Transform Your Dating Life in Minutes

If you're looking for a proven system to attract women and achieve dating success, you're in the right place.

Our step-by-step guide is the perfect starting point for any man looking to improve his dating life.

With our expert advice and strategies, you'll be able to overcome common obstacles, build confidence, and start attracting the women you desire.

Thanks for joining us, and I wish you all the best on your path to success!

The Ultimate Secret to Attracting Her To You


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
how come it is said to do this, but there are so many guys who dont get the girl because they dont show enough interest.

it is said to not show the interest too much because that will cause attraction but at the same time there is another article that says you got to show interest or she will think you are not interested. this dj bible contradicts itself all through it. I just seen olderschooler said the samething, but no one can give an exact explaination.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
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Pook said:

Most guys can only think about getting laid when talking to a girl. Girls sense the hidden agenda.

The only difference between our interactions with girls and guys is that desire isn't on our mind when interacting with guys. Treat women like men. LOOK AT THEIR EYES. Go in without desire. THIS CONFUSES THEM. "Why isn't he attracted to me?"

Demonstrate excellence to prove your sexual worthiness. Then RETREAT. Don't hang around, let her CHASE you. Let her CATCH you. Women want what they can't have. Everyone will stick with something they had to work for.

This is why I think hitting on girls ultimately fails. Be the cool charming guy and let the girls seduce you!

Everything is in how you think.

"As you think, you shall become."
"Men will be nice when nice guys get laid."
I can't believe you still post here. Damn. lol

Sting was right. If you love somebody, set them free!

These young whiper-snappers need all the help they can get and them some. :crackup:


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
I like the post. But how long do you guys usually wait to contact them again?I'm not asking like "for every situation should I wait three days before talking to her if I met on a Tuesday night blah blah blah...", but are we talking like a week or a few months?WHat works for you guys?


New Member
Oct 29, 2010
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Works for me

Like you said there is no set amount of time. It's like the others are saying man you just build attraction at first. When you first meet the girl build up and flirt and show her that you are interested and hang out just the two of you and after you do that a time or two over a week or two then back off and take that away from her. Make her question why you aren't throwing yourself at her like every other guy always does, it will drive her nuts and make you valuable and unique, and don't call her, wait!, and she'll call you. It may take 3 days or it may take a week depending on how patient she is in testing you; but she will contact you just to see what's up and if you're the real deal. When she does call you and see why you havne't talked to her or to see if you want to hang out, if you really wanna drive her nuts then tell her you that you are really busy all week (thus pushing her off and showing your plans and life matter to you not hers) joke around with her a little bit and at the end tell her you had fun hanging out with her and you'll give her a call once things wind down. Call her after the week and say hey I'm going to do __________ on Tuesday and thought it would be something you're into. You want to join? she'll be eating out of the palm of your hand. I've found this also is your best bet at getting a girl back that flakes out on you. (you should always next them anyways) but if you ignore them and don't try and contact them to fix it and qualify to them and just act like you don't give a **** and you'll get along just fine without them and get out and do that, 9 times out of 10 the girl will re-test you with a message within a month and then you have a chance to take back control from your fvck up. And staying busy to where getting to see you is a rarity is what gets them to pursue, it makes time with you more valuable than time with anyone else because who knows when she'll get it again and she will feel a need to get more of it with you. Hope this helps, there is no set method but this one usually works well for me.


New Member
Oct 29, 2010
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One more thing

Only be willing to do this bullsh*t if you're really interested in the girl as dating potential as far as showing your value and what not. If you're just out for a random then refer to this post and do this
and just walk up to the hottest girl you see and say "where we goin tonight" haha fvcking love this


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
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thedude4242 said:
how come it is said to do this, but there are so many guys who dont get the girl because they dont show enough interest.

it is said to not show the interest too much because that will cause attraction but at the same time there is another article that says you got to show interest or she will think you are not interested. this dj bible contradicts itself all through it. I just seen olderschooler said the samething, but no one can give an exact explaination.
You have to be able to do both things, but know when is the correct time to use them. There are times when you need to show sexual intent and interest and escalate as much as you can - and other times when you want to be content to disappear and let her wonder about you.


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
look at james bond, he's mastered i well, pulls out when hes supposed to, i know its just a movie but its true, says the right thing using the right words to entice the lady, make her think, banters a little, flirts a litle, gets the women all on edge just to walk off leaving her wondering and wanting to find out more ;)....

awesome move when attracting women, ive tried it a number of times and beleive me, i always get a phone call next day.. if not that evening, dont think with your c**** think with your brain and you will soon attract women.

Great post.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
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DontCare said:
If there is one thing you need to let a woman know, it is : "I am willing to walk away at any time". This is very powerful and keeps her on her toes. Thats when she will truly VALUE you and love you. Untill then, you are just a disposable wimp.
"I CAN and WILL walk away at any time."

Fixed it for you.

Paul Ray

New Member
May 16, 2014
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One of the most important concepts of attraction is investment.

Investment comes in two forms, time and emotional.

The reason we are attracted to anything in life is because we have investment towards that one object. Theirs a difference to working 60 hour work weeks to save up for that ferrari you always wanted as opposed to winning one in the lottery.

Which one do you think will be more valuable to you? (Take a guess)

Well the same thing applies with women, you need to be able to make them invest in you, which will create attraction towards you.

Eazy Peazy :)


Don Juan
May 13, 2022
Reaction score
Robert, you are terrific! This is an excellent post with alot of discussions going on.

In my opinion, alot of girls are slick but in different ways. I know a real good friend of mine who has back-ups and friends who help her check to see if any guys are looking at her while she is looking someplace else and her friend is looking at the guys from a different distance.
Question (please still be active) I recently experienced this how should one deal with this? I noticed and ignored!


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Question (please still be active) I recently experienced this how should one deal with this? I noticed and ignored!
In the event the poster isn't active, I'd view this as a red flag, especially 8 years later. Any woman who feels the need to "leave no stone unturned" in the dating market despite unprecedented levels of attention has issues and is trying hard to hypergamymax. Think of a woman who is on multiple dating apps but *also* feels compelled to go to a real-life singles event. This is indicative of having standards outside of their reach.


Don Juan
May 13, 2022
Reaction score
In the event the poster isn't active, I'd view this as a red flag, especially 8 years later. Any woman who feels the need to "leave no stone unturned" in the dating market despite unprecedented levels of attention has issues and is trying hard to hypergamymax. Think of a woman who is on multiple dating apps but *also* feels compelled to go to a real-life singles event. This is indicative of having standards outside of their reach.
What do you mean by “leave no stone unturned”. I’m a little confused.