There are quite a few ways to seduce women flooding the internet, most of which conflict with each other. Is there one skill above all others that absolutely has to be in place prior to engaging any set?. Without this one skill set EVERYTHING ELSE WILL BE MIS-ALIGNED.
Before I reveal this obvious mindset skill, lets talk about using any over-saturated tactic/technique. If a female discovers they have been the victim of a covert tactic/technique/canned opener/repetitive cut n paste email enticement, etc. They tend to not feel special and begin to wonder how many others have you used this on. Those feelings can trigger internal disapointement of the old " I can't believe I just fell for that" and eventually lead to an instant loss of interest.
What does one do when they have been called out and labeled a player, asked "are you dating anyone else right now", how many girls are you seeing, etc. Keep in mind that it's very true that a tactic known is a opportunity blown. The key to success should be the path of least resistance. This is where ORIGINALITY can score you points and speaks volumes about your character. Diverting from being a JAG (just another guy) builds confidence especially if you are the inovator.
Naturals have a distinct advantage over a lot of men. Their actions are motivated from within not reguritated material. The reality is not everyone is born a natural. The good news we can strive to be more natural like. So whats the skill I am talking about.........two words......COMMON SENSE. Yup sounds simple but you would be surprised how many guys I see just abandone common sense thinking. C.S. should be the default skill that when all else fails to work we revert back to it.
Some obvious examples would be:
1) knowing when to stop (online, texting, on the phone, in person)
2) being aware of consequences (hitting on women with a jealous boyfriend, seducing married women, not using a condom, getting involved with drama queens, etc)
3) knowing when to roll off, walk away from chics that are too easy, know when to next, etc
Common sense should also kick in when you arrange a date and she says yes too quickly and then a few days later you call her and get her voicemail or she gives you an excuse, etc.
Common sense, an oldschool tactic that so many forget to utilize. It could save you a lot of time, money, frustration, headchaes, worry. It can be used in almost every aspect throughout your lifetime.
Before I reveal this obvious mindset skill, lets talk about using any over-saturated tactic/technique. If a female discovers they have been the victim of a covert tactic/technique/canned opener/repetitive cut n paste email enticement, etc. They tend to not feel special and begin to wonder how many others have you used this on. Those feelings can trigger internal disapointement of the old " I can't believe I just fell for that" and eventually lead to an instant loss of interest.
What does one do when they have been called out and labeled a player, asked "are you dating anyone else right now", how many girls are you seeing, etc. Keep in mind that it's very true that a tactic known is a opportunity blown. The key to success should be the path of least resistance. This is where ORIGINALITY can score you points and speaks volumes about your character. Diverting from being a JAG (just another guy) builds confidence especially if you are the inovator.
Naturals have a distinct advantage over a lot of men. Their actions are motivated from within not reguritated material. The reality is not everyone is born a natural. The good news we can strive to be more natural like. So whats the skill I am talking about.........two words......COMMON SENSE. Yup sounds simple but you would be surprised how many guys I see just abandone common sense thinking. C.S. should be the default skill that when all else fails to work we revert back to it.
Some obvious examples would be:
1) knowing when to stop (online, texting, on the phone, in person)
2) being aware of consequences (hitting on women with a jealous boyfriend, seducing married women, not using a condom, getting involved with drama queens, etc)
3) knowing when to roll off, walk away from chics that are too easy, know when to next, etc
Common sense should also kick in when you arrange a date and she says yes too quickly and then a few days later you call her and get her voicemail or she gives you an excuse, etc.
Common sense, an oldschool tactic that so many forget to utilize. It could save you a lot of time, money, frustration, headchaes, worry. It can be used in almost every aspect throughout your lifetime.
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