't broken is wrong.

The rest of the book is gold as well. It talks about the "masculine essence" versus the "feminine essence," and you can get a proper frame on how you want to balance relationships.


Above all else, I recommend books to introduce new thought into this site, as well as the "bible" (which should probably be renamed out of respect). You can only grow as high as your dominating thought. Books like "way of the superior man" (which sounds cool, too) do just that. They expand your thoughts.

It is spiritual, but so are the masculine/feminine essences of humans. Most people don't have a fundamental understanding of that nature and operate w/out a roadmap to them. BELIEF in something gives direction. And beliefing that humans were made with 1 of 2 essences gives purpose and talent and skills to humans. Understanding that means, as a team we work well together, but we must understand how our "partner" operates.

David D had mentioned this book a long time ago, before he began pitching $500 systems to pull chicks. When I got it, I had mucho respect for the guy, and some ways do. As business goes, you want to upgrade your products, sell high end goods. But I don't see value in a $500 system, unless it earns me back money 10x that amount. Misguided investment is my personal opinion. To me, that sort of thinking only continues the track of bad behavior on the part of women because we ALLOW IT.


Something guys have to learn is NOT TO ENABLE. ENABLING is tolerance. We preach tolerance in many respects. Tolerance is a misnomer. People should be free to live as they shall, but I feel it is particularly incumbent upon men to protect the society, the world we have built. Call it egotistical, call it self-centeredness, call it what you will. Men built the world, they maintain it, and they continue to do that. Women give birth to the world, they give life (love), they give emotion.

One is not better than the other. They are both necessary. We are at a point in history when social institutions, which are funded by other self serving egoists, are telling us we are exclusive. That women DO NOT NEED men. Is that so?

Who shall change a woman's tire or check her oil?

Whether it's a man she's with or AAA, odds are it's a man.

Who's building 90% of the homes, perhaps 99% of the homes, ground up? Hole? Cement?

Men. Women might decorate it, but that's the easy part, especially b/c they hire someone (usually a man) to hang and move sh!t.

Who gets in the down and dirty to ensure the backbone of society functions for the rest of humanity?


Men, without speaking up, are giving themselves over to slavery to a system that support the independence of women, built on a system used by the resources of men. Women can only be independent if someone else is not. Her complete independence is a misnomer, because there are things she CANNOT, WILL NOT and SHALL NOT do, meaning she is therefore DEPENDENT on someone.

A woman can make money, buy food, dress herself, and get some occupation, usually in the middle wage bracket, yet she cannot set up a house, finance it, raise it, alter it, provide for it, without the use of men. Some women do that, but they are playing the male role, and when they date men, they will not know their place, or not know how to interact with a male that seeks "feminine essence."


If you asked my position, or even asked me what I tell girls, I tell them exactly what I wrote above. Albeit, some girls are not bent on logic, so it's wasted words. BUT...It's how I feel.

And most times women say "i want freedom, to go to college, to this, to that," and they should, but they must understand, what are their deepest most passionate dreams??

BEING a bank manager, a police officer, or some other role in the madness that this play of a world is, is not fulfilling like her dreams of pure love and happiness and devotion.

I truly find that most women will be bankrupt, emotionally and financially come time to settle down. That men will accept a lower class of woman, or search and raise himself up. Girls who take a hiatus from their own selves, will awaken, one day, 4 years later, wondering what happened. Both men and women make an investment in a relationship. That itself hasn't changed. Just now, our consciousness has grown. We see deeper meaning relationships.

College. Porn. Modeling. Etc exploit women. I like what I see, but I'd never like one of those women. Long ago, and even old sage tomes, women that are so common place today would have been avoided. Or dealt with.


We are able to break down convention by creating abhorations of nature.

"When the unusual becomes usual."

It only takes time before people accept new standards, lower standards. What we call TV entertainment is truly an insult to the human mind. Even a chimp would see what true TV programming is. There's plenty of swearing, cussing, pornography, sexual innenuendos, and more. Seeing this paints a picture of what is real. If it's accepted en masse, then it has to be ok and social guidelines collapse.

The reality rarely follows the fantasy. That which is portrayed on TV is rarely right. Fact is...if we don't have guidelines, then we have no lines, and everything goes, like one gigantic Girls Gone Wild Party.


Alas, the world cannot be change from "without", but from "within." Moving across country changes nothing but the setting. You are in fact the same person. With the same decision making process. The same beliefs. The same education. Perhaps the same finances. New opportunities only exist with new vision, new eyes, a new mind.

We can only change the current state of existence through a change, an elevation, and a progression in ourselves.



Sep 3, 2004
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welcome to my world
^ hey A-Unit, maybe you should write a book yourself ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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I will get this book at some point.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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This site needs you A-Unit


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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Finally - someone with a sense of reality...

Yeah - I second TheFonz...A-Unit for President!



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Is it "The Way Of The Superior Man" by David Deida? because I took a look at amazon and this is the only book that matches. Well I know this book is at least somewhat on the right track if it is blasted by a feminist reviewer from Amazon.

I am not a militant feminist, in fact, I am not a feminist and this has nothing to do with me being male or female. In truth, this negative review of David Dieda's book has everything do to with the fact that, while he pretends the underlying goal of his 'teachings' is something akin to unconditional love, in fact the guy is incredibly obsessed with sex, and this entire book is based on ways to change your personality in order to deceive women so that they will have sex with you. Young and old alike, he doesn't overlook any demographic of women, but advises over and over again how to 'ravish' them sexually... EVEN AGAINST THEIR WILLS! You don't have to be a woman to be offended by David Dieda's predatory confessions, only a person with maturity, decency and civlity... in short, a gentleman. And when I say being a gentleman, it does not mean 'a whimp!' In fact, it is just the opposite. Only wimps sit around and develop a misguided science on how to 'ravish' women for their own sexual ends. This guy just loves to have sex with all kinds of women, and that's all about this book really reveals about this dangerous predator who calls himself a 'Superior Man'! HA! I recommend you keep your daughters (and mothers!) far clear of David Dieda and his book. Of course a lot men love this book - it justifies their objectification of women beneath a veneer of new age 'enlightenement' and that same old 'we are all One' esoteric miasma. David Dieda sould be thrown in jail or put on the sexual predator list!!!!
Her review didn't turn me off from the book, on the contrary it got me interested.:up:


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2005
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Originally posted by DJDamage
Her review didn't turn me off from the book, on the contrary it got me interested.:up:
Thats what i reckon, I might have to head down to the bookstore tomorrow and see if I can find it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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It serves to reinforce my point, this book is needed and it is intended for MEN. The MALE POPULATION. It is not intended for women, who cannot even conceptualize our internal makeup.

Whether she is a feminist, a dike, a militant dike feminist, or a c0ck loving *****, I do not care. Men KNOW the essence of themselves. We KNOW our internal drives, desires and passions, sometimes they are misguided energy directed at the wrong places.

The chapters she speaks of are...

Chapters on how YOUNGER WOMEN provide YOUTHFUL exuberance and LIFE to men.

Or how, an ORGASM should be felt throughout the body, that it is a CREATION of energy and RELEASE into your woman. (How many men already women LOVE orgasm with a man? That they LOVE feeling released upon? Or in?)

Or how men should CONSERVE orgasms for their ACTUAL women and not porn women.

How older women have their own life energy and can add or substract from a man's life accordingly.

I'd say 75% of the book is about getting yourself together. She just happened to focus on the other 25%. Which is sad, b/c guys who need a book like this might turn away just from a review like that.

And she's perfect evidence of 'why' a book like Deida's is all the more required reading for men.

I'm glad a woman reviewed it like that, it means he wrote it properly to gain some criticism, which means he hit a nerve.


The premise behind the book is that man's SUPERIOR WAY is through himself. That no woman can completely love and devote herself to a man who has not found himself, his purpose, and his life.

I had the very same convo last night with my she felt I was too egocentric, too selfish.

(She's in her senior year btw @ college, not H.s.)

Her: "You never come see me anymore, or as much."

Me: "I understand where you might get that impression, and I see why you're upset. Yet, if I don't take care of me, I can't take care of you. If I am tired at work, then my partner will be upset at the loss in business, and I will be upset. Would you want a guy like that? If I don't work out, or don't take care of my finances, or my family, or the basics, then I will be in shambles. I won't be happy, and I won't be me. Do want a guy who isn't himself? Who isn't together? You may see it that I don't care. Quite the oppsite, I care very much so I work hard on the things I can so you don't have to."

On both ends, you're covered. If she leaves you, (she'd be a fool), then you're clean and ready for the next girl. And if she stays, you're that much more effective to be happy with the one you have.


In "The Book of Secrets" by OSHO explains how SEX is the energy of humans. How we connect deeper to God, to understanding ourselves, and to another human being. Is this the vile and evil act a feminist portrays sex to be?

Normally, when a woman portrays sex in a bad light, it's because her CONDITIONING forces her to view it that way. Much the same as a relationship with a woman is merely a series of patterns, so too are her values on sex.

Consider this: We cannot KNOW anything until we EXPERIENCE it. I mean deep, pure, true, human understanding. Sure I can know facts about football, but without playing it, how can anybody KNOW IT.

I know golf, because I play golf. I can tell anybody real world tips and views on instruction. But ask me about football from other than a fantasy perspective, I can't tell you what it is.

Collectively, when a woman, such as a feminist raises up to talk about "what she knows about sex, men, and relationships," it comes from her childhood, a rape, or some other bad encounters with men she blames on MEN. It's no different for any woman out there you might be pursuing now. Perhaps she is hard to tame and believe relationships "fail," well, that's only because she has had bad experiences and repeats those actions.

Most people in my family are above 25 years, and some are above 50 years. Happily. So do not be so misguided, particularly by those who would support a cause that is not true.

I know the horrors of cancer and smoking, because every grandparent I have had, died of cancer and smoked, and smoking contributed to their death. I don't know death, but I know the pain of losing someone to it, and the pain of doctors telling them that smoking created complications that will force their body to deteriorate faster.


This is what gets me about life. We can only know that which we understand. And most of life is in fact, not the physical, not the knowing. It's the invisible. It's trust. It is what is NOT right before your eyes. For those in Massachusetts, we have to BELIEVE California is out there. That a plane will take off and land safely. Much of life is belief in the unknowing. The non-physical.

That said, a feminist who has had bad relationships, a woman who claims love does not exist, that sex has no power or energy, is speaking as if it is not out there.

As men who pride themselves on learning, growing and improving, we understand failure is just one more way NOT TO DO something. Anyone who has achieved anything they have personally desired, did not do sue with the expectation of immediate success or gratification. They wanted it so badly they FOUND a way to accomplish it.
